Sunday, March 1, 2020

My body is smarter than me and my brain. It has built in intelligence that I do not control.

My body is smarter than me and my brain. It has built in intelligence that I do not control.
My will cannot overcome nature.

Heartburn struck me around 11 pm last night and lasted 2 hours.
It did the same last Wednesday evening at the same time.
The gallbladder is most active at this 2 hour time period.

I was not in control of this. My body did it on its own. It is striking
back because I am out of balance.  It does this on it own and is
trying to tell me something.

Also, last Tuesday evening my throat began feeling sore on the right
side. The following day my nose started running.
Now I have been coughing, hacking up green stuff for 3 days,


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