Friday, March 27, 2020

It's do it or die, not "try" to quit touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

It's do it or die, not "try" to quit touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Easier said than done. Consciously aware of and working on this issue. To be conscientious of
what my hands are doing and where they have been.

I have always paid close attention to what other people do with their
hands and been an avid hand washer but not touching the face is
a dangerous habit I knew about when I was in my twenties
(learned from a nurse) but didn't realize until being 58 years old.

Washing your face with soap must be a good habit, as well. Several
times a day, more if you are exposed to lots of dirt, pollution or atmospheres
that are breeding grounds for germs, bacteria, mold, disease, toxic chemicals,

Grandma taught me to wash my hands after using the restroom, before eating,
before preparing food, after having contact with other people or places and
when finished with a dirty job at work or at home. I was a clean freak when
I lived with grandma Sarah from the time I was 6 to 16. Immaculate about
my body and the house and the yard and driveway.   She didn't know
about not touching the face. She carried kleenex tissues wherever she
went and used them once and threw them away, unlike what I did
due to financial circumstances.

At age 6 I was hospitalized in the state of Calfornia
and diagnosed  with asthma, allergies and hay fever/allergic rhinitis.
I got sick often from going to school.  I missed a lot of days
at school, to my regret because I loved going to school and learning
many different things. 

I got sick from every
job/place of employment and either lost jobs and missed many days of work due
to getting colds, flu, having bronchitis lasting for months at a time.
After researching info about this I discovered that the asthma
and allergies may have been caused from being exposed to cockroaches
at an early age.

Exposure to the world and the way people cough, hack, sneeze, don't wash
their hands or their bodies made me get sick for weeks or months at a time.

I have seen people eat while they are preparing food, putting the food into
their mouth with their fingers and using the same tainted fingers to touch
the raw food they are putting together.  I have seen many people using their
bare hands to pick up food to serve or put away for leftovers.
It goes against my will to see such behavior and I point it out
to no avail.

I have seen people taste testing while cooking and sticking the utensil
they licked back into the pot. I never do this. If I taste taste I use
a separate spoon and it does not go back into the main dish pot.
I will use it for myself and no one else.

At a relatives wedding I witnessed a woman scooping ice cream into
the punch bowl then using her finger to scrape off the ice cream and
proceeded to lick her finger then dip the scoop/spoon
back into the ice cream.

I have seen people picking their nose, clipping their nails and toenails on
their feet then handling other things and eating a meal.
 I have seen them petting, playing and kissing
their pet dog on their mouth.

People pet their cats, ferrets, gerbils, hamsters (rodents), snakes,
horses and any other animal.  I have told people in all of these instances
they need to wash their hands after doing that/those things.
Most of them don't do it.
They still do what they are used to doing and scoff at what I say.
It is a miracle I am still alive considering all of the times I got so
sick with colds, flu and whatever.

People/we/including me like to touch things. If it is interesting we want
to touch it, to know it and feel it.

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