Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Useless women want Men to commit, but don't want to pay the price?? on youtube

Useless women want Men to commit, but don't want to pay the price?? on youtube

1. Keep in shape. Maintain excellent feminine figure.
2. Be trustworthy. Don't sleep around. Give him access to your phone. Tell him
where you are, who you are with, when you will be done. Cut off all contacts with ex.
Stay off social media.
3.  Put your needs before his. Do right by him. Take care of him.
4. Never suggest or ask him to go to bar or club with the girls or go to clubs without him.
He won't stop you. If you go he will mentally leave and dump you. He thinks if you
go it will lead to cheating because that is why a man goes to bars and a clubs.
5. Do not talk about your interactions with men. So and so won't leave me alone.
Men know why men talk to you. Stop talking about all the guys of want to date you.
6. Do not entertain conversations with other men in his presence.
This is disrespectful and not being a lady. He will drop you for another woman who
does not do this. Men know why other men talk to you.
7. Do not talk about your sexual past. Your past does matter. Men won't dwell
on your past if you don't talk about it. High value men don't ask about your past
and don't want or need to know about these things.
If something about a guy turns you the opposite of things about you turn him on.
Guys into working on cars are into girls who are into feminine things like Cooking, reading, gardening.
8. Never turn him down for sex.   Men are dogs.


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