Monday, October 5, 2020

College? School? Back to basics I knew and learned as a child. I am a child in an adult body.

College? School? Back to basics I knew and learned as a child. I am a child in an adult body.

Formal education for me has always been blocked by every man
I have known, worked with and been with on an intimate level. 

I could state names but what is the point? I can remember the 
many jobs I have had and recall what happened. I remember
schools attended. 

Men/boys don't want me to learn how to do what they do,
they don't want to teach me, they don't want me to do the things
that men do. They want me to be a female/ a woman, a girl.

I remember one incident when I worked at a
plastic factory. I was more comfortable moving around and
curious about how to maintain the machines so I asked the guy
how he went about doing it. He said, "If I show you how, you
would have my job."

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