Monday, October 19, 2020

My grandson, age 6, begs for me to stay with him every day.

My grandson, age 6, begs for me to stay with him every day. 

"Grandma, can you
please stay tonight? Can you stay Sunday night to Friday night? Please.
I am asking you to please stay. Tell Mike (my husband) and I want him to say okay
that you can stay here with me. I like having you around."
"Can you live with us, Grandma? I'd like that."

I captured a video of him saying he wants me to stay on October 11, 2020

I asked him some questions last night.
"Are you afraid of me?"  "No", he said.
"Do you trust me?"  "Yes", he said.
"Why do you want me to stay?"  "Because I like having you around", he answered.

"Why?" I asked.
Because I like it when you're here.

"Do you love me?" I asked him. "Yes", he said.

"Do you know what calm is?" I asked him. "Yes", he said.
"Do you feel calm when I am around?"  "Yes", he said.

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