Saturday, October 24, 2020

Social awkardness is due to fear of criticism.

Social awkardness is due to fear of criticism.

The direct result of upbringing in the family. 

Critical, perfectionistic parents devastate the child

with constant expectations of perfections

and the fear of making any mistake.

They shame, humiliate and 

call the child bad, stupid, worthless, an idiot, a fool

if the child does anything the parent thinks is wrong

or a mistake.

Name calling and identifying the child as "bad", the

"bad behavior" instead of calling the behavior

inappropriate are tactics used to try to control

the child.

This causes much 

suffering to the child's

sense of self, of adventure and creativity. Inhibiting the

child's natural desire to explore. 

Awkwarndness, timidity, shyness and the desire to stay

away from people are the result.

The child grows up to be an adult who is just as critical of

others as the parents were to them

and never feels worthy enough, good enough

or deserving of joy, happiness, respect

because they were not respected as a child.

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