Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 News focuses primarily on bad things, induces stress, anxiety, raises cortisol levels

therefore promoting illness and early death.  It is slanted in a downward

direction of destruction. It encourages group and mob mentality thinking and

discourages individual recognition of true and natural instincts and 

being yourself. 

I am aware of the news and I avoid its attempt to influence

my natural self. I briefly watch some of it and

repel its negativity instead of soaking it up into my system or my soul.

It appeals to our sense of protecting ourselves from dangers of

being hurt or killed; a natural born instinct all life forms have.

It artificially induces undue stress based upon our natural fear

of real things that my hurt or kill us.

News promotes ideas based on irrational feelings of fear,

war, wars

negative, negativity,

money, material things,

fake, phoniness





separating people

News is designed to keep people stoned, drunk, out of synch,

out of touch with their true self, 

make them compare themselves with others,

feel envious, gluttonous, greedy, lacking as if

they are not good enough unless they look like that,

have that thing, able to go to that place, feel insignificant, worthless

as if their true self is never good enough. 

It propels one who has lost touch with themselves

to feel anxious, scared, angry, mean, hateful, unable to

accurately sift through the garbage info of lies it often tells

and causes much distress. 

Step outside of it. Observe it from afar, from a distance and keep

it at "arm's length" (a long distance) instead of sucking it up

emotionally and taking it personally.


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