Saturday, September 30, 2023

I was happy with water warmth cuddling and food

 Infant stuff. Safety. "Love". Nurturing. 

Babies baby child children 

Littlest things are paramount interesting significant exciting in youth. Learning is fun and fundamental.

Old age can dull senses eliminate excitement in some people that lose the zest for life.

However I have noticed old or young men perk up fast around young cute girls. Every time. The new fresh female especially ones he hasnt had in bed hasnt banged screwed sexed up hard fast long or short yet. 

MAN GETS Excited at the opportunity to look, to watch, to see , mingle grab rub feel up conquer , screw, suck, fuck, hug (some hug, some dont) kiss (some kiss some dont), the young woman with the nice healthy body great skin bright eyes , shiny hair, the tits, the ass, the puss, the mouth deep throat with lots of tongue action (not talking but tonguing his body parts especially penis or the anus with some,

Something gets old and boring worn out and disgusting after he has conquered a female completely; once he knows shes not going away, she is devoted, loving and his , then he isnt begging her anymore . In fact, he is sick of her. He takes her for granted using abusing trampling disrespecting her entire being. She has no worth anymore. No value.

And after trampling her nearly to death she becomes ragged, worn out, lifeless. Nobody wants her anymore especially him. She made the hugest mistake any female could make: sworn devotion and love, commitment to one man. Shes always there and he doesnt care.

He thinks she is not ever going to leave. She is like a doormat he mindlessly walks on everyday. She gave up the most precious thing anyone can give, her heart. It is smashed to pieces. It is ground up, crushed to death like a foot on a flower into the ground.

Withering away. Spirit is on the way out of this body

 Or whatever that unknown essence is breathed into the body when born or possibly before coming out of the birth canal

Air, ether, the all, god, energy, spirit, active source of life

Dad was a medic in the us army wwii

1939 to 1945

Dad was born 7-17-1927

He must have been a teenager when he enlisted in the military. 

He was 33 years old when i was born and had 6 kids from his wife who passed away  march 23 1960


Thieves everywhere

 Homeless steal cell phones off a sleeping body

Poor steal from poor or rich

Rich sue each other

Filing lawsuits bogus or real

Anything is up. For being stolen including your body which is the only personal thing you always have as long as youre alive

Time is stolen or unwittingly given away

Time can never be replaced. It keeps going and changing and returning as a boomerang infinity spiral cyclone tornado explosion

Last words of my eldest brother before he died at 52

 I have a crush on this 14 year old girl I can't help it

Can I borrow a dollar and 33 cents?

(For a quart of beer. No food no water) when I saw him on the street in front of super

Shut up!! Just shut the fuck up!!

Wannabe, has been, never was or IS

No longer proud. Rid myself

 Was proud of not killing my ex and instead fixing him up with his former perfect blue eyed girlfriend whom he repeatedly told me he should have married instead of me the entire time were together

Instead of murder suicide I found a man I fell deeply in love with who seemed to love me for about one year. After that phase passed his true colors came out.

My smile is the greatest thing I have and the Biggest threat to some

Losing the monkey off my back ....

 dead weight of any ass hole person around

is not a loss of anything good

It is simply having that 1000 pound monkey GONE off my broken back

monkey on your back

A monkey on someone's back Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster monkey on someone's back

: a problem that someone cannot easily get rid of or solve : a problem or situation that makes someone unhappy and that lasts for a long time His drug addiction has been a monkey on his back for years. Dictionary Entries Near a monkey on someone's back among other things a monkey on someone's back a month of Sundays See More Nearby Entries

Incredulous look on people's faces: I see it often

 that look that says "I don't believe you"

I cant believe it

I dont want to hear it

then.. look away and totally ignore me 

walk off

out of the room

block me out

and the look of disgust, the smirk

telling me they think I am a stupid piece of shit not worse 1 second of their time

Black sheep of the "family"


My mother

My eldset son

My eldest half brother 

Whatever your grade or position, if you know how and when to speak, and when to remain silent, your chances of real success are proportionately increased." -- Ralph C. Smedley

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Whatever your grade or position, if you know how and when to speak, and when to remain silent, your chances of real success are proportionately increased."

-- Ralph C. Smedley

Just dont say anything

 just don't say anything

shut the fuck up

i need a woman who will listen

i don't care to hear it (anything you have to say)

Red sheets won't show the blood


I would look so much better..


Better food in diet

Eliminate crap from my life

Be able to be myself especially at home

Especially have zero difficult people which i have dealt with daily during my entire life

Its a miracle i am still alive and breathing and dont look even worse than the ragged way i look now

Friday, September 29, 2023

I thank god source all energy other people figured it out: Behavior, psychology, life

 I give sincere thanks to the many brilliant people i found on the internet who have helped me and many others to understand and deal with extremely difficult people

I also thank those sweet people i have come across in person who also have much wisdom in life and wholeheartedly give time to help others

Key is be untouched lolita little girl

 If only i had that wisdom when i was  12

13 14 15 16 17 and on and on forever until death

Always keep crotch covered well

Ostracized definition

 Ostracized definition

ostracize merriam webster

Ostracize Has Greek Roots

In ancient Greece, citizens whose power or influence threatened the stability of the state could be exiled by a practice called ostracism. Voters would elect to banish another citizen by writing that citizen's name down on a potsherd. Those receiving enough votes would then be subject to temporary exile from the state. Ostracize originated with the meaning "to exile by the ancient method of ostracism," but these days it usually refers to the general exclusion of a person from a group at the agreement of its members.


OSTRACIZED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

verb [ T ] (UK usually ostracise) uk / ˈɒs.trə.saɪz / us / ˈɑː.strə.saɪz / to avoid someone intentionally, or to prevent someone from taking part in the activities of a group: His colleagues ostracized him after he criticized the company in public. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Excluding acid-free apart aside bar bar none idiom

Blackballed definition


black·ball  (blăk′bôl′)


1. A negative vote, especially one that blocks the admission of an applicant to an organization.

2. A small black ball used as a negative ballot.

tr.v. black·balled, black·ball·ing, black·balls

1. To vote against, especially to veto the admission of.

2. To shut out from social or commercial participation; ostracize or boycott.

Being excluded says it all. No words required

Concentrate your powers. Identify what you are particularly good at doing and do more of it." -- Brian Tracy

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Concentrate your powers. Identify what you are particularly good at doing and do more of it."

-- Brian Tracy

I want to do it myself. Don't do it for me when I am capable, when I am learning.

Thursday, September 28, 2023



recorded produced created product end result
be it

physical digital 

books magazine


art: drawings, sketches, painting, photography

We are all judged 

judgement never escaped regardless of where you or i are or go






 Birthday dinners alone

Breakfast rarely eat food but alone if I do

Lunch dinner snacks alone

Eat at restaurant once in awhile, Alone

Shop alone

Car wash alone

Dr appt all alone

The Kansas City zoo alone i went on Damons birthday

No visit to see him on his birthday since he was 2 years old

Walk Alone at parks, in the neighborhood

Sleep alone

Cook, clean, read, write, study by myself

Grandma Sarah

 she always made sure i had and she taught me many things

best food
best clothes
best home, new house
cleanliness: body
wash my hands often before eating, preparing food, before touching anything
never share combs, brushes
do not eat or drink or smoke or anything after others; this spreads germs making us sick

clean home, clothes, activities
best choice of friends "friends"
carefully choose associates
she should have let me choose my own so i would have found out sooner than later about people

she had brand new cars : buick skylark, dark green color i picked then she got a red pontiac fiero when she was 80 she wanted a corvette 

money in my pocket

ethics: do the right thing
honesty, tell the truth
worship god source
i remember age 5 and up praying on my knees at the edge of my bed 

nice birthday cake and presents

holidays celebrated

xmas, thanksgiving, mothers day, halloween, 

the prom, got me a beautiful yellow dress, a crocheted purse, i was decked out looking gorgeous

my date got me a corsage, bert .. he drove a mercury cougar yellowish tan color

made sure i had brand new clothes every year for school until the last time when i was 14 and i told her i didnt like what she picked out so she said that's the end of that young lady

watch my mouth, language; slapped me on the leg for starting to say "sh...." shit

birthday cake topped with
dancers rock and roll symbols when I was 13 or 14

hysterical neurotic i thought she was. screaming banshee
unconditional love, conditional love. told her she had conditional love when i was 15. she got so mad at me calling me the woman of the world

just ignore people and go on about your business
jealousy is the #1 top emotion people display in life
she called it insane jealousy

she said you are intelligent beautiful you have everything going for you
said men will want you women will hate you won't want you around their husband, boyfriend, man
you wont have many friends as a result

poor white trash say and do and act certain ways
"white trash" was one of her favorite terms however these activities apply to any ethnic background anywhere in the world
ignorant, not teachable
lying, cheating thieves. liars criminals drug addicts alcoholics are out of the question for her 
they eat cheap food like lots of casseroles which make you fat and 
drink lots of "belly wash" sugar filled laden drinks like "kool aid" which she never bought, and soda pop 
eat lots of cheapest white bread dough balls 
don't cook real meals, fix ready to eat or prepared box or packaged food
eat at fast food restaurants alot; one of her favorites hated places was mcdonalds which she called dog food and would never eat there

dress in clothes that are flashy trashy torn bright wild looking prints 
girls/women show off too much flesh on their body
dirty bodies, they don't shower or bathe often
dirty filthy homes 
potty mouth, corrupt perverted minds 
perverted sex activities (a lot of different things she called abnormal and disgusting)
that's disgusting, one of her other favorite sayings

the floor shows how clean the house in. walk in socks or barefoot you will find out
most don't do deep cleaning they surface clean she said "I do deep cleaning and that requires moving all of the furniture out of the way and cleaning all the baseboards, walls, everything.."

she had filtered water 5 gallon container man brought to the house each week and replaced the bottle

said often i am the best friend you will ever have. one day you will thank me

Seek self first: "kindgom of god", the all, the source

 SELF is all you've got while you are alive in this body

Self is all 

Self is all that you have as long as you live, the rest is "icing" 

Some people think you will come alive again and again after they kill you and destroy your spirit of love

 They must think whack a mole is a real life game played on humans and other animals

Huge mistake to make mistakes around an author. Big blessing to be good, talk genuinely good and do good deeds around a writer.

 Or an orator, an artist, a reflective person. 

Theses are communicators are accurately mirroring reality, their experiences in the environment and observations in their life to the best of their ability.

Most people seem to not be creative meditators but destructive criticizers.  I have no way of knowing the ratio of communicators and critics. It is an uneducated guess that cant be accurately statistised (statistics could not be drawn on this guess). 

Any random group of 10 people i encounter might contain one artist. Seems the ratio is even lower than 1 out of 10. Might be 1 out of 100.

Experience equals knowing

 Telling is not knowing what it feels like, whatever it is.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wastes of time

 Polishing piles of turds 

Wishful thinking like turning toads into princes...that will never happen anymore than making a silk purse out of a sows ear

Listening to and believing fools

Failing to listen to myself 

Talking to brick headed walls

When I finally realize no one cares

 True Truth Truths

No one wants to hear a thing from me they are not interested in 

I no longer have to talk to anyone about anything regarding myself.  People are only interested in themselves.  In this aspect I am like anyone else.  A common ordinary person.  

I can preserve my energy by limiting my breath and spoken words. Be quiet the majority of the time like I was when I was 4, 5, 6 years old.  Quiet meek, shy, soft spoken all the way until I was in my 20s. 

Questionable things man made up







Karma is questionable

He told me to get out of his face a few hours ago

 So I grant his demand


I am gone

Professionals will handle it.

 Its out of my hands, beyond my reach

Patience and prayer cant fix it or him

When I disappear all hell will break loose

 Shit will hit all fans 

Tsunami implosion here 

He will self ignite

And I wont be here to see it happen in real time

I will arrive after the destruction 

The aftermath 

A barren desolute land formerly inhabited by me a woman who tried desperately to be happy to make love work with a loveless mandroid

Nothing worse than being with negative partner

 Nothing worse than...

Being married to an idiot, a psycho, a nutcase, a schizophrenic, a narcissist, a druggie, an alcoholic, a fool, 

An abuser who brings their partner down , never up for the sake of sheer joy in seeing the other be happy.

Attempting to communicate with one who can't

 I used to tell all kinds of guys stuff to keep them away from me so often trying to get my body my sex.. so I would say fantasy is better than reality... keep dreaming about me because you'll never know, I'm married, off limits, I don't discuss my sex life, its no ones business, your dreams buddy,

Fix them up with another woman and that wasn't good enough he still wanted me and I don't know why,

Sos to my brother



Home of my own 


Auto repair

Save my life and sanity


Paranoid schizophrenic

Possibly psychopath

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Immediately praise with recognition

Best stuff I got was free

 Mother mom father dad grandfather grandma






Right things because it's right







Why I don't have a job

 2001 last employer at a mall

Ethics missing:

Ripping people off and laughing about it

Other peoples crap

Control freaks, criminals, jerk coworkers or bosses without brains or morals

Bossy idiots

Wreckers destroying my work order

Pushy people lacking common courtesy and sense

Slave drivers

Sexual harassment

Senseless stupid rules

Money hungry not service oriented


Greedy thieves

The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication." -- Cecil B. DeMille

 "The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication."

-- Cecil B. DeMille

Monday, September 25, 2023

Word is nobody wants an old woman, 50s, 60s, 70s..

 Basically anyone over 39

Prefer 20 somethings or even better, a teeny weenie tween bopper teenager little girl who doesnt know better. Make sure she wont talk to anyone else that way theres no competition: lazy mans way to get what he wants : a cute innocent naive slave to do all his bidding.  

Younger the better. Keep her/them ignorant, isolated, dumb, young stupid,untouchable. Train them to be an idiot and never know their worth. They won't seek out anyone else.  

She will remain quiet. Never think. Never talk back. Cut out her tongue and crack her upside the head if she does.  Brain damage.  Can't talk.  Can't think. Wants nothing.  Perfect zombie doll. 

I don't (he doesn't) want an old lady. Words straight out of his mouth and the mouths of other men I have talked to.

I cry before the end, the loss, before knowing first hand by witnessing

 And before the change happens

Intuition works so good it knows end 

Is near

And aware of the things those closest to me

Are focused on

Even though I have not seen them doing it yet

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Extremely slow to learn discernment. That's me.

Starved for normal people companionship

 Happens when 

isolated by control freaks

Raised by narcissist during childhood 

Conditioning makes it difficult to discern and make proper judgements so after being subjected to the master slave mentality the isolated individual might be susceptible to attention from any sort of person unable to differentiate the good from the bad, separate wheat from chaff 

A loving empathic sensitive is especially vulnerable to any type of creature because the empath craves love. The shark narcs know that and spot the soft and innocent quickly, devouring their sweetness only to spit them out swiftly after each session of abuse

Normal people like to see their partner happy

 And people in general

Narcs don't 

Energy and life is from source all not people or any being or anything

Insecure fearful child equals insecure adult

 Each one I have known continues being as they were as a child

No amount of my actions or verbal expression of love has fixed anyone and resolved their insecurities

Signs a relationship could turn to violence

Signs a relationship could turn to violence

Relationship Violence Warning Signs

It can be very challenging at the outset of a relationship to know if someone will become abusive or violent. While risk factors may be present, intimate partner violence can affect people from all walks of life. It is important not to blame the victim.

While you can never know with certainty, there are some signs to watch out for that may foretell whether a relationship that starts off seemingly happy and healthy is likely to become abusive. Some of these red flags include:6

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Signs of abuse.

Accusing you of flirting or having an affair with others without evidence or reason

Alcohol or substance misuse7

Attempts to isolate you from your family and friends

Blaming external forces for problems, mood swings, and behaviors

Controlling all of the household finances or financial abuse

Extreme jealousy and possessiveness

Extreme sensitivity to any type of emotional distress

Mood swings and episodes of intense anger

Talking about you in a demeaning way to other people

Verbal abuse and threats of violence

Very intense and quick involvement at the start of a relationship

Engaging in a type of behavior known as love-bombing can also be a sign that a relationship might turn violent. Love-bombing is defined as an attempt to manipulate and control someone by showering them with an abundance of affection and attention.8

In these cases, love-bombing often follows an argument or even an episode of verbal abuse or physical violence. The goal of the behavior is to make the recipient of the affection feel dependent and obliged to stay in the relationship.

 Top Warning Signs of Domestic Abuse

Protective Factors Against Relationship Violence

There are a number of factors that may help protect people against intimate partner violence. Having positive relationships with other people and a strong social support network can help. 

The CDC also suggests that a number of community factors can help reduce domestic violence.4 Community involvement, safe and stable housing, access to medical and mental health services, and community economic resources may all play a protective role.

A 2018 systematic review found that among older adults, the three main protective factors against abuse were social support, help-seeking behavior, and the availability of community resources to address abuse.9

One key is to be aware of anything that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable and to address those issues with your partner early on, even in an otherwise positive relationship. This practice may help ward off a situation that could progress toward domestic violence. It's encouraging if your partner is receptive to your concerns, but less so if they are overly dismissive or defensive.

If there are warning signs or behaviors that make you feel unsafe and your partner refuses to acknowledge them, explore them, or stay open to taking steps to address them, it is important to consider your safety and consider ending the relationship. Seek support from friends and family and call a domestic violence hotline if you need support or help to make a plan to leave the relationship.


Community resources and social support can play an important role in the prevention of relationship violence. If you spot signs that your relationship might become violent, make sure you have support from family and friends and turn to resources in your community for help.

Give in and stay out of the way: Watch them die faster

 Years of attempting to communicate with those who can't understand even simple things like being polite

has taught me that all that talk I have done is in vain

Some people are simply not teachable

I must let go, let "God" and watch them expire at their own hands

If it is the will of the soul, the all then SO MOTE IT BE

Real Tests In Life are daily living and survival

 All of the testing I took in school could not begin to compare with the tests I go through every single day to survive and maintain a sense of sanity 

School work is important.  I love school. 

Social intelligence tops it all.

How to get along and live is top priority.

Interesting how he gets credit for everything

 and blames me for all bad things

What Is Emotional Abuse? Signs and Red Flags of Emotional Abuse

What Is Emotional Abuse?

Signs and Red Flags of Emotional Abuse

Signs of Emotional Abuse

There are several red flags of emotional abuse. Keep in mind that even if your partner, parent, co-worker, or friend only does a handful of these things versus doing them all, your relationship with them is still emotionally abusive.

When considering your relationship, also remember that emotional abuse is often subtle. As a result, it can be extremely hard to detect the signs. If you are having trouble discerning whether your relationship is abusive, think about how your interactions make you feel.

If you feel wounded, frustrated, confused, misunderstood, depressed, anxious, or worthless any time you interact with the other person, chances are high that your relationship is emotionally abusive.

Also, don't fall into the trap of telling yourself that "it's not that bad" and minimize the other person's behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, including you. Realizing this can help you stop the emotional abuse cycle.

Unrealistic Expectations

One sign of emotional abuse is if the other person places unrealistic expectations on you. Examples of this include:

Making unreasonable demands

Expecting you to put everything aside and meet their needs

Demanding you spend all your time together

Being dissatisfied, no matter how hard you try or how much you give

Criticizing you for not completing tasks according to their standards

Expecting you to share their opinions (i.e., you are not permitted to have a different opinion)

Demanding that you name exact dates and times when discussing things that upset you (and when you cannot do this, they may dismiss the event as if it never happened)

​Invalidates You

Another sign that someone may be emotionally abusive is if they invalidate you. Some examples of invalidation include:

Undermining, dismissing, or distorting your perceptions or your reality

Refusing to accept your feelings by trying to define how you should feel

Requiring you to explain how you feel over and over

Accusing you of being "too sensitive," "too emotional," or "crazy"

Refusing to acknowledge or accept your opinions or ideas as valid

Dismissing your requests, wants, and needs as ridiculous or unmerited

Suggesting that your perceptions are wrong or that you cannot be trusted by saying things like "you're blowing this out of proportion" or "you exaggerate"

Accusing you of being selfish, needy, or materialistic if you express your wants or needs (the expectation is that you should not have any wants or needs)

 Childhood Invalidation and Borderline Personality Disorder

​Creates Chaos

Emotionally abusive people also tend to create chaos. Some examples of this red flag include:

Starting arguments for the sake of arguing

Making confusing and contradictory statements (sometimes called "crazy-making")

Having drastic mood changes or sudden emotional outbursts

Nitpicking at your clothes, hair, work, and more

Behaving so erratically and unpredictably that you feel like you are "walking on eggshells"

​Uses Emotional Blackmail

If someone tries to use your emotions against you, this is a sign of emotional abuse. Examples of emotional blackmail include:

Manipulating and controlling you by making you feel guilty; giving you a guilt trip

Humiliating you in public or in private

Using your fears, values, compassion, or other hot buttons to control you or the situation

Exaggerating your flaws or pointing them out in order to deflect attention or to avoid taking responsibility for their own poor choices or mistakes

Denying that an event took place or lying about it

Punishing you by withholding affection or giving you the silent treatment

Acts Superior

People who are emotionally abusive often act superior and entitled. Things to look for when considering whether the person in your life exhibits this sign of emotional abuse include:

Treating you like you are inferior

Blaming you for their mistakes and shortcomings

Doubting everything you say and attempting to prove you wrong

Making jokes at your expense

Telling you that your opinions, ideas, values, and thoughts are stupid, illogical, or "do not make sense"

Talking down to you or being condescending

Using sarcasm when interacting with you

Acting like they are always right, know what is best, and are smarter than you

Controls and Isolates You

​Emotionally abusive people will attempt to isolate and control you. Some examples of this form of emotional abuse include:2

Controlling who you see or spend time with, including friends and family

Monitoring you digitally, including text messages, social media, and email

Accusing you of cheating and being jealous of outside relationships

Taking or hiding your car keys

Demanding to know where you are at all times or using GPS to track your every move

Treating you like a possession or property

Criticizing or making fun of your friends, family, and co-workers

Using jealousy and envy as a sign of love and to keep you from being with others

Coercing you into spending all your time together

Controlling the finances

Types of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can take several different forms, including:

Accusations of cheating or other signs of jealousy and possessiveness

Constant checking on or attempting to control the other person's behavior

Constantly arguing or opposing



Isolating the individual from their family and friends

Name-calling and verbal abuse

Refusing to participate in the relationship

Shaming or blaming

Silent treatment

Trivializing the other person's concerns

Withholding affection and attention

Your relationship may appear to be normal and loving at the start, with these types of emotional abuse being employed later (as the relationship progresses) in an attempt to begin to manipulate and control you.3 They may begin so slowly that you may not even notice them at first.

Emotional Abuse vs. Normal Conflict

Conflict is a normal part of a relationship. However, if during the conflict with the other person you feel as if you are being bullied, disrespected, belittled, insulted, or dismissed, these are signs that it may have crossed the line into emotional abuse.

Impact of Emotional Abuse

Research indicates that the consequences of emotional abuse are just as severe as those of physical abuse.4 Except, instead of physical marks and bruises, your wounds are invisible to others—hidden in the self-doubt, worthlessness, and self-loathing you may feel.

When emotional abuse is severe and ongoing, you can lose your entire sense of self. Over time, the accusations, verbal abuse, name-calling, criticisms, and gaslighting can erode your sense of self so much that you can no longer see yourself realistically.

Consequently, you may begin to agree with the abuser and become internally critical. Once this happens, you become trapped in the abusive relationship, believing that you will never be good enough for anyone else. Eventually, you may pull back from friendships and isolate yourself, convinced that no one likes you.

Emotional abuse can impact friendships because emotionally abused people often worry about how people see them and if they truly like them. 

What's more, emotional abuse can cause a number of health problems. Mental health effects of abuse include depression, anxiety, and sometimes the development of an eating disorder. Being abused emotionally can also impact you physically, causing you to develop stomach ulcers, heart palpitations, and insomnia.

 What Is Post Traumatic Relationship Syndrome?

Tips for Dealing With Emotional Abuse

The first step in dealing with an emotionally abusive relationship is to recognize the abuse. If you are able to identify any aspect of emotional abuse in your relationship, it is important to acknowledge that first and foremost.

By being honest about what you are experiencing, you can begin to take control of your life again. Here are seven more strategies for reclaiming your life that you can put into practice today.

Make Yourself a Priority

When it comes to your mental and physical health, make yourself a priority. Stop worrying about pleasing the person abusing you. Take care of your needs. Do something that will help you think positively and affirm who you are.

Also, be sure to get an appropriate amount of rest and eat healthy meals. These simple self-care steps can go a long way in helping you deal with the day-to-day stresses of emotional abuse.

Establish Boundaries

Firmly tell the abusive person that they may no longer yell at you, call you names, insult you, be rude to you, and so on. Then, tell them what will happen if they choose to engage in this behavior.

For instance, tell them that if they call you names or insult you, the conversation will be over and you will leave the room. The key is to follow through on your boundaries. This reinforces to the other person that their emotional abuse will not be tolerated.

Do not communicate boundaries that you have no intention of keeping.

Stop Blaming Yourself

If you have been in an emotionally abusive relationship for any amount of time, you may believe that there is something severely wrong with you. But you are not the problem. To abuse is to make a choice. Stop blaming yourself for something you have no control over.

Realize You Can't Fix Them

Despite your best efforts, you will never be able to change an emotionally abusive person by doing something different or by being different. An abusive person makes a choice to behave abusively.

Remind yourself that you cannot control their actions and that you are not to blame for their choices. The only thing you can control is your response to emotional abuse.

Avoid Engaging

Do not engage with an abusive person. In other words, if an abuser tries to start an argument with you, begins insulting you, demands things from you, or rages with jealousy, do not try to make explanations, soothe their feelings, or make apologies for things you did not do.

Simply walk away from the situation if you can. Engaging with an abuser only sets you up for more abuse and heartache. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to make things right in their eyes.

Build a Support Network

Although it can be tough to tell someone that you are going through emotional abuse, speaking up can help. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or even a counselor about what you are experiencing. Take time away from the abusive person as much as possible and spend time with people who love and support you.

This network of healthy friends and confidantes will help you feel less lonely and isolated. They also can speak truth into your life and help you put things into perspective.

Work on an Exit Plan

If your partner, friend, or family member has no intention of changing or working on their poor choices, you will not be able to remain in the abusive relationship forever. It will eventually take a toll on you both mentally and physically.

Depending on your situation, you may need to take steps to end the relationship. Each situation is different. So, discuss your thoughts and ideas with a trusted friend, family member, or counselor. Emotional abuse can have serious long-term effects, but it can also be a precursor to physical abuse and violence.3

Remember too that abuse often escalates when the person being abused makes a decision to leave. So, be sure you have a safety plan in place should the abuse get worse.

 How to Stay Mentally Strong When Someone Is Gaslighting You

What Doesn't Work With Emotional Abuse

Sometimes attempts to deal with or reduce emotional abuse can backfire and actually make the abuse worse. Some tactics that are not effective ways of dealing with abuse include:

Arguing with the abuser. Trying to argue with an abuser can escalate the problem and may result in violence. There is no way to argue with an abuser because they will always find more ways to blame, shame, or criticize. They may also try to turn the tables and play the victim.

Trying to understand or make excuses for the abuser. It might be tempting to try to make sense of the other person's behavior or to come up with excuses to justify their actions. Finding ways to sympathize with or minimize an abuser's actions can make leaving the situation that much more difficult.

Attempting to appease the abuser. Appeasing the other person might seem like a form of de-escalation, but it tends to backfire in the long run and may serve to enable further abuse. Instead of trying to change yourself or your behaviors to suit the abuser's whims, focus on establishing clear boundaries and avoid engaging with them if possible.

If you or a loved one are a victim of domestic violence, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for confidential assistance from trained advocates.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

Healing From Emotional Abuse

If you've experienced emotional abuse, there are a few things you can do to aid in the healing process.

Acknowledge the abuse. Stop minimizing or even denying the abuse and admit that it did happen so you can begin to heal from it.

Make a commitment to yourself. Commit to stopping the emotional abuse cycle. Also, commit to sticking with the healing process no matter how long it takes because you are worth it and deserve to live a happy life.

Practice self-compassion. Give yourself the same level of compassion, kindness, and flexibility to grow as you would give a friend who has experienced emotional abuse.

Reach out to loved ones. Get in touch with the people who care about and support you so they can help you through this difficult time.

Seek counseling. Psychotherapy can help you put your emotionally abusive relationship into perspective while also providing tools for overcoming the abuse.

Talk with others who've been emotionally abused. Sharing your experiences with others who've been through the same can help you recognize that you aren't alone, also providing access to the strategies they used that helped them heal.

Healing from emotional abuse takes time. Taking care of yourself, reaching out to your supportive loved ones, and talking to a therapist can help.

 What Is Trauma Bonding?

4 Sources

By Sherri Gordon

Sherri Gordon, CLC is a published author, certified professional life coach, and bullying prevention expert. She's also the former editor of Columbus Parent and has countless years of experience writing and researching health and social issues.

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I hear about what someone wants most of the time

 rarely anyone asking me what i want 

Master Bathroom problems issues

 sink drain clogged

shower head holder broken on one side

tub faucet sticking for shower

bidet wanted

and mike has severe back injury

i feel like crap low grade fever still and my back is always out

Thursday, September 21, 2023

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed being.

Nobody knows what I will do, what I want or where I will go

 1. When its really important I tell no one. (Zero road blocks)

2. People dont listen anyway and dont care.

3. Its my business

When you want something real bad dont tell anyone you know about it

Pain level 8 out of 10. Can't do a damned thing about it

I should have thought of that before I said that: The profound impact of words remembered and consequences

 A once very healthy man became down and out, ill with a broken back and couldn't walk. Nearly wheelchair bound.

This man was cordial to strangers, neighbors and most anyone except his own wife whom he
trampled upon daily. He treated her like something worse than shit. All of the other people are going to feel so sorry for him and run to his rescue. I can see it now. Food being brought to him. Offers to help him with pain. Just about any kind of help from these other people who are going to feel soooo sorry for him.

Then came the day he needed her help.

What did she do? She is nice. She is an empath. The fool that she is, she helped him, the Ass Hole Narc.

Even though he dogged her about almost every single thing about her.... shitting in her face constantly. Threats, punches, slaps, hits. Verbal abuse constantly calling her bad names like "stupid" and telling her she doesn't and can't use her own brain to think. 

However she finally got wise after over 30 years of this treatment and knows what has been going on. All the trash he threw onto her has boomeranged back onto him. She knows it was fake from the beginning. He annhilated the love that she had for him. She would have done just about anything for him She praised him constantly for his talents: his threw crap on almost everything she said and did. 

I am the one who lives to tell the truth, the true stories about real life no one wants to hear

 because people don't believe such things can happen

they often think life is peachy weechy 

Progression: the chair, the couch, the bed in the nursing home



Potty chair to high chair to school chair, drivers seat, work chair, recliner, sofa, death bed. 

Electric chair of death and murder.

Chairs to the bed. Final ending.

This shit hole needs air flow and sunshine which he blocks constantly

I quit wearing lingerie in front of him

 the ex, because i thought this was what was making him a sex fiend yet it didn't stop him from constantly wanting it and raping me in my sleep

the current, because he seems to hate my guts and why would i want to look sexy for a man who detests me

Some want to spend lots of money on anything believing it has the highest value

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Fake love wil harris fb

Fake love wil harris fb

My "Perfect Little Life" as a child... other people thought it was

 Truly sick. Not knowing what happened behind closed doors.

Nobody really knows what is going on in anyones household so the wrong judgments ought to stop. Dead in their tracks. But they wont stop.

People will keep on thinking someone else has it easy. Life is a breeze. One of the biggest human lies around. Based on jealousy. Envy. The grass is greener over there. 

At a very young age perhaps age 2 when my first sibling was born, i was taught to shut up and take care of someone else before myself.  Two more siblings, all boys, brothers, arrived by the time i was 4 years old.

I was "in charge" as the very little adult mommy i was and expected to watch them and keep us all in line since i was such a very precocious intelligent and cute being, as told by the adults. 

The quietest little girl, i was. Such a good girl. Never getting into trouble. Not spanked. Not punished. I knew how to discipline and to keep my mouth shut.

Zip your lip, quiet down, its none of your business, quit crying or i will give you something to cry about, so and so is sleeping or reading, studying, doing crossword puzzles, sewing, or watching tv or relaxing in their chair while getting drunk before bed because he has to sleep and get up early in the morning to go to work.... so be quiet.

Being a near mute child i was the perfect candidate for a predator. He was sure I wouldnt tell anyone what he did to me when I was 4 years old. And I didnt tell until I was 16 years old, the same age he was when he performed molestations on me.  Told my mother. She said she would have had him thrown in jail if she had known. Well it was too late. 

I didnt begin to talk much to anyone until I met a girlfriend in high school when I was 15. She was 16. She, Liz, elizabeth, was a very friendly talkative and lively social person. Liz marked the beginning of me opening my big formerly closed mouth.

My second close girlfriend is Beth, whom I met when I was 20. She was 23. Beth is open, friendly, talkative, honest and one that I can talk to about almost any darned thing if not everything. 

I turned and walked away today

 And i said to Mike "i am not wanted or needed. Im going to lay down up at the picnic shelter."

Soon after i said it he yelled my name "Sarah, Sarah!" Screaming in pain.

I turned around hobbling slowly i can barely walk with fever and back pain. Had low grade fever fatigue weaknees for 8 days now.

I am about 30 or 40 feet away from mike. He is south of me at the park. He and kirk had been tearing down the wooden structure kids and adults climbed up and played on since july 2016.

Saw him laying on the ground flat on his back as i approached. I know i cant run so i yell "kirk!" As loud as i can. Kirk responds "what do you need?"in kind of a low voice. Hes about 30 ft ahead of me parked in his van. I scream at the top of my lungs , "KIRK!" 

"Kirk, get down here now! 

Finally kirk comes running. He runs like a deer lean and mean. He makes it to the scene before i hobble there. Mike is laying on the ground blood running down the front of his forehead. A lot of blood. 

I say "Kirk can do this, i am afraid to touch you, what if you broke your back or something, i might make it worse so he can handle this. If its really bad he will know what to do and if we need professional help.

Kirk handled it like a pro first responder. Rescuing animals since age 4 with his veterinarian doctor father he has the skills to save lives.

He deserves a medal again for remaining calm, composed and analyzing the situation. 

Water buckets towels. Kirk cleaned him up. Helped him get up. Determined no broken back or other bones. Just a long gash on the forehead. He cleaned him up good. 

I am exhausted before any of this happened. Finally i sit at the picnuc table close by then continue watching talking asking things like do we need some sanitizer some soap, paper towels, more water? I have all that.

Kirk said no, the water and towel i am using is all we need. 

He helped mike get up, thank him and god because i couldnt do it.


Made it home. He took a shower, put on a back brace, laid down for a little over an hour didnt sleep. 

I left cotton swabs and triple antibiotic ointment for him on the ledge. He doesnt want any ointment or anything on the gash in his head approximately 5-7 inches long.

I put his dinner in the refrigerater which i cooked right after getting back home around 5 pm: pork chop, zucchini, onions, corn on the cob. He told me is not hungry several times. 

I have no clue why things happen. Is there really a thing called cause and effect or are things just random?

He doesn't read what I write, listen to what I say

 and that might be a blessing, a good thing.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Integrity signs of ethics

 Leaving jobs where wrongdoings are happening

Written up for insubordination for doing the right thing

People are afraid to hear me speak

I am rejected because i didnt drink their koolaid


does right things even when no one is around

may lose jobs 

supervisor deems you as a threat

co-workers might hate you

people might fear you

limited number of friends

very few friends if any

solo solitude

lots of things done by myself

are a threat to some people, the unethical

not trying to impress anyone



list maker

takes blame when appropriate

admits mistakes

true apologies, being sorry is for real and does not repeat the mistake offense

does not try to call attention to self via showy clothes jewelry adornments fancy cars

bragging about things owned, money has,

speaks in normal tone of voice

calls out wrongdoings, hurting others, committing crimes

Where do you put your money and time?

Anytime time is a good time for goodbye. You never know when your last second will be.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

 Why does it drive a being insane when they can't find something?

 I don't want anybody and nobody wants me 

Grandma said stay away from




Dirty filthy



Selfish mean pushy

Loud mouths.


Crass not classy

Nasty food: McDonald's any fast food trash, 

Cheap looking clothes outfits jewelry cars neighborhoods 

Filthy people

Women looks like a prostitute whore: tattoos piercings bright excess makeup fake hair wild outfits finger nails 

Gawdy clunky jewelry

Female that 

No gum smacking chew so no one knows you are chewing gum

No sloppy eaters

No trash trashy people places things

Anyone who puts you down, tries to stop you from school and success

Liars thieves cheats druggies dealers 


Two faced backstabbers

Cheapskates tightwads

Any person expects oral sex. That's disgusting abnormal perverted

Anyone who stinks won't use soap water shower bathe clean up

Dirty housekeepers

Foul language mouthed people

Nonprofessional people

Those who don't keep their word

I vomit and shit you out

Why is it I don't give a rats frrek anymore about anything about you?

 I have a "laundry list" miles long that you would never listen to

You never listened to ONE thing ever said and 


Power of walking away

Entire time with him and the ex

 Both are pornocating sucking it up and committing mental adultery 100s and 1000s of times. Both treat me like a piece of shit object and I wonder if porn taught them to do that or is it their basic inborn nature?

Spends lots of money on themselves, expect me to scrimp down to nothing

Don't I dare ever ask for anything or state something needs to be had or done. 

Don't ever do a thing just for me or take care of myself or I am told I am being selfish and they do self serving things daily with out my intervention

Narcs lead a double life I found out from many psychological videos on the Internet. It's only a matter of time before red handed perpetrator is found out.

I am curious as heck what is going on in the other life. It affects me because I happen to live with the person

I don't know what to do..

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Selling is one of the best things I have learned

When snake raises it's head stomp it

Solitude is sacred







When I finally realize I am not

 When I finally realize I am not:

The Best at anything 

that good looking

very smart






very important, a vip


A puppet

good at most things






going to live long

Here to please everyone else

Someomes scapegoat slave victim

 8-6-11 updated

Things I Can Do

decorate home how I want
holidays, celebrate: new years eve,christmas,thanksgiving,
fourth of july,memorial day
birthdays, celebrate
burn candles & incense
travel anywhere
eat what I like,what I want when I want
spaghetti with no meat if i want, cream soups
talk on the phone to who I want when I want,uninterrupted
clean house when I want to even if it's 2 am
be happy,feel good & relaxed
spend time with :
my grandson and any future grandchildren
with my family not his
with anyone I want including friends, neighbors,co-workers
wear clothes I want to wear
watch any movie or thing I want to watch
including horror,mystery,suspense/thriller,documentaries about
health,surgeries,medical field,autopsies
listen to any music or program on the radio/stereo I want to hear
sleep,nap,meditate when i want
have others over whenever I want
tarot cards
go out at night, all night if i want to

Don't look at it. Don't look back. History is over. Don't dwell on it.


I am through

 I am finished with you

You are completely unable to understand anything

I am not talking anymore

explaining anything to you

because you just dont get it

you CANT get it

Things I Don't Need, repost from 2010 kcmusicshop blog

Things I Don't Need

Artifical body parts

Breast augmentation


Plastic surgery


Going to the movies


New car

New house

New clothes

New man

More kids


Leaving the house everyday

Driving aimlessly

Constant socializing

Anyone telling me what I "should" be doing

Explaining myself to anyone

Answering endless & repetitive dumb questions

Answering the phone

Talking to telemarketers

A housekeeper, a cook, a maid

To lose weight

Solicitations of any kind

Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on my door

Religious zealots pushing their religion on me

Attending, watching or discussing any sports events

Answering questions about my personal life

Hearing remarks about my hair

Hearing comments about what I am wearing

Hearing another common remark about how pretty I am often

preceded by 'Has anyone ever told you?.." "Did you know that you are.."

Pointless discussions about the weather

Listening to anyone who constantly says "I don't understand"

Listening to gossip

Giving my attention to whiners

Associating with negative,blaming,complaining bullies

who practice shit-slinging,lying,phoniness and money-grubbing

due to their weak minds full of fear,anger,jealousy and greed

Listening to high pitched no bass music that sounds like I'm at a funeral procession

Dealing with corporate zombies. They don't think.

Dealing with people who don't live in reality: ie: schizophrenics

Mingling with those who believe everything they see and hear in the news,

(including the commercials),in the media ie: television,radio,internet,newspapers or

any other type of media

Dealing with those who don't know who they are or what they are

supposed to do with themselves so they practice the above activites

Fake, prepackaged, processed artificially sweetened or flavored foods or food kits

Fat free anything

Fat people telling me about their diet(s) while they concurrently tell me how

skinny I am and they can't figure out why

The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." -- Alan Ashley-Pitt

 Your Daily Quotation:

"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been."

-- Alan Ashley-Pitt

Don't worry, the cleanup crew will eventually make it to your house

Don't waste my fr**kig time

 he said it often to me

now i will say it in my mind to him.. forever

NO more SHIT slung onto me with nasty negative evil slung all over

I can cook. I can clean. It doesn't mean a goddamned thing.

 get sarah to do it

she can do all the shit work then be told she does nothing at all

shopping cooking dishes cleaning laundry yardwork sometimes, cleaning up the vehicles, cleaning up anything, cleaning out the trash cans, the floors, the patio, the driveway, the entryway, sweeping out the cobwebs, cleaning the bathroom, 

wasting and have wasted so much time cleaning up other peoples messes

then tossed away like a piece of garbage

Friday, September 15, 2023

Narc attacks. Real life horror stories

I do not dress to impress

 I dress drab down to not call attention to myself

I dont want my clothes to be a conversation piece, startermor an indicator of anything other than j am covered up

Stupidity of myself is maximum

 Wishful thinking

Delusions, fantasies

Working for lost causes

Not recognizing negative social cues of hatred jealousy vengefulness

I do not have testicles. Maybe i could grow some?

Kick in the teeth, slap in the face ,expression, actions say it all

 Heard the words happy mothers day from 2 people last may 14

Fake words. Not meant sincerely at all. No actions matched.

Late afternoon she brought food from dennys restaurant. She had spent the previous night at his house. A young thin blonde woman apparently a "friend" he said she hangs out at a bar plays beer pong which i didnt know what that was. Had to research it.

He introduced me to her quite late, not until sunday afternoon and she and him were sitting on the couch with the tv on for hours talking to each other the night before. He stayed home that night, saturday, instead of going out to bars like he did normally every sat nite all night long for years. 

He said she was on disability, had scoliosis which she did not have. She said she has cystic fibrosis and has to take medication be careful what she eats.

He had given her the money and she drove to dennys to pick up the cooked food.

She ate, she fed her 2 small boys. He ate and he made sure his son ate the food, too.

We were outside on the big patio at his house.

Not one asked me if i wanted any and i had not eaten anything yet that day. So i starved.

And i remembered that i had cooked many meals for him and his son. It was a weekend routine, cook at least some eggs on sunday afternoon for all of us.

I fed him since his birth, breast milk the first few days and fed him the very first foods he ever ate.

I took his son to dennys many times. I fed his son for years, 9 to be exact, while i babysat him since he was 3 months old.

I dont want anybody anymore

 Never experienced real love in a partner relationship. Probably never will. 

Narcs have been the subconscious unaware choice i made due to my profound ignorance which induced a false set of beliefs about the basic "goodness" of people..a total lie and fantastic delusion

Rotten abounds in abundance, stinking up the place

Steel toe boots spurs on back

 Hateful words hurled at me 

Contrasted with claims of love for me "i care about you"

"I worry about you"

While vicious words threats and physical assaults upon me happen

Not a goddamned thing i can do about it

Except disappear somewhere but where?

"I love you" while slamming boot in my back repeatedly

"I dont give a fuck what you have to say!"

I must be stupid and dense in brains

 Like he says I am so often for me to actually believe a snake loves or cares about me or anyone 

Severe lack of ability to to judge character

Feeling tired weak slightly feverish started 2 days ago sneezing a whole lot

 low energy

soup and celery with peanut butter soon then back to sleep

too tired to lay out in the sun or espcially to cook food like the pork chops i got out of the freezer

If i drop dead theres only one person who would care, my grandson damon...unless theyve managed to brainwash him to hate me since the last time i saw him on mothers day may 14 2023

18 weeks passed and not one word message contact from any of them over there

Far cry from damon always wanting me there with him, he never wanted me to leave

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Never fiģht over a man mouse wimp or show jealousy

 His worthless Lowlife ass isn't worth it

Never stoop to the level especially when he treats you like shit, devaluing and minimizing you constantly 

Don't fuel the fire of  his idiot ego 

Balls muscles and mechanics are easy to get, common as dirt

A real man with ethics worth having will always be respectful appreciative and loving

Truth is people dont want to get involved

 Passing judgment is easier

It's not my problem,  said often

Passing the buck is easier than giving genuine help

Feeling tired sick back pain around level 7 to 8 today

Nothing in my house anyone wants to steal

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Ask These 7 Questions To a Narcissist & Watch them Squirm Here is the link to all my best resources:

Ask These 7 Questions To a Narcissist & Watch them Squirm Here is the link to all my best resources:

Why are you so nice to strangers?

Why are you so threatened by my differences?

What are some of your deepest pains and hurts?

Why is it impossible for you to admit flaws?

Do you think you need to change or grow in any way?

Do you genuinely believe that your opinions are facts and they supercede what other people think?

If you hate me so much why do you keep coming back?

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Friday, September 8, 2023

Interrupting ones creative process is destructive

 I used to joke about coitus interruptus being the possible cause of john laysons mental disorders over 20 years ago. Hoarder, collector, a mess constantly everywhere. Now I realized it is not a joke, not one bit funny.  Any being interrupted in their creative process becomes disruptive, difficult, sad, mad, bad, hard to handle.

Is it normal ?

 to be isolated at home

to be stonewalled by the spouse

to not have family gatherings

to not have social gatherings

to not plan activities with partner

to not plan activities with anyone

to not have friends or family over for dinner or attend their dinners?

to have 2 sides of backyard walled off so the neighbors can't see

to not be able to have my grandson grandhildren over to visit

to be unable to celebrate any holiday in pleasure and joy including birthdays thanksgiving memorial day labor day thanksgiving christmas valentines day mothers day fathers day

narc numbness deadness

 narc numbness deadness

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Old lady : Not wanted

 Words recited from several/various oral mouths sources i know have reported they are not interested in some old woman

As in a 60 year old or 50 year old bag hag. I dont want to look at it or have anything to do with it

Female victim should be at least 20 years younger than the perpretrater 

The younger the better. They dont like mental awareness or competition from the victim or other suitors

Keep her isolated ignorant dumb convince her she is stupid undesirable worthless and broke in order to maintain control

Sit down shut up pay attention possibly sorriest words ever said

Saw beautiful energetic kids at the park today

 Love going to parks!

One little guy in particular, running at top speed towards the playground, nearly collided with another little boy who was racing his bike downhill

Liitle guy was blond haired age 2 or so, bigger boy on bicycle had dark hair, age 4 or 5

My mother wrote one page letters. I write books

 She talked like she wrote.

Same here

Blended into nothingness. Individuality gone

The Joneses are anonymous cookie cutter paper doll cutouts

Socially inept. Politicaly, worldly obsessed

 Social rejects misfits inept unattractive loudmouth equal politically obsessed wanting to feel important by involement and association with status and failing to be important or significant. Dehumanizing own family, wont listen to partner or anyone unless the human is broadcast on the media via tv radio internet or any other recorded channel . Blocks out people in real life because they are unable to communicate normally in a one on one two way conversation conducted via themselves and another live human being

Serious lack of social skills 

Unable to experience and express true emotions in real life ; emotions are expressed at outside sources which they deem as safe way to vent. Typical emotion is anger and disgyst; they are proud of it

Remain unwanted unappealing awkward graceless 

It's like Rodney horror shit show at home daily

She's strange. That's not normal

 Gaslighting me again tonight. I stopped and met a neighbor I saw him at the end of his driveway while I was driving home

He said

You go out of your way to talk to the neighbors

I asked him to name off all the neighbors he's talked to. He refused. Said I don't want to hear it

Shuts me out. Continually trying to make me think something is wrong with me.

Useless fights: examples



Changing others

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Went to ku medical center today

Neurosurgeon floor 3
Main pavilion
Reception said I need referral from my primary family care doctor or the neurosurgeon office who said that I need to be seen by a surgeon at ku
Or st Luke's hospital

Parking lot p3 parked all the way at the top floor of garage which was uncovered unlike all of the other 3 floors
Tickets dispensed when entering the garage
Validated ticket electronically on 3rd floor neurosurgeon office so it cot 3 dollars instead of 9 dollars to park

Parking facilities like this are just one of the reasons I detest going to large hospital buildings such as this one
Interconnected buildings with catwalks in between
Easy for people like me to get lost
Definitely not a place for sick people
To go

Foods to avoid with arthritis

Monday, September 4, 2023

Joining the Community Center: One of the BEST decisions I ever made

 now about 30 dollars per month

for about the price of one hamburger at a restaurant per week


i can swim, walk, run, dance, lift weights if i want to

MOVE around

instead of SIT around on my BUTT

for lee's summit, missiouri 

longview community center

j. thomas lovell community center

Mental illness supercedes physical illness

 and can cause physical ailments

due to thought process being misconstrued

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Met an empath lady named Christy, age 52 today.

 Immediate sister type social interaction with her.

She revealed the same and similar life experiences. Common ground.

She's working 9 am to 7 pm daily. Only has 2 days off in the next couple of months.

Living with a male adult who acts like he is 14 and 3 cats. Tells people she has 4 teenagers (him and the cats) and has no children.

Stays in her room most of the time like I do. HE makes the rest of the house the way he wants as if he is age 14. She tells him she won't go in there as long as it looks like that. She tells him to clean up his own messes.

Sounds sooo familiar.

Her mother was married 18 years to verbally orally physically abusive father and she finally left him when she discovered her daughter was planning a double suicide with her girlfriend due to the massive household abuse.

It does NOT make me feel better knowing any other person lives with this type of behavior and had to endure emotional and physical abuse. It shows me that people can survive, are very strong like she is and life can go on without being tormented daily.

What is the bright side like every day?

Friday, September 1, 2023

Cleaned out a lot of old file cards today. Have a lot more work to do

 over 20 years of information i had collected for people i knew and the things they wanted, trashed.

i used to order entertainment related items for people at the old super flea and i made lists of things wanted from my family, friends, associates, basically anyone i met that showed an interest in having me find something for them

I took a bunch to the trash today, took some things to the thrift store, some things left at a park.

Hard lessons learning about saving stuff and trying to please everyone doing too many different things.

Cleaning feels so good. What a lifelong mission....

Told him it shows how worthless my time has been spent. No response out of him.

I walked out the door with a ton of trash in my van knowing that one day will be the last day I walk out that door and there will be no warning when I vanish, one way or another.

An empath may tend to hurt themself, contemplate or commit suicide. A narcissist doesn't

 thesaurus for empath

Related terms for empath- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with empath


Similar meaning

View all

sympathetic person





compassionate person



empathetic individual$

empathetic person




psychic user

ray of sunshine


sensitive person



sympathetic individual





mind reader


Opposite meaning

View all






antisocial person












egocentric individual

egocentric person

egoistic individual

egoistic person



egotistical individual

egotistical person

All I Want Is Myself

 my original self is here

Clutter, Hoarding


mean selfish greedy hoarder

miserable hateful treacherous sneaky dirty filthy slimy

crammed packed like sardines

difficult hard

Cleaning frees body mind and soul

Clean lean mean running machine: CLEANLINESS is GODLINESS





love spreading appeals to me naturally