Saturday, June 15, 2024

Allow him everything he wants. To be alone.

 full control of the entire house, yard, cars, 


i have one room in this house, the master bedroom and a bathroom inside of it

i will stay completely out of his crap and he can have full run of the living room, kitchen, 2 car garage, the yard, the basement laundry room area, the 2nd middle bedroom and his bedroom and bath upstairs

he is obsessed with news politics trump so i will not say anything against it never voice my opinion as

he does not want to hear a freeking thing i have to say about anything

he can listen to the news full time 24 hours a day 7 days a week since that is what he wants to do. he only cares about outside events, the world politics and what the neighbors are doing and want him to do. he cares zero about me or anything about what i think feel want or need 

absolutely NO COOKING in the house while it is hot outside

and he runs the ac in the garage or in his room or in the living room when he wants but NOT the one in my bedroom which is located on the south side of the house, the absoloute WORST place to have an air conditioning unit

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