Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lament for the Poor Human Race

I cry and I laugh with it all 

for the poor, the rich, 

the young, the old 

the weak, the strong

the hungry, starving, underfed

the obese, overweight, fat, overfed

the lonely, broken, desperate 

the smothered with love 

the handicapped, disabled, blind, crippled

the ignorant, the stupid, the wise

the understanding empath, the zero empathy narc, sociopath, psychopath

the hated, the most loved

the brainwashed, the free thinker

the crazy insane obsessed zealot of anything who is out of balance

the fool, the anxious  

the childless, the family that is too big

the perfectionist, the slob

the incarcerated, the one with too much time on their hands

the victim , the hero

the lucky, the ones who lose it all after having had it all

whoever you are you pay the price for your life in many ways

whatever your lot in life youre going to die just like the rest of us who once lived

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