Friday, July 26, 2024

Any abuse abusive treatment I got he said I deserved

 Virtually every time I endured the verbal or physical abuse or theft or damage to anything or  any car he said it was my own fault and I deserved it because I did some thing wrong 

Chuck strand lied said I didn't do what I was supposed to ripped me off 350 dollars for being his caregiver, called me a moron in Houston Texas and he defended Chuck. Stuck up for him and yelled at me.

Many instances happened over more than 30 years 

He told me to shut up and do my job every time any employer or employee was verbally abusive corrupt criminal expecting me to do impossible wrong things even against company policies 

Each car accident was my fault even when the other people told him it was their fault 

And he is Obsessed with the idea in politics that other people should be doing the right things when he stands by and does nothing when I am wronged or anyone else he around is victimized

A run and hide chicken coward

Sometimes he will do the right thing if he thinks someone sees him. If he thinks no one sees he'll do whatever he wants regardless if it's right or wrong 

John Layson was similar and verbally abusive.

He admired Chuck and John because they had money lived life the way they wanted, house was paid off, top priority was Mammon, lived alone most of the time. Self centered. Neither were married or had kids. Both obsessed with porn and masturbated often. Gluttons. Cheapskates, tightwads. He thinks that is a great accomplishment. 

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