Sunday, July 21, 2024

Buying selling used new items services

I have experience in all of these

Auctions. englands used to be in grandview missouri. ebay since 2000. Several other auction houses I attended. Hired an auctioneer from to sell old stuff out of hoarder house for me and it worked great.

Sales, estate, garage, yard, flash, thrift stores, flea markets, swap shop/ swap meets. Hired people from and that worked out great: they sold for me and gave me some of the money.

amazon (not currently selling at the moment), I did it for many years

In person and online

Businesses. Most major well known stores. 

New merchandise


Marketplace fb face book.

Advertising sales newspapers thrifty nickel want ads, raytown tribune, Ad sales on back of grocery store receipts/response systems advertising, 

Insurance prepaid legal, water treatment conditioner filtration, nonrun pantyhose, carpet cleaning, ac air conditioner furnace cleaning, electronic service repair, color tile home remodelling products

Early morning rising is not for me so the typical weekend garage sale days and times are not my cup of tea ; thursday friday saturday and sunday 8-5 or the swap n shop saturday and sunday from 5 or 6 am until noon or 2pm or the flea markets usually friday, sat, sun some early morning time start until 4 or 5 pm are not suited for me due to major sleep issues I have always had. 

Getting up early never did work good for me. Typical Jobs did not last long or work out well. I did last 9 years of working every weekend sat and sunday at super flea. It was sheer hell. Working with a hoarder a compulsive buyer and fighting with him like dogs or cats in a boxing ring every weekend. Working 2 days felt like I worked at least 5 days. Exhausted.

I lasted 3 whole years as a relief manager at storage companies Storage Trust and Public Storage.

The majority of the world gets up real early and is up and raring to go by the time the sun comes up. Some people get up an hour or two before the sun rises. I typically am going to bed when that happens. 

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