Monday, July 22, 2024

I want things nice clean..he doesn't everything is a f**king fight

 i want things nice and clean.. he doesn't ...everything is a f**king fight

i want to look nice and the inside of the home to look good

i want nice clean organized orderly home

organization streamlining and order

matching everything like sheets silverware furniture decor colors balance in the rooms

nice meals good food clean dining room table

i want to sit down and have pleasant conversation with nice meals

i would like to have visitors, family, company over sometimes

he piles up stuff all around and puts furniture in one spot rarely moving it 
lines up stuff in the hallways 

he saves big old black trash bags keeping garbage in the bag longer than should because he is worried about wasting money spent of trash bags and has uncovered cans causing drawing flies insects bugs all kinds of pests

i want to look nice feel good and you don't want to look at me you'd rather stare at a computer or tv screen ignoring me and the entire house we live in

the house inside is full of crap we don't need making it hard to keep clean

the outside of house is cluttered with bug infested crap piles of junk crates containers old chairs bins barrels wood wooden rack stuff up against the house drawing and holding bugs and pests 

i can't clean floors properly

cant vacuum as needed

cant decorate so it looks nice

hard to clean anything right

deep cleaning is impossible

cob webs spiders bugs ants millipededs stink bugs inside and outside

he keeps trash in garage with no lid on can it stinks

the inside air pollution has got to be thru the roof in here

i need an instrument to measure air quality

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