Friday, July 19, 2024

When I was in school as a child and teenager then in my 20s

while .........................

 some of the kids were skipping school and proud of it, i was going to school. i never skipped a class

 some kids were getting into trouble, getting into fights and going to the principals office to get paddled on the butt, a whipping, and getting suspended i never went there, never got suspended and never got written up for misconduct while riding the school bus

 some were into sports on teams such as football basketball baseball track wrestling i was not. the sports i did were weird: swimming, intramural volleyball and i went bowling on my own time once a week

 some were barely passing i was getting good grades a's and b's until i almost failed algebra by getting a d

 some were cheating on tests and some trying to get me to do their homework and write fake letters for them allegedly from their parents because my cursive handwriting was good, i was studying in class and reading my text books and diligently doing my homework 

some were drinking alcohol, liquor, smoking cigs and pot/ marijuna or doing drugs i was clean, i would not do any of those things and they called me suzy straight and stayed away from me worried i would "rat" on them and "get them into trouble" when they got themselves into trouble 

 some kids were very popular, i was shunned and rejected, a geek, a nerd, scholar and a weird bookworm girl

 some kids got an allowance for doing chores, i did lots of unpaid work labor every day: yardwork, mowing the grass, raking leaves, shoveling snow, taking the trash out every week, doing the dishes by hand then putting them in the dishwasher, daily vacuuming 2 story house with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and 2 car garage, washing the cars, the clothes, doing the laundry, dusting, cleaning windows, feeding and washing/bathing the dog, massaging my grandma's and grandpa's neck and shoulders. i learned how to work and clean but not how to manage money until many years later when i was in my 20s thanks to marrying my 2nd husband who had worked at boatmen's bank in raytown missouri

some kids constantly talked about how they hated the teachers i had my favorites and said i like my teachers especially english psychology and science which made me even weirder and stranger than most 

 some detested school with a passion i loved being in class and learning new things everyday and looked forward to attending college in fact wanted to have life long classes and would often rather go to school than to a job

 some kids were very social and street smart i was dumb as a rock when it came to understanding how cliques clans and school politics worked. i am still trying to figure this out to this day

 some thought they had to go with or be with someone all the time i was content to be alone, walk alone, work and study alone because that is what i had to do most of the time. 

 some were friendly and some had lots of friends i had very few friends enough to count on one hand during all my school years from kindergarten to 11th grade

 most were pretty healthy most of the time. i would get sick often and end up missing lots of days only yet i was able to keep my grades up because i would do my work at home, study and pass the tests after i got well. if i got a flu or cold virus or bacteria that most are over with in 2 to 3 days mine would often last about 2 weeks

 most kids hated tests and examinations i loved and looked forward to tests, another totally weird thing

some were taking regular classes and i was put into the gats club when i was in eighth grade at age 13. gats: it stands for gifted and talented students

some hated to write and i began writing in a diary/journal at age 9 attempting to keep records of my life and figure out why things were happening as they were which i am still trying to do at my age of 63

some had siblings, mine were gone, my 2 younger brothers living with my mother after my parents divorced and i was living alone with my grandparents, my mom's mom and stepdad

some thought i was spoiled rotten, had it easy peezy and thought i was a snob and a brat because i was the "only" child and they had no idea what i lived with in the house of craziness

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