Saturday, July 27, 2024

There was a day when I was a little girl and I was very quiet

 Once upon a time when I was a little girl.....

People found it difficult to get me to talk. I was so quiet.

Soft spoken. Well mannered. Never got into trouble.

Always did what my parents and elders told me to do.

Adhered to all rules from teachers in school. 

Never walked outside the crosswalk in the street.

The good girl. The sweet and innocent little lady.

"She's so well adjusted" the doctors, teachers, family and friends said about me. Grandma bragged about how good I was.

Ultra sensitive. Thin skinned. Cried easily. Loved animals and people. Thought my stuffed animals were real and had feelings.

That little girl is still in there.

She now has scars from battle wounds. She is healing. Broken heart. Broken spirit. 

Scalpel through the skin, fat, muscle and uterus. Twice giving birth.

 Broken skull fracture age 6 bike wreck hit cement curb. Concussion top of head car axles falling off shelf at work. Kicked in forehead knocked out age 16.  Kicked in the face kickball age 10 school playground. Many other head injuries including cracking my skull on concrete walls and bathtub.

Broken tail bone 3 and more times. Broken back. Broken middle toe left foot. Dozen car wrecks. 

Black eyes 3 times. Scrapes, falls cuts on hands feet legs knees arms torso abdomen neck chest...Fingernails dug into the flesh scars.  

Tubal ligation and uterine ablation..the doctor gynecologist burned lining of my uterus. Lots of burns on the skin. Iron when ironing clothes burnt my belly I was 5. Cast iron skillet and many pots pans hot dishes burned my hands, fingers and arms.

Scalding hot water and overheated coffee cup put huge blisters on my fingers.

Broken glass cut my hands knives cut my fingers many times.

Rammed through my foot and feet a kids metal jack, broken glass, nails, wood. Stepped on hot bubbling asphalt, sharp rocks.

Rammed large wood splinter up my fingernail on my right index finger age 10.

Cystic acne and chicken pox scars covering face neck chest arms and back. Knife rammed through knuckle on left hand. Slammed hand in car door. Sprained ankles many times.

I'm Frankenstein. Not beautiful. Not cute or pretty. 

Makeup can't cover the scars. 

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