Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Solo is best for accomplishing

 After midnight and I finally sit down to write. One of the things I want to do most.

Now that the day has ended (for most people) and I am exhausted I get to spend a few moments writing something.

Solitary activities I/we do:

Creating. Destroying.

Learning. School. Books. 

Studying. Reading. Writing.

Reflecting. Praying. Imagining. 

Day/Night dreaming.

Eating food. Drinking. Sleeping.

Exercising the physical body. 

Composing. Music. Playing instruments. 

People are appreciated, remembered, admired, followed, watched for their solo activities. For themselves. For the way they are, what they did and their individual persona/personality.

Entertainment industry. Actors, musicians. Authors. Politicians. Any one in any field of any work or activity is known for themselves alone (even if they are part of a duo, a band or any type of group). 

They learned and practiced their arts by themselves. Some are known to have practiced in front of a mirror before becoming famous. 

Some began in a closet, their bedroom, a jail cell, an open field. 

A place, small or large, that was their place undisturbed and untouched by anyone else. No director, no dictator making moves for them. 

Most well known famous people I have learned about began their crafts when they were a child or teenager.

I/we/they/you did it all yourself/yourselves. All by myself. Did not need anyone else's help.

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