Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Stuff he said and did regarding my body shape appearance

 stuff he said and did

you can only image what is going through his mind when he sees that (your body/ass/skin/figure) he would be thinking oh wow i'd like to have sex with that..just look at his wife she is a fat cow

the neighbors chris ken any male anywhere i am. 

i dont want you to wear those shorts i dont want any man seeing your shape

that makes you look like you have more boobs, talking about a lower cut shirt/blouse when i wear a pushup bra/brasierre

dont squat in the store or anywhere ..even when i am fully clothed in pants leggings jeans..because who knows who might see you and what they are thinking

dont do yoga in front of anyone men or women

if a woman saw you naked she would probably love to have sex with you and if you see a naked female it would turn you on and you would want her body ..i told him many times this a a total lie because i am not sexually attracted to females in any fashion way shape or form even though i truly admire the beauty of the female form

i am beginning to believe he has zero/no resistance to any attractive looking female girl woman in any place he is. if any one of them even looked at him and smiled he would probably take advantage of the situation thinking she wanted sex with him. 

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