Monday, July 15, 2024

Ways to lose brownie points with me

 Rudenesss, being rude to me or anyone

Yelling, screaming

Temper tantrums

Name calling to me or anyone such as calling people stupid dumb idiots

Beating your chest

Bragging upon yourself while cutting someone else to ribbons

Repeating falsities lies untruths especially after you are proven to be wrong

Not admitting ignorance

Not admitting your own mistakes

Focussing on the errors of other people

Never looking at yourself  in the mirror

Remaining self righteous and arrogant

Stealing, lying, cheating

Trashing my work 

Invading my space

Cruelty and bragging about it, too

The points against him add up and I lose desire to be around him much less have sex . What a fool he is 

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