Monday, December 21, 2020

 He thinks he IS the creator, the source of all things. He thinks he is GOD. He 
believes he is in control of all things yet he cannot control himself. 

He wants to believe he is the controller, the dictator, the one who has the last 
word on everything.

He thinks he is in control. He is afraid.
He is scared. He is fearful, worried, tense and anxious.
He expects instant results with everything. 
He lacks understanding and patience.

He is forceful, mean and hateful.
He lacks appreciation of the tiniest things in life.

He takes upon the responsibility and the credit for all things that happen
He fails to understand the source energy that is ALL.
He is part of this universal force, flowing with it like a tiny creature
in this ocean of life and death. 

He believes material things and money are the most important things in life.
He always asks How much did that cost (money wise) about any and every thing
instead of How does that make you feel? 

He is frequently miserable, upset, pissed off, ticked off, aggravated, unhappy,
resentful, vengeful. 
He won't allow himself the feeling of pure joy in the little things like
breath, sunshine, scenery, nature.

He questions the validity of all things and requires "Proof", "evidence"
that any particular thing is real and that it is going to Pay off, that is is
"worth the effort", that it is "valuable"

He often views time, people and things as a "waste of his time"

He watches movies and doesn't understand the meaning, the moral,
the story, the truth, the point. He really doesn't understand what is going on.

He frequently says "I don't understand", "I can't understand", "I don't believe it"
"That's crazy", "We are in BIG trouble", "That's a bunch of crap"

He is worried about things completely OUT OF HIS CONTROL like the weather,
for instance and does not concern himself about things he CAN control
regarding his behavior. He LOOKS at others constantly judging them
and doesn't look at himself and judge his own feelings, thoughts, actions, words.
He thinks he knows what other people, literally everybody, SHOULD BE DOING
and often feels like he really doesn't know what to DO with himself.

He is lost. He doesn't want to be found or found out. 

He is a skeptic/sceptic. 

He searches for perfection in others, always looking for that perfert girl,
the perfect woman yet does not attempt to work on himself and
his attitude.  He shows his
nastiest and most hateful self to the very woman he is married to and 
supposed to love. He shows his best and better and nice personality to
the outer world, to strangers, to neighbors, co workers, acquaintances
and anyone and everyone except to the one he lives with. 
He falsely believes he is better than everyone else, smarter, more 
intelligent and capable. His ego is out of this world yet down deep
inside he feels incapable, lacking, inferior, worthless and stupid.
Yes, he really feels like a total stupid idiot most of the time and that is 
why he attempts to make his wife woman feels just as stupid as he feels.

God forbid that he praise his wife, worship her and truly love her and
appreciate anything about her or put her on a pedastal. No, he must try to
shove her down under his cloddy feet dressed in heavy boots that sound
like Frankenstein when he tramps through the house stomping up and
down the stairs noisily. 

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