Tuesday, December 22, 2020


William Richard Schraps Deceased Dec 2006 (age 64)

Current Address

1032 N Lincoln St

Stockton, CA 95203

Previous Addresses

1032 N Lincoln St

Stockton, CA 95203

(May 2006)

PO Box

Taos, NM 87571

(Aug 1993 - Aug 2005)

623 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur #A

Taos, NM 87571

(Aug 2005)

Possible Relatives

Jeanne L Schraps, Paul Kurt Schraps Sr, Apollo P Schraps, Paul K Schraps Jr

Possible Associates

Antonio R Lopez

Victor Springhower of Raytown,MO was one of Walt & Alice's dozen children .My grandmother was Sarah Elizabeth Spainhour born December 22, 1916 died Dec. 2, 2008.

Her siblings: Walter Spainhour (who changed his last name to Springhower), Jeanne in CA (Jeanne L Schraps), Ken Spainhour in CA, Ruth Spainhour of Kansas City, MO

Vic Springhower was my mom's 1st cousin. My mom, deceased 12-14-2003 is Ruth Louise Dringman/Wilson/Foust. Her mom Sarah Elizabeth Spainhour was my grandmother, who I was named after

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...