Friday, May 31, 2024

Words confuse him. Seen with eyes is more convincing

 However he is often confused at what he sees.

Language words is even more confusing to him.

The land before time and bambi movies

 My youngest son when a child cried seeing the land before time

I cried when i was a little girl age 5 or 6 when i saw Bambi

Woke up from a dream. The perfect place to be

 It was about a half hour ago when i woke up 850 pm may 31, 2024 friday night....dreaming.

Lived in an apartment. I can picture it. 

Door to outside. Close to community and community centers. Swimming. Walking. Shoppi g. 

Oldest son visited. Youngest son talking to me during visit telling me when he can come over that fits his schedule. Sundays before 430 am. Damon can come too. He says the place is perfect for me. I do, too.

Its dimly lit. Dark. I try on lots of different clothes. I can see out the windows. 

The kitchen has an open large area looks like a restaurant lounge bar with guest tables all at that end.  Its public.  People are out there. Music is playing. I begin dancing by some woman. I realize i must make up my face and wear

Looks are #1. Especially for females

 She doesn't have to say a fact if she doesn't say anything that is even better 

He will be all over her like flies on honey

Dizzy head spinning before I even got out of bed this morning...

 what is up with that?

first time I have had that happen.. must have been something I ate last night.. don't know for sure

dying inside

the dream right after i moved in here...occurred to me again now

 the dream right after i moved in here...occurred to me again now

the wolf in the background vicious yelling and growling, large teeth.. I remained calm as the animal roared at me...i am in a truck, a flatbed trailer pulled up on side of road

my subconscious or whatever it is telling me the truth, the reality of what is and what has been going on for many years after i moved in here...

Opposite of me in many ways. He is.

 he hates himself. literally. and doesn't realize it is himself he hates when he is chronically angry and

yells about his disgust for humanity.

i just told him maybe he ought to live alone since he hates everybody and himself as well

he made a comment "i am tired of giving them things. all they do is come over here begging for more .." referring to the 6 year old little boy across the street.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

It feels bad to have chronic pain and to be hated and banished

I guess I should be embarrassed ashamed of myself

 Because of the way I look with my twisted hunchback . Crooked face and mouth. 

And because of how I act. Horrible. Expose truths no one needs to hear. Talking way too much saying things that don't need said nobody wants to hear embarrassing people and myself, showing how stupid I am and admitting stupidity and ignorance and being egotistical about most things. 


I need to cover myself, my body 

Hide my hideous appearance 

Crawl away and stay in a cave 

Nobody wants to look at me. Nobody wants to hear me. It's obvious why I am not wanted around.

 has 2 vehicles of his own, a car and a pickup truck. runs around anywhere anytime he wants. no restrictions. 

obsessed with politics, money, material things.

chases money. thinks/believes it is the answer to all things for "happiness"

tries to get the most money of of anything

spends lots of time working on junk trash old shit that ought to be thrown out in the garbage

becomes violent at thought of losing money or any material thing possession 

uses earphones and headphones most of the day 

likes huge big screen tvs displays and big pieces of electronics high end stereo equipment speakers amps dvd cassette vhs reel to reel players radios 

food eats and drinks any thing item because of the taste most of the time disregarding information about health benefits or deficits

goes out of his way to serve please himself first and immediately often without regard for others in the house ; eg; blasting music or tv 

not instrospective, does not look at self, 

meditation is not done because can't stand silence


seeks immediate gratification in most everything

expects immediate response from me or anyone about anything

cant resist what is seen if it looks appealing

cash is preferred method for most things

accounting is detested

says i dont need to account write it down i know what i do with my money

thinks he can say and do anything without consequence and expects me to not remember, to forget any traumatic abuse he has done as if it never happened claiming i am too sensitive and i didnt hurt you i was just trying to get your attention and i care about you and i want you to be happy 

destroying my confidence, my will, myself anything about me is the name of the game aim for him

maybe he is still searching for the perfect girl/female/woman like a stepford wife or other type of robot automaton thing that is void of self and her own identity pollyanna, polly he mentioned years ago that worked at a massage parlor and he didnt want her to leave so he wouldn't help her move to texas..interesting because he has told me to leave hundreds of times over the years, told me to go live with someone else, told me to take off with nothing except my van 

Best to sell something that can't be returned. No refunds possible. Guaranteed money.

Buyers not sellers

 these guys love to buy and not sell on sites and seems like ebay is on of their favorite places to get stuff

the hub

john l

I've had my share of dealing with uncooth filthy pigs

This one male sticks his fingers in almost anything. He buys used items at thrift stores or anywhere and doesn't think the clothes need to be washed. He puts fruits and vegetables in the fridge, forgets to wash off the apples oranges or anything and eats them just as they are. 

He won't wash new clothing or other items. He says the clothes "smell good" at the thrift stores and claims they wash all these things before they put theme out for sale. 

The last husband of ten years 1981-1991 dug his toenails, picked his nose, pet the dog and cat and any other animal around, handles tools, car parts, any type of device..did not wash his hands and ate his food with his dirty hands.

The first husband, Perry I was with from 1977-1980 would go for several days without taking a bath or shower. He worked on filthy greasy cars, trucks, automobiles frequently. His fingernails were caked with black grease. His toenails had green and yellow fungus in them and the nails were yellowed and hard. His feet stunk to high heaven. His teeth were covered with green slime as she refused to brush them. 

I worked with john layson for 9 years. The man never washed his hands that I saw/observed and he walked around eating food while working throughout the day. He would pull a snack candy bar, cake or cookie or pie or any other type of food out of the wrapper, handle it with his filthy hands and eat it. He got sticky greasy stuff on merchandise and thougtlessly touched anything around him spreading god knows what anywhere and everywhere.  He bought clothes and anything at thrift stores never washed them. He never cleaned his house, kitchen, bathroom, floors. He never vacuumed. Didn't use disinfectant. Rarely bathed/showered his own body. 

Every one of these people encouraged me, tried to get me to do things against the law..otherwise known as lying, cheating, stealing, taking advantage of others, hurting people

He sticks his fingers in any food he sees. Just stuck his finger in my jello and fruit dessert tonight when I turned my back.

 Then he yelled at me and said I don't know what is wrong with you! I don't know why you get so upset. I just wanted to see what that was!

I said. Fine. I dont need to eat it.

Then he got a teaspoon and scraped off the area of whipped cream he stuck his finger in and I left the room.

When I came back he asked Are you going to eat your jello? as he fixed himself some ice cream.

Muscles and brains don't always go together.

People run from me. Some walk away from me. Some avoid completely.

Strong body and weak mind is one combination. The Top Ten Signs of a Weak Minded Person

The Top Ten Signs of a Weak Minded Person

The Top Ten Signs of a Weak Minded Person

Monday, May 27, 2024

I would go off by myself..

 If I had to go to a shelter of any kind 

It's what I do pretty much anywhere I am or go . The alone loner.

I don't do bundle groups like the 4 teenage girls clan I saw at price chopper tonight . All dressed in PJs and house slippers. Clanny cliques tend to think alike each other looking for verification of themselves. I don't. 

They still looked better than the single black female I saw dressed like a cross between a hooker and an Eskimo . At least they were dressed instead of nude naked in birthday suits. It wouldn't shock me to see naked these days. If they are healthy looking it wouldn't be so bad.  If they are not it might be sickening to see.

Husband was up at 6 am after windstorm last night

 I was woken up at the crack of 645 am heard loud men's voices in the front yard 

He was out there yelling with the neighbor mark while he was picking up tree mess branches sticks twigs.

Ran the generator and powered the fridge and deep freezer intermittent through the day.

I went back to sleep till almost noon 

We have lights via a car battery and fixtures he rigged up years ago and flashlights

He napped about an hour until 4 pm. I left here after he got up.

How can insomnia be asleep while awake and vice versa

Today's ventures . Walking dead woman, me

 Dumped trash old food ..lots of pastries cherry turnovers and others and fruit and veg scraps 

Went to Best buy Metcalf then best quivera Rd got portable charger for 4 phones or other accessories 

Sam's club quivira by Best buy closed at 6 pm on Sunday 

Could not get gas at Sam's for 2,98 gallon. it was about 10 minutes after 7 pm so I went to QT across the street 95th st and Monrovia used points earned at price chopper for cents off gasoline pd 3.02 gallon . 

Cleaned bird poop off windows and doors of my van with QuikTrip squeegee 

To 95th st west turned right at pflumm stopped at gas station to see if Tom s was working. He is off on weekends said the attendant. Christmas day is only day the station is closed 

Wanted to ask Tom if he had any ideas why I have such fatigue 

Price chopper 95th and mission Rd. Bananas, celery hearts, microwave popcorn, chips were 2 dollars so got 4 or 5 bags

Back home. Had plain peanut butter sandwich on weird bread, potato chips alot of them and 2 bananas . Yum.

Fell at qt getting gas today

 Scraped left knee, tops of both ankles on the front, left elbow , left hand palm by wrist. Another bloody scrape have to wait to heal

The fatigue is getting worse and clumsiness increasing 

Falls dropping things. Sometimes they break

Spilling stuff misjudging due to tiredness and today I got up around a quarter til noon sleeping late later today than usual 

And slowing down more

I've almost made it through the day again 

Several times feeling like I am about to die 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Stingy with compliments, stingy with money

 heavy with criticism, sarcasm, mockery, hate, humiliation, blaming, shaming, mean, 

He views sex, social encounters as a waste of time, a drain of his energy

He must put others down to feel better about himself

 comparing self to other people constantly

I have always been alone

 regardless of who I am living with or who is in my life

People praise people who beat each other up over a ball

 Common in the world

Cheapskate miser skinflint piker money grubber

All of my ideas are shit to him

 In fact I am a pile of shit

Old ugly fat flabby and stupid

 What more could i ask for?

Nothing fancy or expensive for me

 No beauty salon

No manicure, pedicure, facial, waxing, strange eyebrow threading

No hair color, no braiding

No massage

No jewelry

Simply put: It's not that simple

I Don't Expect Anyone to Fix My Problems and Save My Life

 I've talked to lots of people about my issues and not one of them has done a damned thing to help me and I don't expect them to do anything. It's bad enough that they were brave enough to listen. 

The worthless solutions they come up with mean that they mean well but have no clue what they are talking about with these wonderful up in the air dreamy ideas about how easy it would be to do the things I "should" do in order to have a nice happy life. 

He doesn't believe I have earned anything or am worth a thing

Thursday, May 23, 2024

If i crack a smile he smashes my face

Im not going to live forever. Im not even living now.

No word or action can be undone, nice or mean

Cruel words and actions cannot be undone

There is no afterlife. You only get one life.

Why do anything when everything is wrong with everyone according to michael

You dont know when to shut up do you?

Interferes with everything i do

 Then says i cant do anything

Says i make up excuses

Immediate gratification people

 John layson wanted immediate gratification. 

He is just one of some people i know who expect instant results and satisfaction.

Fast food, sex, porn is perfect, material things.

Responses from others. Answers. Driving. Money. Cash preferred. Cant wait.

Quick fix. Sugar. Pills. Ointments for pain.

Tv. Videos. Movies. Music. Internet.

Lived in the media majority of time. 

Few friends associates

Never married. No children.

He thought cleaning was a waste of time and money.

Wouldnt take a shower or brush his teeth very often.

Used earphones in his ears, over the ear headphones

Constantly listening to music watching videos 

Hoarder hoarding disorder

Paranoia bipolar diagnosed with

Freaked out if anything was moved, cleaned, reorganized by anyone but him

Ate all day long. Candy snacks desserts breads rye wheat 

Ate food any kind while working

Sugar addict. Any sweetened artificial or natural. Flavored artificial candy coffee tea soda

Had to drink diet soda with each meal

Expensive beers brew 

Political science major in college st louis missouri



He pointed out things he had during conversation. When paul anderson visited from south dakota john would steer the conversation to some item he had and showed me instead of being attentive to paul talking

Can you trust a person who






Yells at inappropriate things and times 

Do you ever think about what you will do if I die

 He asked me about an hour ago. First time ever....

One of the stupidest dumb questions of all

Didn't need to be answered. One of those questions that is automatically understood by most people.

OF course I think about it. I've been thinking about it for many years. Countless years. Why do you think I concentrate on easy maintenance 

Meet The Family in 1991

 John . First thing he said to me "DO you think people use each other?"

Dorothy: "YOU DON"T EXIST!"

Mother Marjorie stayed in her bedroom all day ( like i do most of the time now ) if i was here reading her jehovahs witness bible then come storming out of the master bedroom yelling at me with accusations yelled  at mike and me said youre a couple of ass holes! You need to live your life right, .. showing jw literature and the bible calling me jezebel , going to her jw meetings twice a week tuesdays and thursdays she was all dressed up 

Karen . Hateful and jealous. I was nice. She was mean. 

Mike Michael did nothing in my defense when i was verbally assaulted by each one of these people his family members

Saturday, May 18, 2024

He wants total domination of every conversation every person

 I am not to speak

When does forgiveness need to stop?

Male actions of partners in my life

 Perry. Marriage 1. In grandview church. No real wedding or ring. Poverty life. Welfare. Food stamps. Starving. Utilities were unpaid turned off. First place lived in his mothers old house 10203 newton kcmo. Real dump. 

Each one must fend for themselves

My friend Brian asked if I might be poisoned

 By my husband maybe 

Wondering why I get so tired 

Dump trash. Clean up. Start fresh

Completely fed up with being treated like shit

Phony sobs

 He talks nice to everyone else except me

Episode at target March 25weeks ago

 March 25 2024

Walking around Target alone. Ward parkway shopping center mall.

Two people started talking to me. "We heard you were going to pay for my groceries."

They had a full size grocery cart more than half full of food and other items.

A man and a woman a couple I am guessing in their 20s possibly 30s. Black male and female. 

Playing a joke on me.

I must look gullible naive kind

Stupid is engraved on my forehead

Fool is written all over my face

Icon Idiot. That's me

Got rid of more stuff today. Up at 9 am . Early for me

Up 9 am. Had yogurt, mango and banana, mixed nuts and popcorn before I went to bed last night. Is that why I woke up earlier than usual and had to go to the bathroom?

He left around 10 am to Adrian, Missouri.

First I dug thru old paperwork making 3 bags of trash to go. Two bunches of roses I had received from Evangel Church drive thru food pantry the Wed before Mothers Day on May 12 also bagged up to go in trash. More trash I made to go: Old dried up cinnamon rolls, 6 bottles of premade drinks that contain sucralose and other artificial sweeteners and ingredients, yesterday's organic garbage including egg shells, banana peels and other fruit and vegetable scraps.

Gathered up a box of old books, a plastic bin container of miscellaneous items and a big box of empty cd jewel cases. 

It was about 340 pm when I finally left the house.

First stop, the trash bin at a gas station off Red Bridge Rd close to 71 hwy. 

Second stop, gotwhatulikerecords off Hickman Mills Dr in Kansas City, MO. Sold Mark the box of empty cd cases, He said he didn't really need them. I sold them cheap for an undisclosed amount.

Third stop, a trash can at a gas station by 87th and Blue Ridge in KCMO. 

Fourth stop, a trash can at a gas station by Gregory off Blue Ridge.

Fifth stop, the new book store "trailhead books" in Raytown, MO. Brought in the books. She gave me store credit for some of the books and a power strip I didn't need which she was happy to get.  She gave me a cup of the coffee she was throwing out at the end of the day and said no one wanted any coffee that day. Some company called "Attack coffee" I think she said it was. 

The rest of the books and miscellaneous stuff (tshirt transfer stuff, cans of spray air freshener, plastic containers of wipes I don't use and an old stencil design set) the book store owner didn't want I gave to a woman in the parking lot who was cleaning out her car and was very happy to get the stuff.  The universe  timed it right, I suppose. 

Next I went to the Motor Vehicle and Drivers license office, 6138 Raytown Trafficway. I thought I had time to go in and get my license renewal due by July 7, 2024. Found out their hours and MON-FRI 9 to 5 pm. It was about 8 minutes past 5 so I missed it. I swore they used to stay open until 7 pm. Have to wait until next week, maybe Monday, who knows when I will get that done. 

Then, still no food in my body since last night, I drove to the Goodwill thrift store in Lee's Summit, Missouri and donated a couple of boxes of stuff including the old blue plastic bin with no lid. They gave me a 15% off coupon and a tax receipt. Wow. 

Hungry. I stopped at Hardee's restaurant off 3rd street not far from Goodwill. Downloaded the app on my phone. Went in and asked about a value menu. Decided I didn't want that so I went to HyVee across the street and found some food to eat in there.  It was around 7:40 pm when I was done. 

I had flexibly planned to go to J. Thomas Lovell Community Center to swim and exercise but decided it was now too late to go and be able to spend much time in the hot tub/spa, pool and use the exercise equipment. They close the aquatics area at 9:30 pm.

Decided to head back home. Stopped and used the restroom at Longview Community Center. Stopped at a park off James A Reed Rd between Bannister and 87th street and walked around its cement circle trail, went down a couple of slides, swung a little on a swing, pushed the globe which was hard to turn around in circles and got on the spinner thing.

Got home after 9 pm. Husband tells me about his trip today visiting our friend Kirk. He says the guy is a mess. Nothing makes sense. Everything is haphazard and scattered around. So I asked him to do one thing before I put his dinner plate in the kitchen sink: "Look around here. Pick one spot and tell me if it looks haphazard, a mess and things tossed everywhere."

He then gets up, walks and looks around for less than a minute and says "Why are you wasting my time talking about this?" And puts his headphones back on so he can sit there listening to the true stories, the truth news because that is the most important thing to do at the time. 

I said, "You think it is a waste of time to talk about this mess we live in."

He said "I don't talk about it. I do it" as he sat in the chair not looking at or doing anything about the stuff in the room which is 17' x 28' living room and kitchen combo. 

Piles of papers and food and lots of stuff on the dusty table between the two recliner chairs, lots of very dusty things on his custom made table for his laptop computer, several food coolers in the living room, many items on the living room floor, stuff crammed behind the recliners, outdoor patio furniture cushions up against the wall and in the middle of the floor, a paper grocery sack half full of receipts he throws in there after he buys something which sits there for years, a cardboard storage box full of his shoes, a plastic electric foot massager on the floor a couple of feet in front of his recliner,  a stack of plastic bins and boxes by the inversion table...just a bunch of junk sitting around in the way collecting dust. All of this shit in the way makes it difficult to run the vacuum. 

This is an example of an entire day which some might say was wasted. Hours and hours of dealing with stuff I don't need or want and trash to get rid of. 

It is an ongoing process that has been going on for years and eons. It feels like centuries.

My eyes bother me. Small things, such as this screen I am looking at, are hard to see. Focus is more difficult. I have to lean forward pretty close to the screen to be able to read it. Most things are difficult that used to be relatively easy. 

My back is in tremendous pain constantly. I had some energy today, thank God but have been going through mysterious bouts of tiredness, just plain fatigue feeling worn out, drained like it is hard to do much of anything. Getting this house cleaned out seems like it is taking forever.  However, I am making some progress one bag and one truck load at a time. 

I feel frustrated when I know the result I want and it should happen about as fast as I think it. Foolish thoughts. 

So tomorrow I will work on another batch of trash to throw out. Probably more paperwork. Maybe get more books or something to go. Maybe get him to find more stereo equipment he will finally agree to let go of that sits out in the garage in racks taking up space. As of the day before yesterday I have 3 pieces of heavy electronics listed for sale pretty cheap on the internet. Did have them on ebay and with no response.  Put them on facebook and craigslist only to have scammer message me on both sites. Can't put my phone number in the listing even when the numbers are spelled out in words because the scam artists can figure out the phone number. 

I have suggested having a garage sale in various forms to him and that does no good. I suggested having some guys or companies or estate or auction people just come and look at the whole mess of stuff and make offers. That does no good. He won't hear of it. 

It is too time consuming, takes way too much work to list stuff on the internet that is basically crap hardly anyone would want even if it was free. If a large piece of electronics sells on ebay it takes lots of special care for him to package it up then ship it. Then I have to basically wait 6 months and hope and pray the person doesn't file a fraudulent claim to get all their money back including the shipping price and steal the item as well. Ebay and paypal have a 180 day guarantee return policy for buyers even if the seller doesn't offer returns. 

My desire is to live in a house that is easy to clean, maintain, live and get around in. I want the hallways clear of any items (crap, I call it) including his cases of drinks, rolls of carpet, plastic containers of automobile products, boxes, etcetera. 

I would love to have clean, neat and organized closets and shelves. Nice looking clean and lean tables, furniture, appliances, floors, bedding, walls, ceilings, patio area, sheds. All of it to look and feel professional.

Tired of the pack rat syndrome. Too much stuff encourages rats, mice, animals, snakes, insects, bugs, mold, rot and ruin.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Experience environment determine

Everyone wants to look good

 Some people also admire, appreciate and want others to look good 

Some shit all over others thinking it makes themselves look better 

Get rid of him

 A common theme I keep hearing 

Sick crying shame

 Attractive female not listened to as if she had no brains no intelligence no individuality . She is judged by and treated by the way she looks. Period.

She is used for sex, appearances, house hold duties and chores, child birth, child care raising rearing. Just ask me and my sisters 

My sister's ex husband never took her out to dinner for 18 years. She was a sex and house slave . Mother of his four children. She did it all. She loved. He used her up. He beat her up. He slapped her. 

Fortunately her second husband was a good man who adored her and treated her right.

Teachers from grade and junior and high school and vocational technical schools

 Loved art , English, science, physical science, Spanish, theater, mixed chorus music classes 

Pete Erickson art

Mr Robertson art

Mrs friel English 

Mrs Caban English 

Mrs Audrey Ashburn physical science 

Mr shiblom computer programming 

I look at my teachers in a different way

 Now that I am 62

I used to have a status fear type reference and admiration for my teachers when I was young. Viewed them as untouchable icons and authority figures instead of the plain old human beings they are 

Truly naturally beautiful females are not told they are pretty by the typical woman

I won't miss the shit

Toxic person he is. Never satisfied. Always complaining. No fixing him.

 He does not want any help. He does not want to be happy. 

It is not my responsiblity to fix him. I cannot make him happy. No one can.

He works on anything else except himself. Blames the world and anyone or anything around for his misery. 

He is an insecure, scared, frightened, shaking coward. 

May 14, 2024 at 1:30 pm he put both his hands around my throat as if choking me.

 And it hurt. Didn't leave marks. I could feel the residual effect on my skin. 

He was getting ready to barbecue 4 hamburgers I thawed out in the microwave. He looked in the utensil drawer in the kitchen and said "what happened to all the stuff in there?"

From there his anger escalated to the point of physically assaulting me... again.

I can only fix myself

He's a drowning victim

 Grabbing neck of anyone and pulling them down to kill them along with himself 

Silence is the loudest noise

Home: A Battlefield battle ground war

It must be surrounded

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Too much or not enough causes misery

 Excess or lack is miserable

Infants think their little world is the whole world

Its amazing what a body can tolerate and survive.

Interesting how parents get smarter every day unlike when i was a teenager

I do what i wish my parents had done: Write it down

By myself chillin with a book or pen and paper: My favorite things

The lady at the bookstore thinks I am funny

 She laughed at lots of things I told her the other day.

She is the owner.

And I am not trying to be funny. I am serious as all get out with truth and reality.

He gets pissed because I tell stories to people wherever we are.

 It's just one of the countless things that pisses him off... about me .

Brevity. Synopsis. Short. Stories

 Why are some stories and books and movies so long when they can tell you what happened in one or two sentences?

Monday, May 13, 2024

I live in the desert

 Hot with the wrath of anger 

Barren of emotional warmth

Love is doled out sparingly

 Sparsely and rare are the signs of any appreciation care 

It's like one kiss every six months 

Walks away from me each time we are talking 

Does not look at my face 

Hugs maybe 2 or 3 times a year

No sleeping together 

Flashbacks are increasing by the minute

I have never conquered anyone including myself

A stupid person focuses on stupidity.

 Wise one is most aware of ignorance and is curious 

2 hours in the kitchen wasted time and wore me out. Back is breaking in pain

An unread book is useless. A misunderstood book read is worse

Teachers thought I learned fast

 How wrong they were regarding my life 

Some people get some things the first time

 Some don't get anything the first time 

I'm a slow learner when it comes to most things 

Having to repeat myself thousands of times is exhausting

Exhausted dealing with a person who can't understand

Sunday, May 12, 2024

After all this time living..

 Have decided that I don't believe in the afterlife.

There is one life for each lifeform 

If I never had kids mother's day would not mean anything

 Regarding them

It would only mean something to me regarding my own mother who was born May 14, 1939 and passed away unexpectedly and suddenly on December 14, 2003

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Collage for clayton. Gift memoir i would like to make

 Picture. Windchime. Mobile to hang up from ceiling

Lucky 4 leaf clover

Shiny silver quarter nickels dimes pennies dollar

Green . Bills. Money

Train moving.

Bullets. Ammo.

Safety pin.

Gold silver diamond glass $ & dollar sign and music symbol overlapped

Keyboard music player like the one grandpa maury Maurice his namesake got him for xmas or bday when he was 9. We lived in the "Ruskin Dumper" house i called it 7203 e 108th st kcmo

Hacky sack


Friday, May 10, 2024

People sense something is wrong with me and therefore avoid me

 Current situation: no friends . Excluded. Uninvited. Not welcome. Shunned. Left out.

All jobs I've had: no friends 

High school: outcast, avoided

Grade and junior high now called middle school: left out, not invited, not included, never picked for games partners

Now I must have known about this definitely by the age of 10 or 11 when suicide started in my mind. I knew something was wrong with me and I shouldn't live or procreate.

No one wanted me to succeed at anything. I had desire, curiosity , willing to learn and work. All blocked, sabotaged. Keep me down. Keep me out of the loop, the group, the information, the news 

Make it hard for me to eat. Accuse me of shit I didn't do. Accuse me of not doing my job and duties. 

A real strange weirdo.

People hurry me up and out the door to get rid of me fast .

The males attracted to me were weird , married, taken, goofy, oddball, gawky, the unwanted.

Guys know their number on the scale of 1 to 10 and seek companionship with similar numbered females and secretly desire the number 10 females but think they can't have them so settle for what they think they can get.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Damon doesn't pick fights and hates contact combat sports

Nothing is ever his fault

 So it's my fault 

I'm to blame for all bad

I'm the one convenient and around 

Fatigued slept until 10 am today

 To bed at 8 last night 

Books are one thing: Experience is everything

I Put all my eggs in one basket: He broke them all



kicked whipped crushed ground up






Rosie Day in court

 she was totally silent

looked like a wooden doll

completely quiet and shut up ordered not to say anything or look at anyone

in 2010 court in dallas texas

her husband john lee stillwell had made her that way

she used to be open smiling carefree friendly with all..loved to walk through the malls and shop ..window or otherwise ..

her family is nice pleasant easy going and she is, too

before he killed her spirit

made her agree to his lies, his false accusations against me and his brother mike

because he was after all the money and

john ended up turning against his own siblings except the youngest karen who is /was also insane 

Nothing can replace...








Tuesday, May 7, 2024

I support others. They cut me down

 Each partner or husband has been a block.

The husband has no emotional support no mental support and no beliefs that I can do anything. I have no value.

I encourage them the partners and husband and many other people I know or who are strangers. I give honest compliments. 

I have no regular steady friends. I am not in any group or class. I don't attend any school. I have no ambition no great goals no hopes and dreams.

Memoirs of a nobody

 Who means nothing to anybody 

No activity can replace my broken heart

 Daily crying each and every day for a year 

Haven't seen my grandson for a year as of may 14 2023 last mother's day 

All the places we use to go, I see them every time I go out 

Frequently I cry while I am driving as I go by or to the places . Frequently I cry wherever I am.

Fortunately I am home now while I cry. It's less dangerous to cry alone and to be in bed especially at night when no one is around or awake to see me 

I think of the KC zoo I never got to take him to. Last year in April his birthday month I went alone. I go to parks alone where we used to go. I went to c Lee kenagy park in April 2023 and again in March and April 2024. Took pictures of the flowers that always bloom right before his birthday. We used to go to that park often.

The last time I saw him I told him I imagined he was a little bird in my hand and I gently blew on him as he flew away as he grows up and away from me.

I told him to always remember that even though he can't see me I am always there and will be there for the rest of his life. He will never forget me nor will I forget him. I said I know I didn't say it often but I love you very much.

Nothing I do can stop my feelings and my memories. No one can help me.

Now I hear the owls outside by my house and I remember making the owl hoot sound for Damon starting when he was a baby. I always said what's that noise what's that sound about anything when I heard something. That's how I taught him many sounds. 

I hear the train now outside my bedroom window. Reminds me of my son, Damons dad, every time it goes by which is several times a day. We would stop to watch and listen to the train when he was a little boy. He loved trains. 

I am so tired most of the time and in pain all of the time. And when I wake up most mornings I wish I hadn't.

I don't want to end up living in a nursing home pumped up with prescription drugs locked up like a zoo animal creature with zero freedom or ability to do anything, zombified until death.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Truth : I and we don't like it

 Would rather believe in lies and fairy tales

I like to believe in the best of all people and things. Truth is the opposite of that

I like to believe in miracles. Those are rare.

I like to think my body will heal it's back, spine, eyes and all . Truth is: it will never be the same, never like it was when I was young 

Any word said might be offensive to me or anyone. It might be true and might be false. Either way it could upset someone and I or you never know if what is said is going to be accepted.

A person who amassed a fortune might lose it all with a word.

One might lose their life with a word.

Lots of us don't want to hear truth. 

Lots of people don't want to hear me talk.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Logic and reasoning doesn't exist with a schizophrenia person










 "Laughing all the way to the bank" is an idiom that means to make a lot of money easily, especially by doing something that others thought was foolish or amusing. It can also mean to be unashamedly pleased at making a lot of money. For example, "You may not think much of this comedian, but he's laughing all the way to the bank".









PRIDE wont listen







Memoirs of a nobody. That's me.

Did I step up?

 Well, at least he doesnt steal my purse, my money, checks or credit cards directly

He just steals my joy, time, sanity and lacks love and compassion

He does not foster an environment full of education for me so i can earn more money. Like previous relationships he inhibits my school, learning and growth keeping me down so i would only be qualified for low paying mundane jobs in traditional areas. This would not include sales or real estate broker if i could earn my license and be able to drive my vehicle to show houses without him complaining about me using the vehicle. It does not include being an author, entertainment field, modelling my body if i could figure out model and be paid. I can be a caregiver part time but it pays minimum wage

At least he does not rape me, has never forced or coerced sex

He is skeptical, a nervous wreck, sees the bad side of everything, always concerned about the monetary cost instead of looking at each thing as an investment. He even throws a fit about free classes that teach anything.

He keeps his body, hair and teeth fairly clean. He shaves his face. Is this a step up?

Previous 2 husbands and several relationships involved them being bad, dirty stinky unclean body, illiteracy, thieves, criminal activity... unkempt hairy faces, stinking armpits and feet, rotten teeth. 

Whatever. I am not looking for a relationship with a man to fulfill me. Its obvious it never happened before with the ones I was with. 

No man is going to make me what I am. 

If a man treats we well he treats everyone well, if he treats me like shit he treats others like shit as well. Their treatment of others resides in their personal viewpoints of themselves and other people. It has nothing to do with me.

Another wont be nice or mean just because you are

 They wil be mean or nice just because they are

Thursday, May 2, 2024

You are treated according to the other persons internal dialogue

 Not according to your position, actions or words

Jump and shake and move fast

 Do it slowly if you havent done it in awhile

Gets blood flowing better

Infants babies children youth teens young adults bounce alot

Run job 


On the floor

On the bed

Horizontal bop

Vertical bop

Bunny hop

In my teens

 I would pretend i was being watched all the time

People are omniscient like god

You talk too much : Translation

 Youre honest

You might tell someone something truthful another someone doesnt want anyone to know

You might rat

You might narc

You dont fit in with crims/criminals

You do the right things

You are ethical

You think

Youre real not fake

You investigate

You dont guess

Knowing what I know now through experiences in over 62 years of life/living

 I would have waited  to have children if I would have had the chance to do so. I might NOT have had children. The curve in my back is so bad now that if I would have known this was gong to happen I would have told myself "You have no business being pregnant and carrying a child full term and then attempting to give birth naturally."

Both pregnancies were sheer unintentional accidents. The only way to prevent pregnancy would have been abstinence. To never allow any sperm to come near by body in any way.

I used birth control. Pills and vaginal inserts. I paid close attention to my periods ever since they began when I was 12 years old. At age 15 my sex life began and I was meticulous at keeping track of the times when ovulation would occur. I had severe pain in either the left or right side as ovulation occurred. I avoided contact with any male a few days before the egg was due to drop.


I got pregnant the first time in late March, 1978 at age 16 . My periods had been very irregular for 3 months due to getting a tubal infection thanks to douching with dish soap at the most stupid ignorant advice of my stepmother. She was mentally retarded and I was ignorant of proper vaginal cleansing at that time. Now I know the only acceptable thing to clean with is plain water. 

I went into labor December 23, 1978. The doctor examined me. I was dilated to 5 cm, halfway. Then several more doctors come into the exam room to check my dilation. One doctor said, "We think your baby is breech, the cervix feels soft and we want to get some xrays to be certain. You will need to sign these forms to give us permission to do so as we normally don't xray a pregnant woman."

I signed to form. They took xrays. I saw them and the baby was feet first, head at the top where my diaphragm is. They said "We would like to perform a ceasaeran section. You have never had a child and we feel it would be unsafe for you to try a vaginal delivery. We would have to manually try to turn the baby around into the right position, head first. If we do that there is a good chance you would both die during delivery."

My body endured two ceasearen sections. The long horizontal scar across my abdomen I have is called a bikini cut. My back was curved a little at the time due to scoliosis diagnosed when I was 14. 

In the third trimester of both pregnancies I would fall down while I was walking. My right leg would go numb and I hit the ground several times. In the first trimester I peed the bed uncontrollably. I would wake up laying in a wet bed. Pressure on the bladder I suppose. 

I was so embarassed at wetting the bed. I never did this before and haven't ever done it when not pregnant. I had no idea what was going on. 

love spreading appeals to me naturally