Friday, July 12, 2024

Finally realized she doesn't like me at all

 H is the first letter of her name

I have to be one of the slowest people to realize when a person really doesnt like me. Took me over 20 years to get this one

She is not blood related . She is an inlaw married into the family.

Behaviors and comments from her.......

Avoided coming close to me when i crossed the street in her neighborhood. Wouldnt walk with me when i talked to old man across the street on halloween. 

She will rarely text me or call. Will say stuff in a text or over the phone she wont say to my face.

Avoids eating with me in home. When any gathering of people were there she goes to another room and mingles with others.

Contradicts most things i say.

Never invites me for lunch or any activity just her and I.

Said oh I didnt know you were coming acting disgusted i showed up. I was obviously not welcome.

I suspect is insanely jealous because i am slim not fat and am very intelligent. She commented a couple of times "youre very smart " and "you have an hourglass figure" with a slight undertone of hostility in her voice.

Said "i am not paying you to..., i dont want to pay you to..." even though I would do work I did for nothing if I didnt nèed the money so i was paid very little for time i spent doing work and caring for many years.

I am not treated like the family role I have at all. I am not invited for holiday gatherings, never wished a happy birthday or happy or merry anything.

Her own blood relatives and friends are treated differently from me and warmly welcomed, invited to many normal events, gatherings and holidays.

Accused me of "having a track record of doing bad things like going somewhere with another family member and not telling her or anyone". That comment wrongly made me feel as if i were some kind of common criminal.

I was always worred about her working long hours, having to drive in bad weather,not getting enough sleep, her emotional overeating, her apparent subservience to certain people and doing things she thought she must do to please some people sacrificing her morality ethics and principles. I love her, care for her and am deeply concerned for her and the welfare of her family. She does not appear to know this.  I would do what I can to help her with things and this very emotionally trying and upsetting experience she is going through now but she wont talk to me as a friend or family member.  I have been through a lot and am very understanding and can see all sides. I dont want to see what I think is going to happen: A divorce and her moving away out of state somewhere and taking our precious family member with her. It could be years before I see precious again, breaking my heart even more than it is already broken.

Everyday I cry because i sensed this cutoff from precious almost two years ago. Summer of 2022 I told precious that i am not wanted there and i cried in front of him. He didnt understand, didnt know and said thats not true, you are wanted. Because precious wants me around as much as possible. She doesnt.

She got mad that my stuff was there, didnt want any relic of me around. She threw away lots of things I bought for precious. Shes trying to eliminate me from his and the other mans memories as if i dont exist and never did. She will never be able to erase me and possess them. She is a fool for trying and believing she can wipe me out and own them.

She is usually really quiet and avoidant whenever I have been around her.

She told me once she is afraid to speak her mind and tends to be attracted to those who do because she cant. I speak my mind and have no fear. I speak truth yet try to use eloquence and never intentionally hurt someone unless they repeatedly and purposefully hurt others and myself. When i realize a person is deliberately mean i will confront them about their behavior then avoid them. 

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