Thursday, July 4, 2024

Learned some vital things in my life

 I concentrate best alone in the middle of the night. I cant get much done during the day when most people are awake and busy . Crowded areas and streets are common 

Most people make better doors than windows, often getting in my way or getting on my nerves in some way

People tend to be anchors, dead weights

I work and accomplish most thoughts and activities solitary with no interruptions from anyone or anything

People can and will turn on a dime, their moods, feelings , attitudes and actions changing as quick as lightning

So.. i just got interrupted at 3:10 am .. exactly what i was talking about and didnt want to happen. 

Raining all night and he gets up and opens the hole he cut out in the floor of my bedroom. He turns on a pump to drain water out of a 6 foot deep hole he dug under my room in the crawlspace. The hole fills up with water. It is riduculous to have this situation. There was no hole dug out under my room until he did it a year and a half ago the fall of 2022 when foundation company he hired came out here digging and jacking up the house. Nothing they did or he has done has fixed the leaking that happens in 3 spots in this house. The basement pantry wall leaks, the outside room he built on the northeast corner fills up with water and now that 6 ft deep hole he dug under my room also fills up with water when it rains. He sops up water using a rag and a bucket in the basement. He refuses to squeegee the water off the floor and push it down the floor drain.

An additional leak he discovered about a month ago is now on the roof vent pipe which he promptly made a tin can cover for and which does not work to stop it from leaking.

There are some jerry rigged things around here he did and dont work right and he wont research what to do to do these things right. My input is never welcome to him nor is anyone elses input. He firmly believes he is right about anything and everything. He says other people just take your money and dont do a good job.

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