Sunday, November 3, 2024

Back pain is horrible now. finished eating. living with norman bates

 730 pm, should be 830 pm due to clocks going back one hour lastnight

finished eating breakfast at 6 pm, just had 2 oatmeal bars and some nuts done at almost 730

havent gone anywhere since last wednesday. hardly any exercise. ate in my bedroom tonight. each time i eat in the kitchen/living room area he attacks me with news forcing me to watch shit like last night's attack 

...thinking about how i end up practically living in this master bedroom...just like, guess who? his mother who lived here when i moved in december 15, 1991 and she moved out in july 1992

i am reminded of norman bates character in alfred hitchcock movie psycho.. 

he was gone most of the day til about 430 pm then he fixed some salad ate it and the food i made by himself in his recliner and has been sitting in the chair with headphones plastered over his ears listening to probably the same old shit .. it is just like i am not here at all and the only times he deals with me is when he wants something, sex, a bill paid, a chore, to tell me how he thinks i ought to be, to do something, shoot orders at me, block me, stop me..

he called me a fucking idiot and stupid again last night. said i need to wake up and know what is going on in the world..did i know spain had a whole years worth of rain in a day recently..well that could happen here, our weather is fucked up due to man's doings..all the heat created from jets etcetera...

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