Monday, November 4, 2024

False beliefs he has

 His Back pain is caused by kidneys

Getting tired is the result of doing things, being active

Cows milk is good for cats and all humans regardless of age

If he can see my skin it means i want sex

If i talk to a male it means i like him, would have sex with him and he thinks i will

If i was around a naked woman i might want to have sex with her

He has his own definitions for words which are not congruent with the dictionary

The government offices, businesses, banks etc know all about him and history of what he has done and make decisions to rip him off

Certain ethnic groups and those immigrants from other countries are bad people and dont belong here

A person can be molded, changed if you know how to do it

I am stupid and think i know everything

I dont listen

I dont care about other people because i dont spend hours everyday watching and listening to alternative conspiracy theory news like he does

Most people are also stupid and need to wake up

Most people are brainwashed and dont know the truth

Good leaders knock some heads and use force to take over and be powerful

A child who has everything they need is spoiled and often lacks motivation and amounts to nothing

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