Sunday, November 24, 2024

Cleaning house is a nightmare at home

 He says he hates it when I move things around

Frustration mounts to accelerated levels when discovering the old outdated unusable rotten things in the hall closet today. Batteries leaking acid, old lightbulbs incandesent and spiral we will never use. 

Now he has to figure out what to do with these things. He is pissed off at me saying "I think you just want something to do. I don't understand why you are always doing that. I can't find things when you move things around. " and "I want things clean" yet he doesn't want to move things around and out of the way so the place can be properly cleaned up.

Thinking back on the past reveals that every single time I mention clearing out a closet, cleaning up a room he gets mad. 

the old clothes from his brother John incident. it tooks several years before he finally went through those clothes and got rid of some of them. he kept some of the clothes and put them in the upstairs hall closet. suits and formal shirts he probably will never wear.

I have gone through the same and similar fights with other people who hate cleaning their room or other areas. Namely clayton, rick. john layson, ed edward eddie, marielle, chuck strand, 

They say they have more important things to do, its not important. Feel demeaned lowered by such trivial tasks that maids do like cleaning toilets , washing dishes, kitchen work, cleaning entire floors, changing linens ..any household chore that pays nothing zero money. They want to buy things alot are expensive. often hoarding them saving as much as possible and when they run out of space at home will use other peoples houses yards driveways and rent or build storage units for all their stuff.

Some of these people are conniving sneaky always hiding something material and immaterial. 

They are into coin collections gold silver jewelry fancy dinnerware crystal silver china , expensive name brand items clothes electronics cars appliances . They become irate when anyone touches their car, stuff saying you might break it, beat their children for kicking the car seat spilling something scratching breaking or any type of damage to anything. Say dont use that like an electric window youll wear it out. Turn off an item as soon as youre done dont leave it on. Snap the light on if they see me in a dark room. 

Watch tv internet videos shows constantly watching other people critiqueing them. Running micromanaging all family members. 

Think they are more important and special than other people. Why not they are smarter, own all this stuff wear better clothes and shoes therefore are entitled to dominate dictate shoot orders. Best of everything except lacking empathy. 

Consumed with comparison. Never can be good enough or have enough. Smirk when I say little things make the big things. Chasing money all the time. 

Only impressed by big things. media, strangers, pro athletes, celebrities, famous people, weird things 

Easily bored 

Eats frequently.

Says i nag, am stupid and know nothing. Calls me a moron, idiot, sucker, fool, easy take, have no common sense, says i like stupid things and i talk about nonsense. Ridicules and mocks me frequently.

Obsessed with one or more of the following: sports, politics, games, chess, trivia, guiness book type of stuff, odd things like aliens ufos crop circles , weather, metal detecting, night clubs, strip bars, casinos, pornography, 

Prefers fast moving information like videos over books. Some claim to have never read a book.

Likes people who agree with everything they say and do like puppets android robots and treat them as if they are all knowing gods 

Cant deal with anyone who makes them think about themselves and contradicts anything they say or do. 

Wants to be viewed as perfect in the public eye. Status is top priority.

Instrinsic motivation is lacking.

Externally motivated. Carrot stick donkey mentality.

Only appreciates or misses me or something when i am gone for a long time. 

Wants a thing or person more if sees someone else wanting or doing it or if its going to be given away. gone. tossed out in the garbage. 

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