Sunday, November 3, 2024

Things my father said. He told/spoke the truth. MVP. Most valuable player, most important of all. TRUTH. Ethics.

 If I had to live my life over again I would focus on one thing, one job instead of trying to do it all, to do everything.  Become good at ONE thing

He, (referring to my husband), doesn't want you to go to college and get an good education. Then you won't need him anymore.

He told me about how the men at the shop would get young girls and screw them in the backroom

Illuminati goals to make one race, Interbreed the many ethnic backgrounds combine them to make the best of all humans/humanity.

You are looking for love in all the wrong places, like the song.

He supported anyone in their ventures, jobs, abilities, intelligence, capabilities.

He had faith in me. He showed me mechanic work, electrical, and never called me stupid or incapable. He was confident in my abilities just like my mother, Ruth.

Sex: It lasts a short time, 10, 15, 20 minutes. What are you going to do the rest of the time in the relationship after the sex is over with?

Always a square deal was his work motto on his business cards for WILSON ELECTRIC, he established in 1969. I was eight years old.

He was a Master Electrician, held the license for Sylvania Lighting.

He studied the books. He was always reading lots of things. Read the newspaper, morning and night daily.

I like to write so he found an article in a newspaper about a person who wrote personal letters for other people and made money doing it.

I wrote poems. I wrote letters to the editor and sent to the Kansas City Star newspaper. He also wrote one sent to the paper and it was published. I used to have that paper but tossed it many years ago. Big mistake on my part. Wish I would have kept the paper with his story about how things used to be versus the way they are today. ....maybe I could get the archives of the newspaper somehow...

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