Friday, November 29, 2024

Princess little girl

 I was

Perfectly pretty

perfectly clean

in a spotless new house

new everything

it wasnt a dream

it was real

it was me

before i fell in a sewer

in the other world out there

the one my grandma warned me about

little red riding hood

captured in the woods by the devil who appeared to be the white knight in shining armor

but when the sun went down his black evil came out behind closed doors

when the sun rose he went outside and appeared as an angel again to all

but me

Now I have become a queen living a public dream 

and a private nightmare

on elm street

she has two faces, one sweet and one mean

she learned this magic lesson from her king

the forked tongue serpent lashing love and pain

she dodges his daggers with her dance 

he screams. he cant catch her in his trap of fear and doubt

she bounces in her bubble he cant break

he tries to get in her 

she slips away

he thinks he will win

he doesnt know he lost her

long ago from all his little cuts and stabs 

her wounds are deep scars 

dead forever

her eyes have become lifeless. the princess sparkle gone

she sleeps, the beauty

only a true noble king can revive her

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