Saturday, November 30, 2024

Norman was a mess like many others I have known and dealt with

 Perry Montgomery 1951-2014 junkman junker auto mechanic, heating and a/c. egotistical braggart. sex maniac. preferred young girls but would have sex with any available ones around. flirted with waitresses in front of me all the time and ignored me at home unless he wanted sex which was daily every night before going to sleep.  dirty filthy rarely showered or brushed his green teeth and green fungus filled feet and toes. wore same old filthy socks and clothes. 

Ed M 1961-now. detests cleaning anything. scatters his stuff all over home and stores junk at other peoples houses and places. Egotistical. Braggart.  thinks he is smarter than everyone else. memorizes trivia math whiz encyclopedic mind. arrogant. dirty body. shaggy hair on face and head. Major porn addiction; movies vhs tapes on his computer websites with links lots of them showing women females girls being raped in their sleep. He raped me in my sleep countless times then claimed a wife cant file charges against ther husband in the state of Missouri. Entitled acting as if he is a king. 

John Wilson 1949-2002. electrician by trade. thief criminal burglar drug addict, alcoholic, sex maniac by nature. Impregnated countless unknown number of females and never took care of any of his children or any woman he fucked. Instead he beat them up.  homeless. never kept track of anything. didnt shower or bathe often. stunk. When sober was laughing alot acting childish and fun loving. Once when he was over here he ran into my bathroom chasing me when no one was looking and forced a kiss on me. How disgusting. That day I happened to be in a good mood and smiling alot which I now realized affected his mood towards me. He would sense whatever mood i was in and if I ever felt sad or upset he would become violent hit me kick me shove me down to the ground. He closely watched other people and stole whatever he could get from anyone. Forced me to drink and I was pregnant. 

Norman R 1920-2002 junkyard home. automobile parts scattered everywhere even buried underground where he lived in raytown and when moved to kingsville, missouri until his death. hardly ever bathed when he did it was rain water with a rag. wore old rag clothes. 

John Layson 1946-2023 hoarder collector obsessed with hundreds of things. dirty filthy might go 2 weeks without taking a shower. hated cleaning anything. encyclopedic mind memorizing music trivia and math whiz. sex addiction all kinds of hard core pornography on tape dvd ..he put most of the porn in his bedroom and in the den room he called his office. his computer was filled with porn sex whipping sex slavery websites. 

Gina at Midwest Import Auto. "controller, accounting" files for customers and keys scattered all over the office. she laid me off/fired me for cleaning up her mess. she was so disorganized that the company failed. she had fake nice sweet voice at first and in public then turned into nasty bitch when i called her on the carpet she had to face the fact she was a mess. she treated her husband like total shit, acting like she was some kind of queen bee princess. she was fat but had a pretty face.  She mocked me when I said stuff like "did you know when a fly lands on something it poops every time". 

Marielle the hoarder taking 40 meds a day. she detested cleaning but did take a bath. Food addictions to all kinds especially her sweets and cookies and milk and wine . Sex addiction. said she was polyamorous. she tried to have sex with a teenage boy across the street and any male that would have her. she said sex relieved her pain and acted like people should feel sorry for her.

Mike S

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