Friday, November 29, 2024

Nov 27, 2024 found stains on mattress

 when changing sheets in bedroom 2

dont remember last time they were changed. its been months.

a new mattress whenever he bought it years ago.  only us two have slept in this house and on that bed as far as i know.

stain is round, dark reddish brown about 7 or 8 inches on diameter on the top layer and side on long edge of mattress. is it blood? what is it? what could it be? 

i  dont bleed. no period since 2010 march. 

wish i had a forensic lab or could hire one. 

also discovered a sealed in plastic toothpick on the floor in bedroom 2. strange. he uses those when we eat at a restaurant that has them. i dont. he uses unsealed wood toothpicks at home that he got at walmart and keeps in a dispenser on the kitchen table. as far as i know he doesnt eat in the bedroom unless hes sick and sleeping in bedroom 3 his room.

also some large yellowish mysterious stains appeared on my new queen mattress in the master bedroom a year or so after i had it. 

i checked his new mattress in bedroom 3. no stains on it.

do these new mattresses automatically stain themselves?

creepy things happen in my own house.

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