Saturday, November 2, 2024

Foods seem to be the main issue wherever I go

 All of the countless people I have lived with, the jobs I have had, the places I've been bring back tons of memories of food experiences.

Most people in most homes I have been in and watchful over their food. Some seem to count every bite each other takes. They take note of their food, your food, my food. What are you eating and drinking? How much do you eat? When do you eat at what times of day? Does it smell? Does it give off an offensive odor? Who is responsible for cooking it and cleaning up the mess of dirty dishes, pots, pans, counter and tabletop?

And, most importantly ; Who paid for it? Who bought the food and drink? In some cases it doesn't matter who paid for it, i am still watched like a hawk as if I am a food criminal.

In this house scenario I provide most of the necessary food around here. Meat, vegetables, fruit, milk, butter, spices, eggs. I cook most of it. 

the other person runs around eating many different things like candy, chips, cookies, crackers, cereal, doughnuts, muffins,  jerky, salami, beef stick, cheese, ice cream, mini chocolate bars,  all day long until about 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. bits and bites. snacks and sugary drinks: tea, fruit juice, gatorade sports drinks, soda pop. an occassional alcholic beverage: beer, wine, whiskey, tequila, rum, vodka. typically his meals are not timed or planned. he doesn't seem to wait until he is really hungry. how can one get really hungry when they snack on bits all day long? he doens't keep track of what he eats. he just eats it out of nervousness I suppose.

then, when i go to eat my first meal of the day, breakfast, sometimes as late as 8 o'clock at night, he watches me like a predator, eyeballing what i have and just how much isk on the plate or in the bowl and how much i eat.

geejus chreeist i only weigh 125 lbs, normal height is 5 feet 6 and 1/2 inches. my severe spine curvature knocked me down to five foot three and 3/4 inch so i will use my supposed to be height over five feet six. 

In poor ghetto households I have lived in, food is a major source of stress and monitoring, forever watching what anyone else is eating and usually starving hungry. Eating lots of processed trash. Lots of the poor people don't know how to eat good food, don't know how to prepare a proper home cooked meal with basic staples,  don't know how to shop for groceries and plan meals, can't make food last and make sure to have plenty of food for leftovers. 

Poor, as well as rich in some cases, load up their grocery carts or go into stores and buy lots of soda pop, sweet drinks, energy, gatorade, sports drinks. Carts full of food that is fast, processed and, to them, easy to make because they don't know how to make things from scratch such as gravy, noodles such as macaroni and cheese with meat or fish in it.  their carts usually lack fresh produce like salad fixings and fresh fruit. 

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