Sunday, December 31, 2023

Naturally ugly. Real natural.

He still doesn't understand bad treatment causes bad results

What is osmosis feeling picking up energy transfer between beings and things all matter

 Especially between mother children, spouse partner

Fortune not fame

 Bounty and privacy

What a blessing to be

Wealthy and unknown

Rich and anonymous


Left side bigger, right side . is it dominant, stronger or weaker? Out of balance

 Left side of lip on my mouth a lot bigger. Used to be slightly, now more prominent

My left arm, i can twist it backwards to scratch my back all the way to my neck unlike righf arm i can barely curve it back

Left breast is larger a little always has been

Left side of back spine is huge raised lump bump hump deformed. Vertebrae cracked slipped damaged many times, more than a dozen in my life. Crippled looking freak. Twisted bad.

Hands feet legs differ. 

Eye exam shows different measurements for eyeballs: OD +2.25 axis 165; OS +1.75 axis 180. Both are +2.50.  Od is right eye which i discovered after web search, ocular dexter latin. Os ocular sinister left eye. + means farsighted. 

Nose nostrils differ quite a bit . Right nostril bigger. Only know this from photographs i take showing underside of nose.

What does all of this mean? What can i do?

What can anyone do?

Is back , spine damage cause of many other problems i have such as sleeping, waking,  mood, digestion, leg pains, vision defects, 

My face is crooked, matches my crooked back. Progressively getting worse. Left side bigger

Why cook, it makes a mess, he she they complain about the food and smell anyway

 And dont appreciate the food, effort, time spent doing it and cleaning up the mess

Want for nothing because you wont get it if he knows what you want

Saturday, December 30, 2023

No sense in calling any help line

 All they do is put you on drugs, try to stop you, tell you its against the law, ..whose law ? A human law not the true law which is the self the spirit over the body it is in

They lock people up drug them up try to convince them to deal with it, live in a cage and return to their home of human madness and put up with abuse and restrictions . Give them sedatives and such then tell them drugs are bad..dont drink or take dope , contradictory statements of confusion...

And they say you must deal with IT, all of it, the enforcement of human slavery perpetuated by the insane

What's in a name? Name is a human creation . Means nothing

 112 dead Sarah Stillwell on find a grave website today.

Means not a damned thing

Each person totally different and unique

I will be dead soon too and no one will know the difference between one Sarah and the other

The name means nothing

I dont mean a god damned thing and never did

And never will

Death is once in life

Dead is one thing to look forward to 

It is the only thing I have to do and the thing I dont get to choose over life

Life is not forever

Death is forever. Gone 

Delicate are eggs

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Food wont cure loneliness. Not substitute for anything. Food is sustenance for body

Which is better or worse?

Having a family and not associating with them OR not having a family?

Being married having spouse who is mentally gone, body there and not present emotionally or in conversation OR having no spouse?

Having a job and loving it then losing it OR never having a job to lose?

Having a brain and using it OR not having a brain (vacuum head)?

Intelligent awareness OR lack thereof?

Problems solved OR ongoing problems no solutions?

Active wisdom OR useless trivia memorized and recited?

Activity driven by purpose of acquiring material things OR moving body around for no apparent or obvious reason to get something?

Rigid fixed hopeless fate rut choiceless thinking OR fluid random malleable thought bouncing?

Isolation okay if self chosen. Prison is not okay chosen by others to lock someone up

 Animals and children isolate themselves in boxes, closets, under the bed, tent, any covered structure for fun and safety

Adults sometimes coop themselves up in cages often the television set computer cell phone tablet pad screen, vehicle van car train airplane helicopter chopper submarine, body of water boat ship Cruise, 

Jail is done by law enforcement authority when perpetrator goes against the law of the human

Xmas 1978 in Truman medical center hospital all week

 December 23, 1978

Cesarean section birth delivery baby boy

First son

Breech. That's why the doctor did cesarean

20 1/2" long 7 lbs 5 oz

Worst pain I think woke up from major surgery and nurses told me me get up and move to another bed

Weather very cold outside, dark and dreary

Smile and dance even though it hurts

 Pain anywhere back


Cant see list vision

cant hear, feel, taste, touch


Its gone

Death dying

Missing absence of someone or something


Lost cant find it, wont get it, it is never coming back




Happy, sober, real, genuine, sane or insane

Laugh anyway. It wont last long until you are dead, perished, expired, extinct, forgotten

Spent whole day doing "nothing" and now have time to write and think. Day is gone at 1:41 am Dec. 26, 2023

Monday, December 25, 2023

Once ruined forever trashed

 When one has decided to not respect another it seems permanent.

NO respect stays the same. In my life I have learned that "earning" respect after a person made their mind up you are not to be respected is virtually impossible.

Talking: Words can't be taken back.

 What came out of my or your mouth is forever carved in stone.

Huge mistakes I have made have come straight out of my too open honest mouth

So tired. Slept most of the day.

 Why? Don't know. Survival mode maybe. 

Raining all day 

Christmas Eve

no plans as usual ..stayed home doing thing to avoid confrontation arguments fights with him i cooked chili, hamburger stroganoff, made fried potatoes and 3 fried eggs for me this afternoon....came in my bedroom ate some almonds and walnuts then went to sleep until about 9 pm .. just had some hot cream of wheat with raspberry jam in it...very good

It is now Christmas Day December 25 2023 after midnight.

no plans for today the holiday(s) and nothing really planned for this week

might go to Target store on Tuesday Dec 26th to return 3 pairs of socks I bought a couple of days ago at ward parkway location. "Long boot socks" were NOT long enough for my legs, as usual. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Tired is the word



No regular schedule of any kind apparent





Immature mind: Childish thoughts and behavior

 we're all the same

i can say and do whatever i want without foresight of any consequence

people are and should be mind readers, knowing what i need and want

all things should be as i want immediately

what is good for me is good for everyone

i am the only one that matters

everyone should do what i do

my opinion is fact

my preferences are fact

i don't have to consider anyone else's feelings, opinions, preferences about anything

i shouldn't have to face consequences of anything i say or do

people ought to agree with whatever i say or do

Insanity can't be figured out. Too unpredictable

 Never know if you are coming or going with these people

Loved or hated

Treasured or trashed

Logical reasoning is impossible

Plans can't be made

Medication doesn't help, can't alleviate or fix the problem s

Exhausting as hell for me or anyone in house hold or workplace.

Unbelievable to those who don't live with them

I can leave mentally if I can't leave physically

Friday, December 22, 2023

Norman Bates character in this house

 a man like norman bates, ed gein, one of many men in this world who is mentally/emotionally tied up with mother issues and acting up with psychotic episodes on a daily basis

I am all alone with this issue which seems impossible to solve so far

Maybe one day there will be a resolution and Peace in this house

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Eyes reveal all

 If one knows how to read them

Eyes reveal fear being terrorized tortured every time

Mental illness is formed not born with at instinct birth unless brain physically damaged

 Barring physical brain injury trama, mental illness seems to be learned, taught, formed and not a genetic disorder inherited in dna.

Conditioning the animal behavior 

Repeated acts upon the creature reinforcing unhealthy thoughts and behavior patterns which hurt the self and or other beings

Witnessing others perform acts causing harm, pain to self or others

Big screens and headphones create morons who avoid reality

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sweet girl turns to bitch when treated like a bitch whore

Eldest son gets nothing for his woman, youngest provides everything


I doted on the youngest because I had him

He used to dote on me, now avoids me. Is devoted to wife. Hyper responsible

Didn't have eldest much after a year and a half old. Claims protectiveness and love for me yet treats all girlfriends like trash dumping them. Irresponsible. Unpredictable.

Items for my new house and home

 Taking pictures of things to have in my home 

One mother, one father.. I am your only mother

Fed up with jobs trying to make money... why not do the easiest thing for me to do instead?

Sitting around watching tv, games is NOT my thing

Finally realize I don't have to put up with the shit!!!!

 Too many resources and things I can do..

I can be myself and live a wonderful life!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

He is scared shitless

 Of most things and people 

My mother loved dolls and beautiful things

 The vintage dolls round and toilet paper covers




Art drawing, sketching, painting


Her hand writing was gorgeous

She was quiet patient kind delicate solitary and very family oriented

Ethical to the max

High standards

Clean. Bath daily in the evening

Reading a lot

Crossword puzzle and books

Picture paint by number

Taught me color coordination, matching

Only became angry at criminal behavior injustice drug alcoholic violence behavior people

Kept to herself most of the time

Worked hard low paying minimum wage jobs

Rode the city bus

Never had a driver's license

Thrifty, frugal, wise

Queen of the North East Kansas City MO



Christian religious devoted 

Went to church every week

I want solutions. He wants problems

 And he blames me and everyone else and everything else for his problems and attitude 

Girls love pretty things. Boys eat them up

Ugly monster worsens the more beautiful I get

Stupid fights of poor idiots

 1.  Over food

2. Things

3. Money

4. Space

5. Activities

6. Job choices

7. Public schools education

8. Transportation

Target of teasing, jokes, torture, humiliation

Where are men who protect women and children and not abuse them?

I have stood up for myself 99% of my life. No mans help or defense

I am the type of woman who wont do it just for the buck

 Some females or males will do almost anything for the money or a material thing or physical pleasure

One time a rude nasty male being at work asked me if i would do a despicable thing for a million dollars

I ignored him for 2 weeks pretending he was invisible dead until he couldnt stand it anymore and finally he cornered me in the warehouse while i was stocking merchandise

Some people place a monetary value on everything

 And place low value on life

Cant be happy, joyful over little things

Wont listen to a poor person, a child, a woman

Dont value things like ethics doing the right things without earning getting money or physical compensation

Easily replaced. I am quickly and easily replaceable. Low value.

Easily replaced. I am quickly and easily replaceable.  Low value.

common tasks work that can be done by almost anyone

dishwashers, cooks, laundress, seamstress, sitter, babysitter, child care, cleaners, home/house cleaning, vacuuming, shopping, dish washing, cooking, baking, grocery shopping

bottom of the totem pole hierarchy

pays nothing or very little

compensation: low wages or no money earned

appreciated only when it is not done, realized when the person has to

do it all themselves then it magically becomes important

priority: low

special work: no

I earn nothing at home doing these things. I have never earned money nor appreciation for these activities, duties, tasks, work. 

I was paid ten dollars by my grandpa leroy for cleaning and dishes, shopping, kitchen work back in 2011 or 2012 one time. He did this once. All the times when I had lived in my grandparents house for 10 years as a child I was paid nothing for any work done around in and outside the house. 

I took out trash, cleaned up animal crap, vacuumed daily, did laundry, dishes, cleaned 3 bathrooms in our house, mowed the grass, raked up leaves in the front and back yard.  Never got an allowance. No money earned. All my physical needs were met, they paid all bills and healthcare, medical, clothing and all that but no mention of wages for doing housework. Most kids children get an allowance so they can learn how to save spend manage money. I learned what I do is worth almost nothing to anyone.

I was paid 10 dollars several times by my son for times he was scheduled to work in a hurry to get there and didn't want to do any kitchen or house work so he would say I will give you ten dollars to do the dishes while he made at first 35 dollars an hour then upped his hourly fee to 70 an hour.

I was paid 40 dollars for two days of babysitting in the beginning. 20 dollars for a day at least 4 hours sometimes 12 hours. It increased to 80 dollars for the whole weekend in the end which was not my idea at all, it was my husbands idea to charge him more money. I had been getting 60 for 2 days of child care for a few years prior to that. Finally my son felt it was too much money, had enough of that and me then decided my grandson no longer needed a sitter at age 9. 

Cinderella strikes again. 

Saying 'NO" is a sign of wisdom, strength, focus. It is good.

Lichen sclerosus : what in the world is this diagnosis from biopsy?

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Narc responses, actions. Bully blaster.

 YOU                                        THE NARC

"Its cold    "                          "No its not. Feels fine. Temperature is x"

"I dont like that"               "Theres something wrong with you "

"That hurts"                        "Youre too sensitive"

I like something else.          You have no taste. You have no class. Too hard to please

I know what I like.               You dont know what you want, need or like

I would rather....                    youre too picky, ungrateful, never satisfied

DRIVES insanely fast

Rushes, in a hurry, impatient





Insults most people behind their back

Must be told over and over

Repeats bad rude behavior

Exhausts others



Slaps some people in the face

Ignoring ghosting someone is silent hatred

Most are fixed in routines rituals beliefs habits

 And we don't do the good things we are advised to do

Seek counsel from network of masters and professional people 

Continue habits until self realizes repentance. Not listening

Unknown people are not listened to. Not famous. Not an author, celebrity, politician.



CRITICS we are

Money can't

 Fix stupid

Change the past

Predict or promise the future

Bring back the dead

Fix broken bodies, hearts or souls

Right wrongs

Erase words said

Extend or guarantee life

Replace your parents

Recreate history

Give you a new lease on life

Cure loneliness

Instill self confidence

Is everybody born a nobody or a somebody?

Monday, December 11, 2023

Bullies in my life.....



2. MONEY focused

3. SELF oriented


























































BULLYING will continue until the BULLY is put in his/her place

DO fun things, work and maintain what you have after you get the home and fill it up with stuff

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Contradictions, Conflicting messages given to me. Opposite things, opposition. Causing confusion

 He tells me he wants be to be happy then does almost everything in his power to make me unhappy

Says look nice such as dress nice, wear nail polish, a little eye makeup and all that then gets furious if I look nice/good/attractive 

"I'd love if it you made a lot of money, had a good job" then blocks my efforts to do so. Blocking education advancement, formal schooling. Terrorizes me, yells, doubles up his fist saying he is going to and ought to hit me, criticizes attacks my every move. 

Android computer robot would suit fine as substitute for real live person

 possibly for lots of people

especially those with mental disorders such as myself and many others I know and have known

Income money ends when job ends. All jobs end eventually

I wonder if i should do the things he says i shouldnt do

 Because if i do he will lose me

Tired of forgiving over ahd over for one who wont repent change

He's always darting his eyes around and moving around with out warning

 Perhaps the same way a thief criminal of different sorts does

A socio or psychopath

Or some kind of psycho


Somebody will do something about it once you are dead not before

After the fact damage done incident here comes government, Police, doctors

Very sore today from biopsy scraping taken December 8

 It is raw red and green it looks.

Sprayed off vaginal area water and peroxide then carefully used wash in purple bottle I got from CVS months ago. Nothing I have used cleared up or cured the mysterious ulcer ulcerations down there. It's been there since February 2023.

Dr said she is going to find out what it is, we hope.

Time and energy spent on trying to live and survive with a crazy person

 Zapping my energy I could be spending on healing, feeling joy, doing productive things good for the soul, cleaning this place up and making it a nice home to live in, obtain well paying income, enjoying family especially my grandson I dearly love and miss so much my heart is broken from crying so much..

But no I live with a fighter of me , one imagining so many things I have no way of knowing exactly what all is going on in his head. All I know is what he says and what I see him do in front of me. I have no idea what he is doing when I am not with him. I don't know everything going on in his head.

Completely alone, isolated in my life. MISSION is to live in peace. DIFFICULTY LEVEL IS MAXED OUT

If I should die or disappear this is the trail I leave behind..because paper can be destroyed, this cannot

These electronic messages here might be the only evidence of my existence

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Truth found and it hurts bad

 Thanks to many people who speak truth about men 

I now know  and crying tears 

All I have been is an object used abused taken for granted because I didn't know the methods of men that seek sex and use the woman for what they want her to do at the moment. 

The Internet is wonderful for allowing communication for all people

Another attack i just survived at home. Untouched physically. Destroyed mentally

 Doubled up his fists threatening to hit me again. There is nothing i can do

Friday, December 8, 2023

Night out with my sister in law and girlfriend 1990 early

 Driving my 1972 brown Plymouth satellite

We went to some bar no money straight sober and two men insisted inviting us to the house if one of the men 

That man was married and his wife was out of town. Picture of her in the living room. His buddy was also married

Guys night out to the bar picking up chicks when their women were gone out of town 

We 3 ladies sat in the living room talking for a few minutes then left in my car

I wanted to know answers to the question of what kind of man does this thing when he's married

Did he really love his wife? Yes, he said

Fingers man nicknamed when I was 18 grabbed me from behind trying to kiss me

 Old man card shark good friend of my husband Perry Montgomery

Fingers was married

I was carrying my year old baby in my hip , my husband walking in front of me maybe 3 feet ahead in the hallway of fingers house

Model child, I was

 Good in school

Paid attention

Never got in trouble


Kept to myself

Left Dr appointment gynecologist today December 8

 First time seeing a gynecologist in about 20 years

She took skin sample biopsy scraping in private area

Sore redness ulcers since February 2023

Estrogen cream prescribed

To pick up at Walgreens University health Lakewood Kansas City MO

She not I or anyone knows what it is


2-3 weeks to get test results from labs

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Polly Anna believes he will change for the better. He won't

 Hasn't can't


Polly sees and believes in the best in people

She loves gives does nice things for others

Some of these others are wolves eating up the sheep lamb little red riding hood. 

Wolf doesn't care. There's always another sacrificial lamb out there waiting not knowing they will be eaten alive raw uncooked even 

It costs you money what good are free computer classes at Longview community college he said

 Bitching and griping at me for taking free classes

Complaining about the cost to drive to the college back in 1999 2000

I don't know what she thinks she's doing he said 1999

 When I got road runner cable internet and was learning computer and how to use the Internet 

Rigid plans do not work for me. Never know what someone else will do to my plans and goals

Fed same diet get same results for individual

Can't grow in the same old hole

Different people treat me differently and different places unique

Adult child automates learned repetitive behavior

 Without thinking

Done automatically

Memories memory

Stored programs in each cell: skin hair lungs nose brain ears bones guts heart all organs have /contain memory

Ease of doing movement and thoughts redundance creates recall

Motor skills

Thinking methods

Dental school today. Left side teeth cleaning done

 Right side next time schedule for January 11 2024

Plaque builds and grows all the time according to the dentist in training

Brush twice a day using a little toothpaste morning and night before bed, she said

I can also brush my teeth anytime I want

Two minutes each time

Stains on the teeth from coffee and tea. Professor said drink water between cups of tea or coffee and using a straw would help keep stains off the teeth

What if I quit coffee and tea for awhile, no caffeine and see what happens. I project I might sleep most of the day if I do this

It doesn't matter if I even wake up

I have lived long enough


He freaks every time a bill arrives anytime money is going out

Teach, I try. Learn, I hope

 Questionable actions about both 

A name plate place marker : What you get after you die

 This is what a person gets to show for their whole life

Richer dead usually get more expensive markers 

Poor get cheaper ones

Not everyone gets a name plate or stone marker or crypt to commemorate their death

If she would have stayed married at home..

 With the control freak husband

Marilyn Monroe is just one example to imagine what her life would have been like staying home married never getting out of the "nest trap cage box zoo"

Hand washed dishes and pans for over 50 years. Fed up

 With ruining my hands and wasting my time doing things considered worthless 

Fingernails dissolve weaken due to dish soap laundry detergent harsh chemicals

 Toenail polish lasts much longer

MONEY: Man's invention. No one is born rich or has a burning desire for money

Contrary to what he or anyone thinks I do NOT want to be taken care of and have everything done for me

 QUITE the opposite

I want to do what I can do for myself

Debt free when dead and while alive: That is what I want to be

Choosing, picking the most expensive and/or high quality item

 Often I have walked into a store and looked at the array of items and usually I will favor the things that are the highest quality or most expensive when I look at the design 

However I do not want to personally own these things such as cars, boats, homes, houses, tools, equipment, kitchen items, clothing, shoes, jewelry 

Stuff like this is just something other people would like to own and some would steal 

Guessing prices, cost of things is something I am usually good at doing

Value. Asset. Liability. Self Worth

Worth being based upon money , cost, resale value. My worth resale value is whatever the current going price of the elements, minerals , metal or other substances my physical body would sell for in a market.

Current self and whole life as I review history of it reveals my personal value and worth might be five cents or 5 pennies in united states currency. It might be one cent, if that.

(It is that) I am a liability more than an asset. 

The only asset I have that seems important to anyone has no "et" at the end of the word.

If value is based upon desirability on a scale of one to ten with 10 being the most desirable I am a 1. This might be the only area in my life where I am in first place and being at the lowest end of a scale simultaneously.

Net worth of self in assets that can be sold is below zero in negative numbers.

If the value of a person is determined by how many people want, how many love and how many others will miss that person when they are dead, the current and historical value of myself sits at possibly one. Maybe 2 or 3...and that is doubtful. It cannot be proven to me that 3 people will miss my presence when I am dead, gone out of this body. 

What is proof to me that my value is below zero is the absence of contact from all people except one, that one being the man I am married to who detests my presence and life the majority of the time. On rare occassions he protests love, concern, worry for and about me. A few words come out claiming caring about me and about two hugs per year happen.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Places I go anymore are making me cry or losing my interest

 Today stopped at majr thrift store raytown missouri after I was done going to two food pantries and getting gasoline in my van.

 I cried again like i always do anymore when i pulled into the parking lot. Memories flood me of when i used to bring my grandson in there. It is one of the places we shopped many times. 

We walked and walked in many places, many neighborhoods. We would find things on the ground, in the street, on the curb sunday night the day before trash day when he lived with his mom and dad on stark avenue at bannister road in kansas city, missouri.

Many more places we went together include Hyvee, price chopper , family thrift, goodwill, red racks, sunnyside park, c lee kenagy park raytown mo, george owens park,  lea mckeighan park south in lees summit mo, bannister park, james a reed park, clothier park

red robin restaurant, mcdonalds , burger king, wendys, hardees, arbys, dennys, ihop, olive garden, perkins, chilis, dollar tree, cvs, walmart, qt quiktrip,  target, lowes, best buy, vintage stock,  independence center, 

Olive cafe, laundrymat laundromat robandee center, 

Window shopping is what I did at Majr Thrift tonight. Walked thru, didnt want a thing. Typical of me these days.  Remembered shopping for and finding many things for me and my grandson. The black leather kids jacket, the bright yellow firemans raincoat, the brand new with tags all red teddy bear in the stuffed animal bin, the special handmade pillows shaped like a sailboat and rainbow, toys and vacuums and sweepers he wanted. The time he cried and screamed because I would not put 4 quarters a whole dollar in the gumball machine by the exit door for some plastic toy he wanted. I have put plenty of quarters in those machines for him for toys not candy or gum.

Hyvee close by majr thrift in Raytown I just went in , grabbed the grocery store ad and a handful of losing lottery tickets out of the trash can next to and between the lottery machines. I used to bring my grandson in there, pushed him around in the kids grocery carts with steering wheels, get him a free piece of fruit he always got a banana and a free cookie back in the bakery department.

How is it and why are similaŕ personalities in each group area

 In towns, cities, states

In work groups, neighhorhoods

In families

Anywhwere i have been in situations in places I have noticed this phenomenan of various types of personalities present in the clan club work business country 

Across the world it is likely and probably the same

I have travelled to many cities and states and experienced and witnessed this 

Comedy : Accurate account and reflection of reality truth

Sugar sweet drinks do not build muscle. Advertised for many years as good

World crime is the result of allowing local crime.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Stop talking, stop giving unasked for advice

People would rather inquire first. People would prefer to pay for good advice i have given away for free. 

Talking too much. Telling people stuff they didnt ask to hear.

Old. Stupid. Slow to learn.That is me.

Incidences are countless when i have been told to shut up.

And many things said .. i dont care to hear your opinion, i need a woman who will listen, you think you know it all dont you, i dont believe you, i didnt ask for your advice, no one asked you, its none of your business, just stay out of it, youre not an expert, you dont know what you are talking about, you seem mad angry all the time, quit attacking me, stay away from me, get the fxxxk out of my face, i dont care what you want, just go away, you wear out your welcome, quit talking, you talk too much, i am going to bust you hit you smack you, a few minutes with you lasts six months, you go on and on and on, i dont need your lectures, i have had enough, go away leave me alone, too much talk a little more action, dont say anything, i dont want to be around you, you cause trouble, youre a trouble maker, 

Today tells the truth about my undesirable talking behavior. I have no friends. Husband is hateful threatening most of the time. I am avoided by almost everyone. I have no job and havent been employed by someone else or some company since 2001 when i worked for ghazi dinn at one of his stores named gaiths inside the old bannister mall shopping center. 

Hated to the extreme by the 2 women running the flea market. All of the neighbors avoid me at all times. Family rarely talks to me and never invites me to any holiday events or gatherings. New people i meet and befriend and give my number to never call me.

The only thing i am is barely tolerated by anyone. I am an overbearing egotistical poor communicator and poor listener. I am socially unacceptable and unbearable.

Better off keeping my mouth shut. Be like i was when i was a child. Quiet, diligent. By myself. Be a very good listener like i used to be and people will think i am a great conversationalist.

Alone. Solo. Solitude. 

Solutions oriented.

Ex high school friends wont respond to my friend request. Every one of them i have seen on social networking are one or more of the following: still friends with same friends in high school, overweight, fat, out of shape, dead, drinking booze, cliqueish, clannish, wear lots of makeup, dye hair or bald or all grey haired, really old looking, sugar sweet addicts, have or had some form of cancer,

Speed reading came in handy. I do it daily

Don't Waste My Time

Insulting person gains no admirers or friends

Attractive desirable males and females do not beg for attention

What are you spinning?

Sunday, December 3, 2023

She said change your story about him.. watch miracle happen as he changes

 Not true

Wont change

However i can change what i say and think

Cord cut gone forever. Never going back.

Once cord is cut in my heart the love is gone in my mind it is forever gone

I don't care anymore

No emotions

No reaction to foolishness and shenanigans

Slow simmering burning fuel to anger, that is me

 I take my sweet time in patience

before i really blow up for good

before the grand finale of the end 

of the shit 

Does he know he is an idiot fool dumb ass creep? Or is he really that stupid?

LONG LIST of fools foolish boys men I have known

 this list could go on forever ... so I don't even know if I am going to start it with names of those fools I have experience and seen in the news 

MEN: Why you are alone. No woman. She left

 You are an egotistical braggart stupid dumb ass idiot weak loser failure control freak 

I have to repeat myself because:

    You don't listen
    Can't understand
    Fail to get the messaage, the point

You were warned more than once and didn't take heed to the warning

You think all you need to do is work, have money, material things, land, possessions and be as rude mean impolite hateful disrespectful demanding sloppy pig acting and demand instead of command and get any woman or anything you desire, want, need 

You throw temper tantrums 

You lose control of yourself, have no self control

You run your filthy mouth saying any bull shit crap that comes to mind 

You don't consider the consequences or your words. Words are FOREVER 

You bite the hand that feeds you

You shit on good people

Are constantly critical of others and not yourself

You lack instropection

You don't think 

You pretend to be intelligent by memorizing useless information 

Are superior acting, superiority complex

Cross boundaries of people, animals, places and things

Disresepect just about everyone and everything

Break standard rules of laws, conduct, behavior

Demand perfection flawlessness beauty of others and not yourself

You have a flapping rotten tongue spewing garbage 

You have it all backwards: YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL of choosing 

You are a pig

You are sloppy

Leave messes for her or others to clean up

Eat and run

Fuck, screw, take off leave: HIT and RUN behavior

Take what you want 

Are thankless

Lack gratitude

Bitch, complain, moan, scream, yell,throw things 

Can't communicate in an adult like manner

Childish as if you are age 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etcetera

Teenage boy acting fantasies of sex sexual desires 

Pornography porn nasty obsessed

You hide your filth porn rot because you know it is disgusting and wrong

Spend lots of large sums of money on yourself

Demand she, the wife, girlfriend, woman lives on very little. She must scrimp and sometimes go without even basic needs necessities so you can have all of the big expenditures for yourself

Refuse to go to places she likes

Have no fun

Expect her to dress in tight uncomfortable clothes while you wear baggy looking comfortable clothing and shoes boots 

Demand she looks good and has very little to work with

Demands things out of her/them/others and will not do anything he doesn't want to do, feel comfortable doing

She and the kids go without while you savor your money, fancy stuff like huge electronic items, big fancy expensive unnecessary cars trucks vehicle, hunting camping equipment, tools, whatever things you spend tons of money on

Ridicule whatever she likes

Act like you are the master boss manager supervisor father

Treat her like a slave maid fool stupid idiot dumb one who can't learn anything or doesn't know when in fact in reality YOU are the stupid idiot dumb ass fool

Saturday, December 2, 2023

I swam across Lake Lotawana Lee's Summit MO when I was 23 years old

I answer surveys daily. Enter sweepstakes. Have for many years. I earn points to redeem for gift cards, cash, paypal

 online surveys from swagbucks, bing, mypoints, inboxdollars, tada

restaurants, burger king, churchs chicken, long john silvers, hardees, wendys

business like cvs, best buy, ebay, amazon, banks; central , arvest, commerce, usbank

utility companies; electric every, water kcwater

A miserable person wants everyone else to be miserable. A happy person wants to see other people happy.

He always told me these things

He always told me these things

dont talk

dont talk on phone

dont talk to anybody

dont dance

dont jump and bounce in house

dont ride bike unless seat too high

dont tell anyone anything

dont dress to reveal any ass tits or skin

dont dress baggy clothes, coats, clothes too big

dont wear makeup too much eyes or lips

dont spend any money

dont have fun

dont socialize

dont party

dont relax feel good

dont think

dont look sexy

dont dream

dont do it

that wont work

i dont believe it

i cant believe...

i dont understand

you cant do that

that costs too much money

that wont last

What is the benefit in being nice and building people up? What is the benefit of bringing people down?

Food control: People in your house will control what and when you eat.

 How do I know this?

I have lived in many places and many households.

Possibly more than one hundred, maybe more. 

People : source of inspiration or frustration

Who do you live with ?

Who do you work with?

Where are you living?

These people determine your life.

Influence is unavoidable.

People desire freedom and also desire to restrict the freedom of others due to their controlling nature.

Same old stories recycled over and over : The movies, books, music, songs, news

 Nothing really new

Just tge same old ones in new clothes

Having money or thinking so can cause ego swells

Waiting is fine. Being the first is my last desire

 Ive seen too many firsties fail flub or die trying

Friday, December 1, 2023

sexy stuff told to me by men

 sexy stuff told to me by men

danny the plumber

talking about cute little black girl he met

after his wife died...

she's cute and pretty 

pretty pink fingernails and toe nails

wearing her holey jeans

i'd like to be with her

man at collectible store said 

when he saw my feet/toes

that is sexy pink/purple polish on nails an toenails

18 year old guy (braxton) and his 2 friends at the center when i entered to pool are a few weeks ago

"do you need a husband?" first thing out of his mouth

you are beautiful! that is a fact, not an opinion

you have pretty toes!

you look 28 years old

how do you live with yourself being so sexy? a guy i knew back in the 80s

have you ever used your looks to get what you want? ..jeff justice

Silence: A deadly weapon thing

The molester made fun of me eating ice cream

 I was 4 years old. I hated anyone named david. My child brain thought anyone with his name would be the same.

I hid under beds, in a box, in closets. Quiet as a mouse. Barely breathing. Unseen. Until he got me.

David Newman kansas city missori. 1965. His sister Sue would babysit me then she would take off with my eldest brother John Wilson borm january 1949 and leave me with David, her brother.

I have desperately tried to learn live work profit and survive

 Living and working with loonies, looney tunes

Insane jealous controlling slave masters, hoarders, tightwads, self centered misers, porn freaks, bipolar schizophrenics, messes of human beings blockaded my dreams life profit stunting me to feed their desires

Miracle i am alive and breathing. Miracle they live without me or anyone else attempting murder

The way i look at it now is i let them live only because i am not a killer. Any other woman, one much smarter than me and one having no heart but ice running thru her veins, would have clipped these ass holes buds immediately and got away with it.

I have something called a strong conscience and i relish freedom far too much to do anything to lose either

Some of these criminals seem to lack conscience, heart feelings and common sense ethics

I may not have a lot of money yet but at least i am not paranoid of police the law or anyone and not watching my back all of the time, fearful of getting caught in shenanigans . I dont give a shit if anyone is watching me or sees me in the window at home at night when the lights are on. 

24 years ago I was full of life fire to begin anything

My first computer October 31, 1999 Compaq From Hell

 This nightmare set me back 3 years 

My first novice internet training on one of the worst things ever made

Extended warranty finally granted after three years of misery i suffered trying to learn on junk compaq desktop solo by myself  no tutor teacher or training by best buy manager from hell after repeated returns due to malfunctioning software system snafu

I had big dreams to connect the world in 2000

 Internet main directory including every category A to Z linking everyone to anyone from my main source

October 31, 1999 my first computer 

Severe back pain today. No food until 645 pm nov. 30, 2023 thursday

 Pain usually more severe after eating, especially after second meal of the day. It was very bad before having any food. Dont know why. Cooked a 16 lb turkey in the oven right before eating. 230 pm to 630 pm cooking and cleaning this hodgepodge hole.

Instant mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing, canned green beans, gravy package inside frozen turkey, white bread rolls store bought baked 350 degrees in the oven.  Turkey was pretty much the only fresh home cooked food. 

Laid down on my bed stretched did childs pose yoga, laid flat on back put both legs up to help alleviate some pain, rolled around on sides side a bit, typed stuff on this blog on mu samsung tablet while lying in bed. 

Did these for a couple of hours then got up. 1030 pm to 1230 am kitchen cleaning filled up dishwasher,  whites in laundry going, more trash dealt with, cleaned a little kitchen floor swept with broom sprayed with vinegar water, scrubbed area in front of kitchen counter by dishwasher and stove with damp rag ajax cleanser and vinegar water, cleaned off most of dining room table, reorganized tomatoes he pulled from garden last month, sorted thru some pantry items, filled washing machine halfway with rain water husband had brought in from rain barrel outside a few days ago. He hauled in most of the rain water i hauled in about 6 one gallon buckets and put in buckets placed in big wash basin sink next to the washing machine in the basement.

Almost farm life style. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Why do things seem to make more sense when i look back at the timeline of events in my life?

 What happened at that moment was precursor for future events to come unknown to me at the time it happened.

Compelled to do a thing at the moment prepared me for what was to come later in the future

My attention drawn to a specific area location would later prove its reason why my subconscious was attracted to it

My attention drawn towards anyone, any thing, activity has preceded its coming and importance in my life

My tears and sadness often come prior to the sad event of loss i experience; precognition, clairvoyance, a knowing i do not kmow why , have no proof evidence or explanation for. I just know, intuitively instictively some things prior to or during time it happens

I have a gajillion examples of these clairvoyant and precognitive experiences going way back. The first time i can remember now at this time was when i was 4 years old a dream of separation from my 3 baby brothers in an elevator. 

Crying spells are common before death or loss of contact of a loved one

Emphatic i am labelled as intense

Emphasis given on truth reality i see

Unwanted behavior i have own am serious, dead on, to the point

No one wants to hear it

Hobo homeless tramp trash mismatched

 Drives me crazy when things are haphazard, out of balance

Colors patterns not coordinated, matched, inappropriate for area or circumstance

Subconscious suicide when human or animal does things it knows is wrong or hurts itself

 Wreckless dangerous behavior

Driving fast, erratic


Drugs drugging self alcohol uppers downers pain killers

Lifting too much weight

Pushing self beyond limits

Exposing body to any extreme: food overeating, undereating, starving, temperatures, cold, hot

Unsafe environments

 Shady criminal people associates

Rushing, speeding, not allowing enough time

Too much to do

Too much stuff, material things

Desire must come from within to be true and real. It cannot be forced upon by outside influences.

People must come to their own conclusions

Everyone is no one and also someone, somebody: themselves. All born naked and die naked with nothing else but their own body.

Self internally motivated only

Prophets and angels trampled in own home town city village: Adored adulated away from familiar people and places

Genius often recognized until after the fact.

 Sometimes hundreds of years after a person dies is he she recognized for talents, foresight

Give until they gorge. Fools gorge til death

Torture tactics of idiots reign supreme

Some have quick temper without thinking, mine is slow burning death to perpetrater

Pride and arrogance are two different things

People say I am good at guessing prices cost of items

A person shouldn't have to practice self defense at home

 On guard ready for attack

Spouse partner roommate family member

Wife against husband or vice versa

Child girl or boy against mom mother or dad father brother sister cousin aunt uncle nephew niece grandparent grandma or grandpa grandmother, grandfather or any other family friend associate or acquaintance

However the world and home is filled with enemies wanting to pick a fight attack innocent beings creatures minding their own business in peace. Disruption happens everywhere I guess and suppose. No one is free to be themselves left alone to be comfortable at ease in life

Rude impolite disrespectful behaviors

 Raining on my parade shitting on happiness joy of another

Denigrating devaluing another

Taking over choices of another : food, eating, clothing, hobbies, work, school, education, yelling when not life threatening emergency

Invading territory personal space

Grabbing stealing food off anothers plate area

Sucker punch

Sneaking up on unannounced

Belching burping passing gas and not saying excuse me

Nose picking in front of anyone

Not washing hands thoroughly

Handling food from serving plate with your hands dirty clean or not

Reaching far across table for condiments platters or anything else (pass instead)

Licking serving utensils spoons ladles forks knives and especially attempting to return licked or touched utensil to serve food or drink, these are heathen animal actions

Talking over another, finishing sentences

Doing things another can do and expects to do

Treating others like they are dumb stupid incapable

Not allowing others a choice to make a decision. (Here, let me do it for you since you are obviously incapable attitude)

Humiliating others

Constant criticism

Noises made or lights turned on or off in any fashion mode waking people up rudely suddenly frightening them 

Childhood behavior learned, becomes ingrained pattern throughout life of the being

Passion inherent in each being of itself . Needs no direction.

Mistake to think i am the only one that knows anything. Respect sense of all others

Infant born with knowledge wisdom of the all god life force energy

Intelligence and stupidity are not gender specific

Unique burning desire exists in each individual

I dont need opinion permission or approval to be and decide anything

Being good at one thing doesnt mean youre good at everything

Monday, November 27, 2023

Is high tolerance for pain patience or stupidity?

One day you will thank me, grandma said. So right, correct. Dec 2, 2008 she died. 15 years ago.

 Common among children, grown adults.

Thanked after dead, dying, died, exiting the situation.

 Walking off several jobs due to tyrant boss manager management supervisor business owner

After leaving deadbeat childish tantrum throwing partners spouse wife husband friend associate neighbor

I have been thanked by management after i walked off the job, begged to come back by ex husband boyfriend, they said you were right way too late after i gave many warnings and chances, never to return to that situation

You were right, they said, long after they missed the boat....

By the time i leave its too late. Never went back to any of them once my mind was made up. 

How many chances should a disrespectful adult be given?

 Not sure.

However I have learned that the disrespectful teenager usually stays that way throughout their entire adult life, according to the adults I know and have known during the last 60 plus years of my life.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

She and he mocked me for having feelings

 Feelings of sadness, mourning, loneliness, empathy, compassion, understanding, 

I have been ridiculed by many for having such emotions

Those without compassion said why should you care it didnt happen to you, thats ridiculous you shouldnt feel that way or care, it doesnt affect you, its not your fault, stay out of it its none of your business, 

Give him or her what they want and only that so they can gorge on it

Be dead, die: the best way to not spend money

Hitchcock cheap is cheap husband twin to mine

 Was going to file for divorce but too cheap for the lawyer or doing inventory for status of assets

Thinks he can take it all

Throw me out

With almost nothing

Except my vehicle

Was your child the most valuable thing you had?

Nov 24 2023 he hugged me no reason randomly

 Is that the second time this year or the third time he gave me a hug?

Only people he has not met has he not took over hijacked from me

 Best and better not to introduce him to the ones he has not met 

Hijacked my family friend and neighbors he did

Asks fakes asking my opinion doesn't listen to it

To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." -- Bertrand Russell

 Your Daily Quotation:

"To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom."

-- Bertrand Russell

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Enticing a male accidentally or on purpose is the easiest thing for a female to do

Keeping him around, his attention on you only is perhaps the most difficult thing to do as he is so easily distracted 

his natural instinct and nature is to seek out as many possible mates in order to be the father of all and then he does not want anything to do with the upbringing of the kids or the whole process of the female's pregnancy ... that is from my own personal experiences and things i witness worldwide

he wants the sex act, brief encounters of bodies merging together, not the whole lifelong process of caring for the child/children he made by fertilizing the eggs of those females/girls/women he screwed

just like when he sees good food laying out somewhere, he eats it up until he is full then takes off running off to go do something else leaving the whole fukkking mess for the woman to clean up as the man thinks he has "more important things to do" than clean up after himself or anyone else

The biggest difficulty problem is NOT myself, it is when anyone else forces themselves upon me

I question the intelligence of human beings the most out of all creatures

 the "adult" humans are the culprits

the worst of all creatures life forms living beings on this planet and possibly other planets

the stupidity of our race has to be the ultimate dumbness of all the life forms in the universes galaxies systems 

I detest the cold weather with a passion

Being ready to go first thing in morning has always been a huge problem issue with me

 I cant think or move much upon waking up, usually late

if I have to get up early I am not good for very long, have to go take a nap in a few hours

If I get up late after 930 to 1030 I usually do better

Nocturnal in a world of DAY Diurnal people is a real challenge for me. ..always has been

 and daytimers seem to be the pushiest of all

attempting to force their circadian rhythm upon night timers

Quit telling anyone what to do, feel, think or be = INSTANT JOY AND HAPPINESS

Friday, November 24, 2023

It depends on where you are and who is there as to how you are treated

 Learn this everyday, every time i go anywhere

Generally ignored in crowds, crowded places public or private

Two days ago I went to a Small place, a former pizza hut turned tavern in belton, less than 10 people including customers and working employees, i seemed center of attention . Strange.  Very unusual.

Factors i conclude probably causing this unusual attention received : 

regulars were in there sitting around drinking in the dark for hours. 

I am a stranger new face to their scene. 

I came in for a sandwich and fries thats it. I dont drink alcohol. 

In familiar and family places i am a regular and regularly ignored, dismissed, left out, unheard majority of the time. Nobody gives a flying heap about me or what i have to say, need or want. Im not even looked at unless i am dressed weird. My absence is appreciated much more than my presence. I am told to leave, shut the fuck up, get out of my way and face, 

Location and people are determining factors of treatment.

Dead people

 Late last night November 24, 2023 found out she, debra wall,  died a week ago. No one contacted me. Discovered it on the Internet. Who is next? When is it my turn to end life in this body?

Debra Phillips Wall born January 14, 1962 to November 15, 2023

Richard chris rixner jan 11, 1960 to july 21, 2023

Wendolyn Wendy Moody aug 26 1966 to march 15, 2022

John william layson nov 13, 1946 to may 9, 2023

Timothy Phillips 38 . May 1983 to jan 13 2022

Michael wall. July 19 to july 2021

All is always in the all

 Before conception and to death of physical body and beyond that death the all is always present

It never left

The god presence is always there throughout all time

Thursday, November 23, 2023

I'm way too slow

People die disappear and disappoint

 Don't get dependent upon them

Tied up

Love too much 

Grandma would say "I like to have fun" and Grandpa agitated her to get her mad destroying her good mood

 Just exactly like my husband and former 2 husbands

These all think money and material things are/ is the answer. 

The last two are always looking for that "perfect" looking doll woman and never investing into the woman they have. Some other woman is always better than what they've got.

Wrapped up into movies, porn and images of someone somewhere else 

NOT having fun with me. Ever

I don't like who I have become living with a constant critic slamming everything about me and hating the world

OLD men and their old cars/trucks driving around on nice weather days. ALONE

Partner you live with affects your life most. You can't get away from them and effects they have on you.

 A friend of mine told me to "just ignore him", referring to my husband and have had many tell me to just don't pay attention to someone anywhere at work or wherever I am. 

This does NOT work when you have to deal with this person on a daily basis.

Getting completely away FOREVER is the only solution. 

Even then, the effects last forever and ever. Memories are not erasable.

Remember how a person makes you feel. Lasts indefinitely.

I have had people tell me they remember that I was "a lot of fun"

You Can't Get Away From Yourself

Lucky, fortunate to have parents, mom and dad, who supported me and siblings brothers sisters

All Gone In An Instant: This is life/end of life/death

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

When child cant please parent mommy or daddy..

 Feels unaccepted, unloved,  not wanted unappreciated

What does adult child do?

 Smirked and made fun of my writing

Anusersabudibe bullies

Air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.. suffocating

 Tension in grandparents house I grew up in. My mom used to say this to describe her mother's and stepdad house

Funny how that is what I have lived in the past 30 + years and 10 years before that

My mother was beautiful ...

 She endured much suffering . Died at age 64 on December 14, 2003. Born May 14, 1939. Sun sign Taurus, Cancer rising on ascendant. 

She ended up in poverty, lived in horrible bad ghetto neighborhood since divorce 1971 april until her death in 2003. Didn't have money but remained highly ethical, clean, looked nice, never did drugs or drank alcohol. ended up overweight due to cheap food bad diet. she did take vitamins and practiced cleanliness baths, skin care. Her savior nature caused her to marry a man who was an alcoholic, Warrren was 4 years older than me born 1957, 18 years younger than my mom.

mean hateful comments from family members including her own mother who loved her dearly but was hypercritical of her

step grandpa was instigator of criticism calling my mother horrible names because he was such an ass hole and he was proud of it. grandma would call him an ass hole sonofabitch bastard mother fucker and he enjoyed her screaming at him, telling him exactly what he was. grandpa leroy called my mother fat, lazy because he could not stand to relax himself. he was overly competitive and thought it was the way to be. he was a very hard worker however was repulsive to me ever since i can remember. I was 5 years old he scared me half to death with his loud voice, yelling and bad breath. Trying to give me a hug and I pushed myself away from him. Didn't like him or trust him. Grandma kept me safe and clean and healthy and protected me. He was rude rash crazy fast driver. Thought the was so intelligent. She called him an educated idiot. How true. 


 woman your work means nothing

cook clean housework laundry errands

education schooling learning teaching 

work your ass off like a man doing mens work

and he will be looking at and lusting after feminine looking girls females other women

seeking opportunities to nail any beautiful holes he can sniff out

sniffing like a damn dog



Be feminine. Be natural, soft, pretty, cute. 

Be desirable. 




I am tired fed up with all of my efforts working at things trying to make things right and nice and pleasant for him or anyone else. He does not listen, does not care. Neither did any other man I had a relationship with or worked with or around. 

My entire life has been a fight for my right to get a formal education and work at my internet sales and get people together, linking and mediating others 

My looks seem to be the only thing that are the most important as no one is listening to a damn thing I say or any work I do regarding cooking, cleaning, sales, 

My brain and intelligence do not matter to anyone and never have mattered

So the only thing I can do now is invest in myself and put all of my energy into looking my best, as my grandmother told me many many years ago... she said "Always look your best"


I don't care what you want anymore.

I am not busting my ass going out of my way to please you. You don't appreciate it. You dont want to do anything willingly for me or for anyone. You don't want to do anything unless you get paid money for it. 

I can't love you and help you get over childhood trauma of hatred and rejection and feelings of worthlessness. All you do is try to make me feel worthless, ugly and powerless. 

Too many other people, men and women and children are out there who are nice and kind and appreciate life. They love people and animals and life in general.  

too many other men have thrown money food and services at me .. there are many who willingly go out of their way to make others happy. you don't. you don't want to say or do anything to make me happy. you go out of your way to make me miserable and put on a phony fake front in public trying to look perfect when you are really a scared little boy bullying me as much as possible trying to destroy my beauty my feminity my love of life and fun and work and dancing

Don't like the service at the fast food restaurant? Come back in 4 weeks. All new crew

Monday, November 20, 2023

When no one is around what does he she do?

 Is that your real self, alone?

Some can hate a person and screw

 Have no respect, love, consideration for one and sex them

Say i dont care about or like her but she looks good i would fuck that then walk off

People do these things when i am around




Never or rarely call

Dont invite or tell me about events

Turn away

Agree fast to shut me up even when they dont agree

Dont walk with me but usually a long way in front of me

Say shut the eff up, i dont want to hear or listen to you, i dont believe you

Act pretend they are not with me, embarassed? Ashamed?

Slow very super slow ... naive stupid narcissist me

She and he said I havent treated you bad

 And ridiculed me and mocked me and said after all ive done for you

Haughty arrogant status for appearance seekers

I was the showoff piece supposed to make grade a in school

Trophy not human

Daytime and groups of one or more people interefere my work

I stayed up all night many times and got work done

 As long as he didnt get up and interrupt me

Solitude. Best way i have accomplished work or any other thing

NEVER CHASE A MAN! Be VERY choosey about accepting,talking to the ones who chase you. Hard lesson I finally learned

 Never chase or be the first to make an advance.

When he seems interested NEVER fall head over heels and show him

I have been beat up, both eyes black and blue damaged from male fist bashing my face, body parts attempted to be torn off of me, kicked in the head and knocked out raped and sodomized, attempted strangulation, raped in my sleep, punched, kicked, smacked, yelled at, all by men that I pursued and basically made the first move. 

HUGE MISTAKE. One of many i have made. 


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Quit pushing your stuff upon other people

She's looking good. Would like to have sex with her again to see if it's the same...

 said by a man friend of mine

referring to his ex live in woman girlfriend who always had sex with him at the drop of a hat and yet he ran out around finding sex with any available person 

Decisive Decisions ..oscillating or firm, flexible or rigid

 Both are inherent practiced 

evolved from constantly making decisions

each one thing decided affects all others in front of it in the future

I am my experiences

I reflect my environment. Mirror mirroring

Control freaks people

 fearful humans that we are...

restrict other life forms containing them, boxing them up, tying up, pinning down

put themselves in position of power authority

use word  "should" alot

whatever i need or want or am doing he gets for himself. i mention something he gets or does it. done to maintain illusion of control dominance in household and relationship. creating dependency and total imbalance

food/eating, mattress, stereo music equipment, tires

medical care

years and years i go without seeing a doctor for my severe scoliosis, basic exams, medical treatment, ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, eczema, from 2006 to 2016 no doctor no care except one visit to a dentist 100 he paid for due to his obsession with seeing dentist about teeth

dominates telephone, any item around here

whatever i can do he does it then screams and yells i dont do anything around here except maybe the laundry and dishes

gets mail, monitors mail, has probably tossed out my stuff,  cleans off drive, patio, dusting vacuuming floors..things i can do without further breaking my back 

How to ruin a sweet girl: ask the husband for instructions

And scrooge counts his money right before christmas.. right on time again

 Ebeneezer is at it again

Not impressed with most restaurants or carny food

How many times should an ass jerk bastard be forgiven?

I have a long history of not putting up with shit at jobs work places

 From a hole bosses

Friday, November 17, 2023

You are an effing bitch

 I told new supervisor at public storage july 2000

She immediately fired me over the phone saying youre relieved

Marta, micromanaging ex militant narcissist

If you are an ass hole i am not working here...

 Exact words i said to ne manager at clark oil 1993

Ira goss. He was a good nice manager.

So was Mike the assistant

The person I was versus today living dead girl

 Direct result of treatment, experience, conditioning. 

I am still in there waiting to come out, return to me the way i fully am not the skeleton shell i have become, starved of appreciation. 

Giving in to a bully kills. No respect for kind people

 Bullies have No respect for the ones who give in to abuse and will never respect the kind hearted.

Progressively gets worse no chance for change.

Will never respect the one who gave in, put up with their bad behavior and forgave them by making excuses because the victim is a kind soft hearted person. The kind person never gains respect from the bully regardless of what they do to try to gain respect. 

Kind people are used up and spat out with disgust.. that stupid idiot fool see how i took advantage of them and twisted everything around to make thrm think they are the crazy one that is the cause of all my problems. Bully thinks others are taking advantage of them. Laugh at pain and misfortune of others. Take good people and things for granted. Dont cry because they sympathize or empathize but yell in anger throwing temper tantrum fits going into a rage often.

He has zero interest in my well being

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Vulgar vulgarity

 Rough, rash, mean, uncouth, uncivilized, incorrigible..

Some beings seem vulgar. Most of the ones I've met are males.

I have been acting vulgar as I have become older. It could be due to dealing with rude antagonistic males and some females. 

My rude actions include 

raising my voice/talking too loud/yelling, 

occassional swearing/cursing/cussing/using foul language

talking too much and over people

Rude, vulgar, abrasive behavior I have experienced from others, mostly men include

not saying excuse me or some other apology for burping belching farting 

discussing unpleasant subjects during mealtimes

pushing me out of the way

not opening the door, car or otherwise, for me

taking over an activity I am doing

performing an activity I could do for myself and they know it. they do it anyway regardless of how it makes me feel

interrupting me, talking over me, finishing my sentences

name calling

condescending attitude

making sexual advances towards me and not taking no for an answer

not taking no for an answer in regards to anything I say no to

invading my space territory 

taking things of mine, moving my stuff around 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



Focused on sports 

Worked full time teacher

Summertime painted schools full time

A job was most important

Grew up poor

Money and sex focused

Food, ate regularly, meals on time, never cooked. Breakfast snacks lunch dinner

Said to me often the best exercise is pushing yourself away from the table

Bought me my second carrS

Coin collections sacajaweia was one

Said little girls learn around the age of 5 the influence they have way they affect other people, cute, pretty

Stiff rigid narcissist, authoritarian, public image, status, how people look and dress, my or anyones  hair, appearance, his clothing, money 

Fixed one track mind, grandma called him one way corrigan, picked at grandma until she got mad angry then laughed 

Interesting how my husband is so similar to him

Used word "wonderful" when i stated something i deemed good

Always focused on how i and people look. Asked me do you ever smile?

Called people derogatory names: Lazy, punk, 

Loud voice, yelled. 

Didnt like talking on the phone but grandma did

57 years married to my grandma. December 2, 2008 she died

Got married years later to woman a 2 years older than me myrna bornjuly 1959, me july 1961

March 2018 died age 92




My grandson is an empath born april 2014

 He is naturally kind thoughtful and very sensitive. He cries easily. 

He hates contact sports. He hates certain family members dislikes others alot. Men and women. Every time i went there to babysit him He begged me to stay extra days to watch him at his house as i am not allowed to keep him at my house due to my husband.

 He hits himself rather than be aggressive fight back punch someone else. He told me his friend angel a boy his own age gets mad and hits him and he doesnt hit him back. Angel and him started spending the night with each other last year. I think he is the first stay over friend he has had.

He was slapping himself across the face until he was around 7 and i finally figured out why. He was being slapped by an adult couldnt fight back figured he would slap himself and hit himself so someone else wouldnt have to do it, same behavior that i have. I am not aggressive, never go up to someone punching them or threatening them and i live with someone who does those things to me.  I didnt teach him that, it is born into his personality.

HE is not mean cruel or otherwise harmful to other living things people or animals

He was being punched in the gut and hit in the chest at mealtimes a person yelling at him "eat your food!" He was being slapped across the face first time i knew of when he was 15 months old. It was probably happening before that because he would slap me for no reason when he was 8 months old. 

Tackled nelson wrestling hold grip, tight hold to make him stop moving punished for climbing on furniture age 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and me unreasonable punishment because all healthy children naturally climb things. He was hit hard forcefully on his legd for kicking the back of the seat in the vehicle by someone else.. i just moved the seat farther away in my van when i took him somewhere so his feet couldnt reach it. All kids kick the back of the seats in cars. 

When he was 3 we were sitting in my van in the parking lot at dollar tree 89th and wornall and he kept going on and on talking about being pushed and knocked down . I witnessed a tall man kick him in the back knocking him down to the ground more than once. He did it because he said he wasnt listening to him, not doing what he said instantly. 

Definition of crazy

What is definition of mean (hate hateful kind of)...

Is a person crazy or just plain mean?

People dont quit jobs. They quit managers

 Great thing i heard from a lady today

Absolute truth

If i refiled for disability and won id be dead by the time its approved

 2005 was 2nd time i was turned down for social disability

Judge denied claim

Same judge who denied first claim

I have mountainscof old paperwork from the filings

Had a social security disability lawyer Joan Deans office was in business building 63rd & Blue Ridge, kansas city, mo 2001 was year of first filing

Joan mailed a box of paperwork from the case after losing the second time

If it would be granted now i wonder what the back pay would be....

Back pain getting worse and worse. Bone pain about unbearable

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Men now and then

 He spends most money and time on himself, cars hobbies interests food guns stereo speakers and equipment tools camping stuff expensive color levis 517 to have the best quality of everything for himself expects me settle for anything i can get and be happy with it the bare minimum

Doesn't dance or watch me and ogles other women dancing exercising aerobics pilates yoga nude pornography and xxx adult clubs 

Yells loudly at me my left ear hearing damaged from the last ex


Leaves me at home and takes off frequently

One went to Nudie titty topless bars lied about going while I am home watching kids cooking cleaning laundry treats me like shit hits me blacks my eye

Liars cheats thieves self centered egotistical braggarts mean flirting with women in front of me and when I am not looking

Porn obsessed watchers

Monday, November 13, 2023

A Woman Who Can Retain Her Beauty past the age of 30 is a miracle

Waterproof mascara is best for me. I cry easily and rarely wear makeup anyway

I like to get the harder difficult nasty stuff done first before having fun

Black blood in parts of stool, poop. Bright red bleeding

 Noticed dark black sections in stool , again yesterday and day before . Bright red sometimes .. a couple of months ago september a large amount of bright red blood filling wads of toilet tissue paper then again several more days since. 

Researched. Dark blood Could be upper gi bleeding, stomach, colon, intestines , bright red lower area possibly colon, hemorrhoids. 

Stomach cancer or other gastrointestinal area . Whatever the cause or what it is I dont want it nor do I want examx oscopies of any kind, colonoscopy or any type of procedure.

Been eating good food, rounded diet meat vegetables raw and cooked, fruit fresh and canned. Take senna pills occassionally, natural laxative to help have bowel movement. So it is surprising to see these bleeding issues. Might explain the unexplained bouts of fatigue lasting weeks or just a few days. 

At any rate I have been slowly working on getting rid of extraneous things. Something to do while I am still alive.  Others will cart haul off the mess when I am dead or god forbid incapacitated so it only matters to me. I want consideration for the living and less of a mess for them to deal with. Universal energy knows I have certainly cleaned up plenty of messes, my own and others and continue to do so daily. Dirt and shit are handed to me in abundance to deal with. 

Way I am treated is according to the person

 Has nothing to do with value

Value is determined by the individual

One person treats me like gold while another treats me like trash, another one ignores

Saturday, November 11, 2023

All this time i wasnt the only one, just a fill in

Its a horrible feeling to be controlled

I dont know what she thinks shes doing....

 He said to cable installer guy when we first got internet 1999 road runner, time warner cable

He had to have cable tv about 40 dollars wasted per month i paid for

No can do: things obstructed, made difficult or impossible. Possible solutions

Difficult or impossible to do at home:

use Washing machine at home

Cooking what i want anytime

Cleaning floors


Clearing out getting rid of things not needed, clutter

Dusting my way

Owning appliances furniture cars dishes anything i want

Van maintenance repairs cleaning car wash in driveway

Decorating, remodelling

Garage sale

Exercising dancing at home living room

Listening to music anywhere except master bedroom

Social gatherings, holidays at home

Designing anything regarding the yard, house, any object here at house

All things duties here are made complicated difficult


Plant ownership inside or out


He took over virtually every item, area, duty, activity all the way down to smallest things like getting the mail

Talking on phone anytime i want 

Recovering properly from future back surgery i desperately need 

Having visitors i want anytime

Have grandson over or any family member or any person

Babysit anyones kids children

Be myself

College courses


EAT out. Get prepared food

Sell online

Work somewhere away from home


Car wash

Leave house to work

Leave house to exercise, have any kind of social life, entertainment, hobby

Sleep, bathe, eat frozen, canned, fresh food in house

Reduce household chores to nothing (còoking, dishes, laundry, cleaning are very time consuming activities. Use time to work, eat, socialize, hobbies away from home)

Gym community center exercise

He drove the nails in his own coffin

 By being mean 

Dictator attracted to what type of person people woman or man

 What and who they can dominate, control

Nice and easy puppet targeted

Piece of hair pie

 They all want it

Free or not

Will spend the money if they have it 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Autopilot. Run on it

 Professionals, especially do this.

Things done that are ingrained habit or instinct.

Done without thinking about it.

Female is to look at and look back

 And she doesn't have to say a word

or do anything else such as be smart, work, have know how, chase, run, compete

She looks good and gives that look and that is it

I have known a few silent females/girls/women who speak little, reveal hardly anything, stay to themselves privately and secretly, go on about whatever business they are doing and they are quite successful at living without allowing anyone to distract them 

Dumb Things

Not knowing how dumb I am/was/can be

Unaware that other people are dumb

Being dumb without realizing it

Making friends with the dumb

Listening to dumb advice from the dumb who are also unaware of just how dumb we both are

Saying dumb things

Saying anything especially when silence suits best

Dumb talks too much

Doing dumb activities

Not knowing that dumbness has nothing to do with age. An infant is often wiser than a very old person.

Dumbness often increases when the child enters school

Dumbness increases with age especially when the child learns from dumb elders, family, teachers, professionals, adults, teenagers

Dumb person doesn't know it is dumb

Dumb person does not question its intelligence or correctness

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nagging is saying it more than once

 Listen to me or anyone the first time.

Nagging, preaching, giving a sermon, lecturing, talking on and on forever incessantly telling people information, giving them messages.

Repeating themselves over and over again. Advertisers do it all of the time. 

It is done by many people who get paid to do it. 

I talk and repeat myself and am that I am lecturing and nagging.  The person didn't listen the first time, clearly evident by the questions they ask me. I do not want to have to repeat myself, do not enjoy wasting my breath, time and energy. It is exhausting.

Finally found out why I don't have a bunch of girlfriends or even one: Men and sex

 And I have lots of male friends/associates 

..... instincts in females tell them things words cannot

Nothing needs to be said, they know lots of men are attracted to me and I converse well with males. I am married and have lots of sex with my husband only. My husbands instincts tell him many men want my body for sex so he's always ready for it constantly on the alert to see if I am wanting it..he knows plenty of others are after it even though he doesn't say it often in words; his actions speak for all of it. He is hyper aware of what I am wearing at all times, the position of my body, the words I say and how much I talk, jealous, easily angered, wanting to know my whereabouts and who I talk to and what I talk about. He has always said things like "Never be alone with a man in a house or anywhere". 

In my own personal experiences he is right about not being alone with a man anywhere. Each man is different, some are polite and respect my wishes right away, some keep pushing and won't take no for an answer. However even the polite ones would jump right on top of me if I let them. 

Male wolves watching, silently waiting for a "weak" moment when they think they can slip in the back door, imagining they could have the opportunity to strike gold in the honey pot. Most of them seem to have this strange type of thinking that they can just be the lucky one because they happen to be there or they have money or skills even though I have flat out told some of them I wouldn't let you touch me regardless of what you have or do. You're not getting in my bins if you were the last man on earth. If you just want sex go find a trick whore type who does do anything with anyone for the money or job. 

And I am pretty sure these guys have a bunch of females on their want list anywhere they go or anyplace they have seen some woman they'd like to grab, drag off by her hair, fornicate her in any place whether she or he is married or not. Marriage does not mean anything to a lot of these guys I have come across. Their own wife can be standing right next to me and they make the pass, flirting when she is not looking or sometimes blatantly saying and doing sexual advances right in front of her. 

Harem collection common desire amongst men

 Some act

Some dream

Some can

Some can't

Female that I am I do not CHASE MEN/males,boys

 A simple lesson I was taught by by female elders that I am re-learning again today

Boys and men chase me

Food and drink, thoughts, activities equals mood

He takes the intitiative on all things and gets mad at me for doing to same thing

Take for granted a thing until it is missing or broken

feeling at moment determines how i see everything

My/your reaction is the reason, not the circumstance

Clothes and appearance are everything. How you are dressed determines treatment due to impression it gives.

Clock fell off wall and broke on novembrr 6, 2023

 Late evening. After 11 pm.

Put new round white background battery operated $4.82 clock on north master bedroom wall. It fell off. Broke face thin glass  and square box mechanism that operates clock broke off back plastic and came off stem and second hand. Threcentire clock away Nov. 7, 2023.

Significant event? Could be. Last time my mothers old clock fell off that wall john layson called me soon after, all hell broke loose.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

I Have Yet To Meet a Smart Man

NEVER get committed to an ADULT one who lacks SELF CONFIDENCE

They will end up destroying your life and all of your efforts will be in vain. Regardless of what you do they will never feel totally confident. They will do things to attempt to destroy your happiness and confidence in yourself. 

Once the self confidence is destroyed in CHILDHOOD it remains throughout the entire life

I have NEVER succeeded in helping any ADULT gain confidence regardless of how much I tried

The child made to feel unloved, unwanted, worthless, stupid, anything negative will attempt to do things to feel loved, wanted and important and will usually fail throughout their entire life. No amount of caring form me has built the self confidence of a grown person who carries with them the feeling of being a worthless piece of trash/crap/shit.

Monday, November 6, 2023

News fans

 Those Obsessed with news 

Learn hatred war prejudice fear 

Often old people

In their childhood observed others focusing on the war and adopted the same pattern of news stories to watch. Developed hatred for culture and differences between themselves and others

I lived with family members who watched the news observed grandparents who were prejudiced and parents who were not

My preference is to avoid focusing on the bad news therefore I skip it

Your back looks so bad I am surprised you can even walk !

 said by my husband today  November 6, 2023

"All it takes is when one disc slips...and you're going to be crippled unable to walk...

you need to be careful

Sugar causes schizophrenia" my friend Kirk said

 a few years ago Kirk made the comment about too much sugar causes schizophrenia

one of the wisest things ever said

not only does it cause serious mental disorders it results in serious physical ailments

the brain is physical 

the chemicals ingested or encountered anywhere affect the body thus the mind

airborne, liquid, solid, whatever form of matter affects all things

and the temperature and humidity levels along with wind movement is determining factor of chemical changes and affectations upon all life

Gaining is not giving up. "Giving up" is GAINING/ Exchanging

 Quitting a thing is called giving up

Framing my mind differently is what I do because if I feel like I "GAVE up" something it means I can never go back: a mental restriction limiting my feeling of CHOICE

I am not "giving up" any certain thing because the option is always open to do that thing and I choose to do something else instead of that thing that wasn't doing me any good

So I GAIN by changing my choices in whatever I do

Exchanging one behavior for another

Stupid cookie ought to be the word instead of "Smart"

 too much flour and sugar makes one stupid

Sunday, November 5, 2023

The first test of a truly great man is his humility." -- Ruskin

 Your Daily Quotation:

"The first test of a truly great man is his humility."

-- Ruskin

Many things i wish i had learned as a child 12-30-2018

 many things i wish i had learned as a child

12-30-2018 original date written

health: food diet nutrition

  how to cook

wealth: money management and attaining money and property



  stress management and elimination of unnecessary stress

  appreciation what is and what has been and what will be


  how to know and understand myself,

relate to different kinds of people






employees at businesses I do business with

strangers I meet when I am out walking, shopping


 how to read people,  accept myself as i am and 

others as they are 

practice self control instead of thinking i can control everyone and everything around me


drives of life... what motivates people

the reasons why we think, feel and do what we do

purpose: procreation, replication, sex, self expression, control

recognition, appreciation

necessities :

air first

water second

food third

shelter housing



I repeat this to myself daily: 

I am healthy, wealthy, wise, happy, free and have lots of friends and family.

I grew up in a well meaning family who did the best they could with what

they had. 

However I didn't know anyone who wondered why they thought and

did what they did or how they arrived at where they were.

Dysfunction at its best. Nobody explained to me what was going on.

Nobody knew what was really happening or why

and they didn't want to know why.

I questioned the behavior of myself, my family and other people I knew.

I asked many people why, why, why.? 

Often I was told to shut up, not question anyone and not to

disagree with anyone.

Agreeing with everyone is impossible. I resolved to agree to disagree and

not force my opinions upon others but let them know what I think and

they are free to think any way they want to think. That is okay with me.

I have been told I think too much, am crazy, don't understand

I have been humiliated, criticized, laughed at, minimized, shut out,

ridiculed, ostracized

Electric shock to stop animal from its own instinct?

Food, drinks chemicals cause results

Mood, state of mind




Size, growth, weight


I am convinced these chemicals are responsible for sanity or insanity, the ability for the being to be calm or out of control, basically any state of being.

Greedy are like pigs

Greedy are like pigs 

Hogging up the good stuff, running things, doing as little as possible

and tricking other people into being slaves by withholding true information

and lying to the public

Promoting ideas of being a workaholic, an alcoholic, an exercise freak

who consumes strange brews and food in order to look like an inhuman 

muscular mass, a fanatic of something --pick a category 

Once a rumor comes out in the news it is followed by innocent

brainwashed beings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fake food, concoctions, remedies, cures is advertised and pushed

Lots of cheap drinks and food sweetened either with sugar or artificially sweeteners, 

imitation flavors, enchancers (this stuff makes them the most money especially 

premade drinks, sauces and premade seasonings and packaged items)

Finally have peace to write at 12:45 am

 Long day of housework, food preparation, eating, resting awhile, lots of dishes.

No walk today. Will definitely go out tomorrow. 

Hope they quit daylight saving time by next spring.

It's not saving anything ..ideated by money minded idiocratisers like people I have lived with that scrimp down to the bare bone on little stuff like a night light left on so a person can see if they happen to get up in the middle of the night then maybe they won't trip and fall and break their neck.

Ridiculous nonsense for fools disrupting people's lives.

He/she has been trained like a dog

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Health Care costs will consume everything you have if you are not aware of it

Pretty Female Girl Woman always in season by anyone, males or females

Just spent hour and a half in the kitchen..again

Roast onions celery carrots potatoes green beans in the instant pot pressure cooker

never finished

constant daily duties

unpaid labor

i would have to get up at 4 am in order to get household stuff done and it would take me 3 to 4 hours a day to do food prep, kitchen cleaning, floors, laundry, windows, driveway, patio

john layson

 july 13, 2021

delameter plumbing  358-8952
layson family used for many years,-95.0527898,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87c0e398e3e214d9:0xa4de6d691af11ddc!8m2!3d39.0520615!4d-94.4909199?hl=en

v's restaurant
owner friend of his dad quinton layson and mom bernadine layson

the levee knows owner kerr
john and jacque giles visited

1972 softball award richards gebaur afb air force base

55th garfield lived as a child before moving to raytown, missouri
at 8413 spring valley rd

went to high school at raytown south high

college washington university st louis missouri



there's an adjustable table in the living room it's yours

get an attorney now, immediately have a will made up .. i had a heart attack and don't know when i am going to die. i want to make sure it's all covered. it's all going to you, whatever i have

said "i don't have enough time" dont have enough space, dont have enough money

called me "cyber sarah" (i was on computer most of the time) and "pocahontas" when my hair was in pigtails, "little bird" left her nest when i got my own sales spot/booth at the flea market


would not clean up anything. jacqueline giles his lifelong friend was neighbor since childhood told me he wouldn't take a shower after mowing grass in the yard and would go 2 to 3 weeks without a shower. she took baths he didn't. she said he would bring things back in she threw in the trash and wouldn't allow her to clean anything up in his house ..she lived in his basement for years after i quit working with him at flea market in september 2008 .not sure exactly when she moved out but it was before december 2020. 
he blasted music through several stereo systems playing all at once in different rooms of the house
he slammed cabinet doors in the kitchen on upstairs floor when angry usually because he couldn't find something jacque heard him yelling while she was in the basement. 

john was a hoarder. 2 story ranch 3 bedroom 3 bath completely packed wall to wall floor to ceiling with barely enough room to snake walk in paths from room to room; living room, kitchen, hallway, dining room, bath, basement

he minimized undercut underestimated time it took to do anything. he didn't create anything of his own, except a multtude of messes wherever he was. he copied music and movies from any recorded device. he received letters from recording industry regarding illegal activities he did which were tracked on the internet isp but somewhow escaped being sued or going to jail or whatever they do to prosecute violators 

he had many fines from city of raytown for illegal unlicensed vehicles, overgrowth of grass weeds etcetera in the yard/lawn at his residence

Friday, November 3, 2023

Wake up little Suzy susie

They must run and feel free to roam... looking for the "P"

It's like candy: The female part they want

 exact words out of my son's mouth

men searching for that thing

interesting because i told a guy many years ago 

when you are bad you don't get any candy

Norman wanted to give me his land and everything he had


lived on Pershing Road in Raytown, Missouri

born April 20, 1922

he lived in a huge mess junkyard cars and automotive parts scattered everywhere

disorganized dirty mess

much like a lot of other men i know and have known

norman never got married but did have sex with very few women and believed he got his niece pregnant

she was married to his nephew

he kept saying he couldnt figure out why he felt compelled had an irrestible urge to fuck me 

he screwed the other woman many years before ..must have been the same instinctual urge to GET IT

PREMADE food. MOST costly way to eat

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Territorial creatures we are

 As are animals and all life forms I have seen/witnessed

including any kind of life be it plant or microbe

needing own space 

Tastys chicken encounter

 Standing in line ordering my food

Man named randy solicited me. Western name

I said im not interested in a relationship

He said it doesnt have to be a relationship, heres my business card with my address come ti my house anytime

Computer repairs he works from home 

His son has same name

I wrongly thought once i got old enough it would stop (being solicited for sex by men and hated by women)

 And falsely believed a man would love me thru thick and thin regardless of my appearance health or work i do or favors for him and his family and friends

This friend tried to get me to meet him at a motel wanting sex

 I never told anyone who

Which is named stitz

And he has known me and my husband for many years, since 2002 or 2003

I refused the motel offer he said one time and ignored sex offer every time he mentioned it

I have zero interest in him or intention of ever doing anything with this person. It is strictly business and friendship, I thought it was anyway. 

It appears no man can be my friend and he not having ideas other than friendship

I remember certain things not all things

Trust myself. Dont trust anyone else

 Lesson realizing now after living over 60 years in this body on this planet/plane.

Only one can keep quiet if only one knows.

Anyone knowing anything who tells anyone else then it is spread around like lightning fire warp speed. 

Any sound sight sense interpreted is replicated repeated even if imaginary.

A real or imagined truth or falsehood revealed in any form of communication can destroy or idolize anyone anywhere.

Caution with thoughts speech actions is wise but wont guarantee destruction or emulation adoration.

Anyone is target at any time. Surprise attacks are commonplace.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

He needs to know that other men want me, grandma said

Now i know why women spend so much on beauty for themselves

 Which is exactly what i need to do. Focus on getting and remaining beautiful . That is the only thing that matters

He said oh yes she gets anything she wants when she looks good enough

Many men have told me similar things stated in different ways

love spreading appeals to me naturally